Prehistoric: When a good old man awakens to the evil system

Chapter 278 Chapter 278, Emperor Xin meets Daji

In the palace of Chaoge, Emperor Xin wanted to choose a concubine, but was forced to do so by all the ministers in the court, so he had no choice but to give up. But looking at the concubine he once doted on, Di Xin felt that it was boring and could no longer be seen. His heart became more and more bored, so he simply took Fei Zhongyouhun and his two favorites to go hunting in the royal garden to relieve his boredom.

Di Xin was born with supernatural powers and had fought on the battlefield, and his physical ability to change from pillar to post was far beyond that of ordinary people. I saw him holding a gleaming gold bow, drawing it like a full moon. Countless jackals, tigers, leopards, deer, deer, foxes and cranes were killed by his arrows.

Fei Zhong, Youhun and others applauded and cheered beside him, and the flattering and boastful words made Emperor Xin elated. He only felt that he was the lord of the world and could compare with the saints.

On the way back to the palace with the army, he accidentally saw a white shadow flashing in the forest. Di Xin took a closer look and found that it was a white fox, with fur as pure white as snow, and a pair of dark eyes showing endless agility and cunning. It was really like a mountain elf, very endearing.

"Before leaving the palace, the queen persuaded the lonely king not to just have fun, which was really annoying. When the lonely king beats the fox and sends her away, it will shut her up!" After Di Xin finished speaking, he whipped the horse and directly Speed ​​out.

Fei Zhongyou hurriedly glanced at his men, and the accompanying generals quickly rode their horses to surround him in two directions, hoping to capture the white fox and present it to Emperor Xin.

Unexpectedly, the white fox seemed to have divine help. The wind blew under its feet and disappeared into the forest in a few leaps.

When Di Xin saw the white fox disappearing, he couldn't help but feel a strong sense of unwillingness and reluctance in his heart, as if something destined was leaving him, and he galloped even harder. I don’t know how long I chased him, but I came to a lake unknowingly.

I saw the lake surrounded by green trees. The lake water was as clear as sapphire, with the blue sky and white clouds reflected in it. The surrounding flowers and plants were swaying like swaying fairies. The refreshing fragrance filled the entire forest, which was unforgettable. worry.

Di Xin and a group of soldiers were immersed in the beautiful scenery for a while and forgot the purpose of their trip.

Suddenly, a white shadow emerged from the forest, it was the white fox.

The white fox glanced at Di Xin with its smart and cunning eyes, flicked its fluffy cloud-like tail, and jumped straight into the lake.

"Slow down!" Seeing the white fox seeking death like this, Di Xin felt anxious and couldn't help but stop him.

But it was too late, the white fox figure had already escaped into the clear lake water.

The strange thing is that when the white fox entered the water, it didn't cause any ripples. In just an instant, white mist rose from the lake, and soon filled the forest, adding a touch of fairyland to this beautiful lake view.

"This... Your Majesty, this place is quite strange. Otherwise, we should go back to the palace first." Although the scenery is beautiful, Fei Zhong, a traitor, has a mind far beyond ordinary people. He is not confused by the beautiful scenery. He only feels that everything in this place is transparent. The appearance was strange and it was not advisable to stay for a long time, so he couldn't help but advise King Zhou to return to the palace.

"Gu is the king of men. With the fortune of the Shang Dynasty protecting his body, how dare any demon dare to attack Gu!" Di Xin waved his hands indifferently, staring at the mist-filled lake with some interest.

I saw a woman with her back to everyone, sitting on a small boat, slowly drifting away along the current. The woman's black hair was like dark clouds on her temples, and her figure was as graceful as a clear lotus in the water. She held a jade fan in her hands and fanned the wind intermittently, as if she was bored.

The furry ears revealed the woman's identity.

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