Chapter 383

Now that He Yuxin had taken action, she had no intention of showing mercy. The boys were too stunned at first to resist, but when they wanted to resist, they discovered that one or two of them couldn't beat her at all.

These guys didn't have much fighting experience, so their first reaction when they were hurt was to run instead of attacking together.

So the first victim soon appeared.

The one who ran slowly was killed directly by the three sticks.

The moment the boy fell down, everyone's eyes changed.

The vaguely hostile and fearful eyes focused on He Yuxin like needle pricks.

But He Yuxin only cared about the boy she beat to death.

Three times, the steel bars hit his back, arms, and shoulder blades.

He Yuxin was sure that with the strength and location of her blow, the boy would be in pain, but a dead person would never be hurt.

But this person is indeed dead, so there is only one possibility.

The boy was dead before she hit him.

She had made such a guess before taking action, otherwise it would not have been possible to use steel bars, a prop that is miraculous against ghosts.

In fact, He Yuxin had expected that something would happen to the bride-to-be team.

It was not until this time that something happened to the team, which surprised He Yuxin.

After all, with Jin Xiaoshu's fighting power, if she really finds Jin Chan's location and the two confront each other, this dungeon will basically be over.

Golden Toad is obviously not that stupid.

He Yuxin looked around. She couldn't tell which of these people were human and which were ghosts, so she just asked.

"Where's the steward?"

Don't worry about that now, the most important thing now is to take care of things.

If the steward dies, the marriage will not be held.

This is not what He Yuxin wants.

But these people all kept silent, and no one answered He Yuxin's question.

Very good. He Yuxin closed her eyes and already felt the difficulty of this copy.

Is it possible to use money to bribe these people now to get information about the management?

He Yuxin weighed it in her mind and decided that she couldn't. These people were now very wary of her.


He Yuxin was thinking about countermeasures, but those people stared at He Yuxin for a while but didn't say anything. They just walked away from He Yuxin silently without saying a word.

It seemed that killing a boy only kept them away from some He Yuxin, but not more.

He Yuxin reached out and touched the vines on her wrist. She thought about whether to ask Jin Xiaoshu to find the steward, but gave up after hesitating.

She thought of a more suitable existence - Xiu Gou.

Xiu Gou is not trustworthy now. Its position is unclear, but it is precisely because its position is unclear that it is easy to operate.

She turned around and entered the house, as if she didn't want to deal with these people anymore.

In fact, after entering the house, she kicked the other girls out, closed the door and opened the window at the back.

The courtyard wall was surrounded by a fence, and the window at the back of the house faced the fence. He Yuxin didn't jump out of the window, she just opened the window and looked around, then touched the vines on her wrist. The vines moved, and began to grow as if they were connected with He Yuxin's thoughts. They climbed up the window and grew outside. Soon the outer wall of the window was covered with such vines, and beautiful flowers even bloomed on the vines. .

When ready, He Yuxin began to pour gold coins outside.

Xiu Gou's injuries don't seem to be fake. Regardless of whether it betrayed him or not, at least the injuries on Xiu Gou's body were not properly treated. This means that even if it really betrayed the traitor, Golden Toad did not help it. Golden Toad should They don’t trust Xiu Gou.

At least that's what it looks like on the surface.

He Yuxin Assuming that Xiu Gou really betrayed him, what benefits would he gain from betraying him?

It almost didn't take much thinking about He Yuxin to know that if Xiu Gou really betrayed him, it would definitely want her.

No matter how well Xiu Gou concealed it, He Yuxin was still tired of it and resisted it. Sang Mingyang once told her when the two were alone that Xiu Gou wanted to devour her. In Xiu Gou's eyes, she was not only a huge blood bag but also a Attractive experience package.

As long as he eats her, Xiu Gou's injuries will be healed immediately, and his strength will even increase by one level.

And this should also be the point of conflict between Xiu Gou and Jin Chan.

Why did Jin Chan attack her? Is it because she messed up the divine fruit deal between him and the Zerg?
This should be possible, but He Yuxin believes that this is not the only possibility, or even the greatest possibility.

Most likely, the golden toad sensed a threat.

In fact, from a certain perspective, He Yuxin and Jin Chan are on the same road. He Yuxin's power system is 'luck', trapping, and eating.

Jin Chan's power system is wealth, and he needs to constantly accumulate wealth to replenish himself.

And He Yuxin's power is also related to money.

The more money she accumulates, the more lethal her skills can be when they explode.

And this accumulation is not a huge meal for Jinchan.

Therefore, it is inferred from the final result that the needs between Jin Chan and Xiu Gou are in conflict.

Both of them want to 'inherit' her 'legacy', and Xiu Gou is obviously at a disadvantage, so there is something to be done here.

He Yuxin does not intend to rely solely on Jin Xiaoshu's powerful clearance. She will not place her treasure on any one person.

The gold coins are piled higher and higher, and their golden appearance is very attractive.

He Yuxin directly poured out 30,000 gold coins this time, and then waited.

Xiu Gou did not appear immediately, but He Yuxin was very patient. She knew very well that the wedding party would not leave the village today. She had an instinctive intuition about the conspiracy and had already thought about what might happen before the danger was exposed. thing, so she is still waiting.

This waiting lasted for about an hour, until He Yuxin stretched out her hand, as if to take back the gold coins, and then an afterimage suddenly appeared, standing directly on the mountain of gold coins, devouring those gold coins in big mouthfuls.

The gold coins turned into mist and were swallowed up by Xiu Gou. Thirty thousand gold coins were just 'dessert' to it.

He landed lightly on the ground. Xiu Gou, who was covered in scars and even had one eye blind, sat obediently on the ground, his eyes still moist and trying to be cute with He Yuxin.

He Yuxin smiled at it, didn't ask anything, and just continued to pour the gold coins.

The gold coins were flying, and Xiu Gou was very happy to eat.

This many gold coins are exactly what Xiu Gou needs now.

It was just piles and piles, until tens of millions of gold coins turned into air waves and were swallowed up by Xiu Gou. Its eyes grew back and all the wounds on its body healed. He Yuxin didn't ask it much. One sentence.

Xiu Gou, who had regained his splendor, squatted on the ground in silence. He looked at her with a very complicated look, not knowing what he was thinking.

But He Yuxin just smiled and stared at it silently.

After a long time, Xiu Gou still didn't lose his composure and took the initiative to speak.

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