Chapter 372

After these girls finished eating the fruit, He Yuxin took them to buy new jewelry and clothes, took them to take a bath, washed them and put on new clothes. They still looked very cramped, but the dead silence in their eyes was reduced a lot.

Then, He Yuxin began to wash them//n.

"Your current life is not satisfactory. Have you ever thought about changing everything?"

They didn't speak, and He Yuxin didn't care.

"I know that in your mind, your current situation is hopeless. Your parents and relatives also belittle you in this way, as if you are still alive, which is a gift they gave you. No matter how painful it is, you must treat them Thank you.”

They still didn't speak, and their heads hung lower.

However, He Yuxin smiled at this time.

"Your parents, relatives, and friends, and even everyone who says this, actually have one thing in common, that is, they want to gain value from you."

"You know, when someone wants to get value from you, you and the other party are actually in opposition. It is a negotiation relationship, a transaction relationship, a partner, or an opponent."

"They don't want to give anything, they just want to extract value from you. This is a kind of robbery. They need to make you weak, easy to control, and obedient."

"When they have such thoughts, no matter what their identity is, the actual relationship between you is that of enemies."

"Wake up, my girls. How can you listen to the enemy? Everything the enemy says and does is harmful to you. What can they do for you? They will only suppress you and do anything they can. to suppress you."

"From words to actions, even if you are very good, they will use actions and words to suppress you, then press you on the cutting board, cut your flesh and blood inch by inch, and squeeze the value from your body."

"Why do you have to give in? Is it because there are many of them and they talk too much, so you also regard their fallacies as truth?"

He Yuxin looked at them with a smile and was not in a hurry. After saying this, she waited quietly for them to express their opinions.

He Yuxin waited for a long time before a girl looked up at He Yuxin with scarlet eyes, but she didn't say anything and just lowered her head again.

In fact, they did not agree with what He Yuxin said. From the first sentence she spoke, they did not agree with what she said.

In fact, from the moment He Yuxin distributed the fruit to them, they developed a rebellious mentality towards He Yuxin.

They are already people who have been stepped into the mud. If they stay in that environment for a long time, it will be difficult for them to avoid psychological problems.

They had already surrendered to the evil people. In front of those people, they were submissive and did not dare to resist at all. They lived in numbness and pain. The double physical and mental torture made them unable to find the direction to hate.

But when He Yuxin approached them with good intentions, they were overwhelmed and repelled.

The people who had turned into mud suddenly grew thorns, and they instinctively did not want He Yuxin to get close.

Moreover, looking at He Yuxin, they could not help but feel jealous.

They were jealous of everything about He Yuxin.

Jealous of her beauty, jealous of her wealth, jealous of her good life...

Even despicably, they want He Yuxin to be like them, so that He Yuxin, who is above them, can also taste their pain.

They have no education and no education. Many of their ideas are instilled in them by the people around them. Their thoughts have been deformed, but they are not aware of it.

But He Yuxin knew it. Everyone says there is something hateful about poor people, and this is true to a certain extent.

It’s not that poor people are bad, but it’s hard for people who have lived in poverty for a long time without developing psychological problems.

These girls are typical.

He Yuxin allowed this emotion to ferment. When the girls trembled slightly and began to cry silently, she smiled again and spoke.

"I will tell you a truth now. Some people have classes, and classes do not distinguish between men and women. If someone emphasizes to you that men are superior to women, and men should be higher than women, then this person must want to get some benefit from this statement. This is a verbal suppression to extract benefits from you.”

"That is an attack, an attack against you. It is not a wise saying, but the enemy's method of attacking you."

"Why does the word chastity appear? Who created it? What is the purpose of the person who created it? Is it to suppress women? Or is it just a compliment and think it is a kind of beauty?"

"If it's just a simple compliment, then you are healthy, happy, charming, beautiful, kind... these are all compliments, why do you insist on holding on to your chastity?"

"You can be healthy, happy, and charming in the future."

"Now there is an opportunity for you to embrace a better future. Do you want to give it a try?"

He Yuxin said so much just to introduce the concept of "future".

There is no one who does not yearn for a better future, especially those who are in the abyss.

He Yuxin waited quietly again, but this time, there was no more reaction from these women.

Don’t they want a better future?

They think so, but their perception of themselves is distorted.

They feel that they are dirty, unclean, mud, humble and unworthy.

So they didn't respond. They were numb and didn't believe what He Yuxin said at all.

Once they start to dream about a better future, the unhappiness they have experienced will replay over and over again in their minds, driving them crazy and painful, pulling them back to the abyss of reality again and again.

In fact, there is a better way to treat these women, and that is to give them the magical fruit.

The magical fruit not only cures physical illnesses, it also has a soothing and healing effect on the mind.

Not much, just one pill per person, these girls can be separated from the mire of negative emotions, the pain will go away, and they will find permanent peace.

But He Yuxin would not do that.

It wasn't because of anything else, it was just that He Yuxin felt it wasn't worth it.

She is a person who climbed out of the abyss, so in her inherent knowledge, she believes that as long as there is correct guidance, individuals can get rid of those negative emotions, and this kind of getting rid of is a powerful symbol.

Using external force to escape is, after all, a trivial approach.

Seeing that they were silent, He Yuxin immediately used her trump card.

"I haven't gotten married yet, but I already have many male favorites, and they all follow me willingly."

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