Empress Nuwa nodded with satisfaction, as if remembering something again, and asked: "You must remember not to harm any living beings. After the deed is accomplished, I will enable you to achieve positive results."

"Yes, the little demon knows." The leader of the vixen responded.

Nuwa gently waved her hand, and the three Xuanyuan Tomb demons were sent out of the Wa Palace by an unstoppable force.

After Di Xin returned to Chaoge, he rushed back to Wuzhuang Temple in his first intention, and reported the faint scent of sandalwood from Nuwa Palace to Hongyun.

Hongyun had specifically warned her before that once she discovered any Western methods, she must report them in detail. So when Chu Xin smelled the scent of sandalwood, he immediately reported it back regardless of whether it was an illusion or not.

Hong Yun thought: Seeing that what some people speculated in later generations is true, why did Emperor Xin, who was both civil and military in the early stage and had outstanding military exploits, suddenly become lustful and boldly blaspheme Nuwa? Someone is indeed plotting against her.

"You can go back now. Since Emperor Xin has appointed you as the Imperial Master of Yin and Shang, you must fulfill your duties. But remember to save your life, otherwise your soul will be on the list of gods and you will not be free!" Hong Yun warned Chu Xin and let Chu Xin leave.

In recent years, Kong Xuan has recruited disciples and taught in the human race. Many generals in the Yin and Shang Dynasties were disciples of Kong Xuan. Even the two brothers Yin Jiao and Yin Hong worshiped under Kong Xuan's sect. Although Kong Xuan did not have an official position, his status in the Yin and Shang Dynasties was not low.

Buran was a guest of Jizhou Hou Suhu, and taught Su Daji some immortal arts. Although he did not accept a disciple, he still had a half-teacher relationship.

Don't forget to go to Xiqi and take Boyikao as your disciple. In this way, Hongyunbu's big game can begin.

After Chuxin left, Hongyun also sent a message to Nuwa. Tell Nuwa the truth about this matter. It doesn't matter whether Nuwa is angry with Emperor Xin, but we cannot let Nuwa let go of the mastermind behind the scenes. She has been desecrated in vain!

As for evidence, there is no need at all, Nuwa can naturally judge. In Wa Palace, Nuwa and Fuxi were silent after hearing the message.

"Take in the thief!" Fuxi slapped the bookcase in front of him.
Nuwa also blushed with anger: "But he is sure that I must punish Dashang. Otherwise, where is the majesty of a saint like me?"

"What a coward for a saint like me! After I became a saint, I seemed to have become a prisoner in the Wa Palace. Seeing the destruction of the monster clan, I knew that brother you were in danger of death, but I couldn't take action. If it weren't for some mistake, you and I This is how we say goodbye~”

Fuxi hugged the furious Nuwa and said, "Sister, don't be upset, it doesn't matter if he has some conspiracy. His actions have already made people angry, and which saint wouldn't want to kill him!"

"That Emperor Xin refused to offer incense again to apologize, so you deserve to punish him. We can't just let the traitor scheme against you, and we can't just let it go."

This is exactly what Nuwa was thinking: "Brother, what should we do?"

Fuxi thought for a moment and then said: "Hongyun sent the news not just to explain to Di Xin. Since he has decided to die, he must have plans to deal with Jie Yin.

Why don't we form an alliance with Hongyun, let the blood flow to the west first, and then attack Mount Sumeru after the Tribulation of the Gods is over, and have a good fight with Jieyin! "

Nuwa sighed softly, everyone bullied her!
She became a saint through meritorious deeds. Only one of the three corpses was killed, and her cultivation was the lowest among the saints. Even those who have great aspirations to become saints through meritorious deeds are better than her.

Her cultivation level is not as good as others, and she has few disciples. Now that she knew she was being plotted, she still had to do what others asked her to do for the sake of her dignity.

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