Chapter 301

Ao Guang was so aggrieved that he almost cried. He pulled Ao Bing to sit down and said, "Father was beaten! Your fourth brother also..."

Ao Bing was shocked and asked quickly: "What is going on? How is the fourth brother?"

Then Ao Guang popped beans like bamboo slips and narrated for a while.

In Chentangguan, due to the hot weather, Li Nezha, the son of Li Jing, the commander-in-chief of Chentangguan, secretly ran out of Chentangguan and went to the beach to take a bath.

When playing in the water, he used the Hun Tian Ling to sway in the sea, causing the entire sea to become turbulent, and some creatures with low cultivation levels were seriously injured.

Seeing this, Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, sent Xunhai Yaksha to inspect the situation on the coast. After a while, the shrimp soldiers came to report that Yaksha was brutally beaten to death by a young boy.

At this time, the fourth prince Ao Ding happened to come in. Hearing this, he was furious.

Without waiting for Ao Guang to agree, he turned around and went to the coast to punish the arrogant man.

But Ao Ding was not well cultivated and underestimated the enemy. He was defeated by Nezha in just a few moves and was seriously injured.

But Nezha still refused to give up. Thinking that his father's birthday was approaching, he stripped Ao Ding and walked away with cramps.

Ao Guang almost fainted when he heard the bad news.

Finally, he endured his grief and recovered his son's body. But seeing the tragic death of his son, he couldn't help but feel sad.

After finding out the truth, Ao Guang went to Chentangguan in person, but he didn't expect Nezha to be unrepentant and talk nonsense.

Ao Guangda was angry, turned around and left, threatening to go to heaven.

Unexpectedly, Nezha was so bold that he stopped Ao Guang on the way to Nantianmen and beat Ao Guang with a black nose and a swollen face.

After listening to Ao Guang's narration, Ao Bing was shocked. No matter how downcast they are, they are still dragons. How could you allow people to be bullied like this?

Therefore, Ao Bing killed Nezha and was chased by Taiyi.

"Did you kill him yourself?" Hongyun realized something was wrong. According to the situation in the novel, Ao Bing couldn't defeat Nezha, so how did he kill Nezha?

Ao Bing told the truth: "Senior Brother Yusheng is with us."

That makes sense. Yu Sheng is a great Luo cultivator, so it is easy to kill Nezha.

"Where is your senior brother?" Hongyun found out that neither Huiyu nor Yuheng was in the mountain.

"Senior brother helped me kill Nezha and then went to the human world." Ao Bing continued to tell his story.

Ao Guang was furious: "Nezha killed my beloved son, how can I be divorced from him? I will appeal to the heaven to convict him of having no royal eyes and killing the official."


Ao Bing was determined to kill Nezha. Knowing that he was no match for Nezha, he simply asked his senior brother to take action.

Ao Guang was startled and couldn't help but said anxiously: "Although my son has advanced cultivation, Nezha has two powerful magic weapons to protect his body, the Qiankun Circle and the Huntian Ling, which are difficult to deal with!"

Ao Guang was still very worried. He already lost a son. If he had another son, the East China Sea Dragon Palace would have no successor in the future.

"Father, don't worry, this won't be possible!" Ao Bing comforted Ao Guang absentmindedly, then turned around and left the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

A few days later, Nezha was blocked outside the city. The next ray of silver light flew over and blocked the way.

Nezha was furious. "Any blind thing who dares to block my way, get out of here!

"I'm going to ask you to be a sensible person and kill me, the crown prince of the Dragon Clan, but you still want to escape with your whole body intact?" Ao Bing's expression was indifferent.

"Are you dragon princes just big loaches?" Nezha's eyes were full of contempt, and he used the Qiankun Circle in his hand as if he was going to kill someone.

Ao Bing was furious, summoned his weapon, and stabbed in the air.

I often make mistakes when I'm sleepy. I've made some minor revisions. Please forgive me and read it again.

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