Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 268 Chapter 368, A good boy who was forced

That night, Zhen Yuanzi meditated as usual, but he still couldn't meditate. I feel my anger rising, my heart raging, and I can't restrain myself.

When the sun appeared in the east, Zhen Yuanzi's evil deeds walked out of Zhen Yuanzi's room and entered Hongyun's room.

Hongyun was so familiar with Zhen Yuanzi's aura that people pushed the door open before Hongyun left her sleep.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that it was the evil corpse that Zhen Yuanzi had never released. I remember the last time I saw her was when Zhen Yuanzi opened up the immortal world and beheaded evil corpses.

You were still so angry during the day, why did you let it out now?
"What are you doing here?" Hongyun looked at Mu Heng in confusion.
He asked Zhen Yuanzi to release the evil corpse because he wanted to ask Mu Heng face to face if he was willing. After all, Saint Yuanyang is not a trivial person. If you must give it to others, it is better to give it to your own people. After all, the wealth will not flow to outsiders.

But for her to come here in the middle of the night, was it Zhen Yuanzi who agreed and ordered her to come?

That doesn't work, how can Hongyun force others to do anything difficult!
Mu Heng looked extremely unnatural and hesitated to speak. He just walked closer to Hongyun and took off his clothes.

Hong Yun jumped up from the couch, closed her eyes and refused to look at her, just cast a spell and ran out.

As a result, the door was closed. Hongyun tried to break through the door, but was bounced back by the barrier on the door.

Hongyun lay on the ground, looking at the door and Mu Heng in disbelief.

The only person in Wuzhuang Temple who can cultivate better than him is Zhen Yuanzi. Even he can't break this barrier. It must be Zhen Yuanzi who triggered the earth book.

"Wait, wait!" Hongyun covered her clothes tightly and stayed as far away from Mu Heng as possible.

"There is no need to rush this matter, there is no need to rush~"

"I have something to tell you!"

Mu Heng hesitated for a moment, but still refused to speak, and continued to approach Hongyun.

Hongyun is like a good woman who was molested by a bully. She is pitiful, weak and helpless. "Are you willing?"

Hongyun, a forced person who couldn't escape even if he wanted to, asked the person who forced him very politely.

Mu Heng stopped taking action this time. Instead, he held his clothes with both hands and looked at Hongyun like a fool.

"I will never force anyone to do anything. If you don't want to, just go out. Zhen Yuanzi will never blame you." Hongyun made another promise

Now I can't wait to go back to the daytime, interrupting my conversation with Zhen Yuanzi with a slap. It was the first time for Pingbai to experience the frivolous treatment of a young girl when someone blocked her door.

Mu Heng suddenly smiled, and in this smile, Hongyun noticed something was wrong.

How come two people who look completely different smile so much like each other?

Hongyun's eyes suddenly widened and she suddenly hit Mu Heng.

Mu Heng seemed to be prepared. He turned his head slightly to avoid Hong Yun's attack, and turned around to look at Hong Yun calmly.

Hongyun was shocked, and her absurd idea became more certain.

Mu Heng took another step, and this time the two fought fiercely. If it weren't for the Earth Book barrier, the house would have been destroyed long ago.

Qingfeng Mingyue heard the sound of fighting in their rooms. After coming out of their respective rooms, they did not dare to come forward to ask, so they had to wait in the courtyard. Occasionally, I heard a loud noise, and I huddled together in fear, trembling.

Ten years later, there was a thunderbolt from the clear sky above Wuzhuang Temple, and a huge thunder with a thick tree trunk struck Hongyun's room.

The two people in the room were startled by the huge thunder, and then quickly stepped out to feel the thunder.

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