Chapter 327

Yang Jian had really forgotten that he was used to raising flags, but now he was slapped in the face when he spat out his words.

But now I can only continue to speak harshly: "That's not your intention to ridicule. Don't forget who was seriously injured by my uncle Yuding and ran back to the master in disgrace!"

Ao Bing was also angry, pinched his waist and said angrily: "Only you, Chanjiao, have the nerve to say this. My disciple was acting recklessly outside and beat my brother to death, but his revenge was against heaven. You Chanjiao are in line with God's will." Does the teaching have the final say?”

Yuan Hong looked at Yang Jian and then at Ao Bing. Wasn't he the one who was fighting just now? Why is it like this now?
There's no need for him to be here anymore, why don't he leave?

Yang Jian pointed his three-pointed two-edged spear: "Stop talking nonsense!"

"Since you are still so dissatisfied, then show off your Wuzhuangguan skills and compete with me! See if your Wuzhuangguan can only punish words!" After Yang Jian finished speaking, he rushed over directly.

Ao Bing also sacrificed his magic weapon and fought with Yang Jian.

Both of them practiced the Eight-nine Mysterious Skills, and when they fought in the same place, it was hard to tell who was superior. It’s just that Yang Jian was particularly shocked by Ao Bing’s skills. After a few moves, he started to curse:
"What a thief, how dare you secretly learn my teaching skills!"

Ao Bing was also merciless: "Don't be shameless. This is a technique passed down to Xuanmen by Taoist ancestors. When did it become your ability to explain the teachings!"

The two exchanged blows and insults at the same time, gradually turning from overt ridicule to full-blown insults and derogations.

The seven monsters of Meishan who were watching the excitement were amazed by the self-cultivation of the saint's disciples.

When Ao Bing was struggling more and more, he heard Yang Xian's voice, and then he remembered that he came out of the darkness to help, and quickly shouted down: "Why don't you come to help me and wait for him to trouble you again?"

Yuan Hong hesitated for a moment. Yang Jian, who already had a grudge against him, and his enemy's enemy chose Ao Bing. He took out his weapon and hit Yang Jian.

Yang Jian was shocked, blocked Yuan Hong's attack with his heavenly eye and left in a hurry. Ao Bing was stunned by the bright light from the Sky Eye, and let Yang Jian escape.

He cursed disdainfully: "Hmph! Just run away if you can't beat him, you coward!"

The Seven Meishan Monsters secretly suppressed a smile. If you can do it, you can be good. If you can't beat it, just ask someone for help. You have the nerve to criticize others!
Yuan Hong looked at Ao Bing without saying anything, but his eyes expressed his thoughts.

"Huh? Aren't you going to chase me?" Yang Xian smiled sweetly and moved closer to Ao Bing.

Ao Bing glanced at the beautiful goat spirit. Although he wanted to be more domineering, he knew that he was no match for Yang Jian in a single fight. If he caught up with him, he would be killed.

But for the sake of image in front of the beauty, I also thought of an excuse for myself: "I won't go, the mission assigned to me by Master is the most important!"

Yang Xian had a narrow look on his face: "Oh~"

Ao Bing coughed twice in embarrassment and turned to look at Yuan Hong: "Yuan Hong, Yang Jian has already made enemies with you, and he was defeated in your Meishan realm. Chanjiao will probably come here to cause trouble."

"All seven of you can follow me back to Wanshou Mountain, okay?"

Yuan Hong hesitated for a moment and asked: "You want us brothers to be the guardian beasts of the mountain?"

Just now Yang Jian asked him to hand over the mark of the original god to become the guardian beast of Yuquan Mountain, but he refused to agree even if he tried to offend Chanjiao. Now if Ao Bing had the same intention, he would inevitably start a fight and offend a saint force.

However, if they offended two major forces at the same time, their brothers would have to hide in another mountain for thousands of years.

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