In a total of only three breaths, it is no exaggeration to say that He Yuxin's mind ran through no less than thirty possibilities, all of which were Yi Shuier's conspiracy.

After all these things flashed through her, He Yuxin remembered again that this was a supernatural book.

There's something ghostly about it.

When others think of ghosts, their first reaction is fear, but He Yuxin's first reaction when thinking of ghosts is to rule out most conspiracies.

After considering the remaining possibilities in her mind, she left the kitchen, stood in the hall and looked towards the second floor, trying to distinguish the pattern here.

After a long while, she took out a lighter from her pocket.

Lit it, He Yuxin looked at the blazing small flames and had the idea of ​​setting fire again.

He Yuxin had already determined in her heart that the 'bad guy' was in this villa.

Yes, He Yuxin is sure that Chang Xiaohua has an accomplice.

Either this person is controlled by Chang Xiaohua.

Either this person controlled Chang Xiaohua.

He Yuxin prefers the second type.

Society is not a comfortable place. People who come from small places are destined to be severely beaten by big cities. People are the same, and ghosts are not necessarily exceptions.

The water ghosts who drowned in the river were not very old. Even if Chang Xiaohua was an old ghost in the river, it was just that the ghost had grown a little. His age as a human should not be much different from his physical age.

It is normal for such a ghost to leave the town and go to other places, be deceived, coerced, and have clues about it.

Especially if you meet a character like Zhou Bapi, it is very possible to turn Chang Xiaohua into a knife in your hand.

After all, a ghost with obvious weaknesses (who wants to live) can be captured even without metaphysical manipulation, just by coercion and inducement.

The most important thing is that she is a ghost. Even if something goes wrong in the future and is exposed, he can still clean himself up without her.

He Yuxin's mind quickly turned to intrigues, interests, etc. All her thoughts were filled with big things. Even while staring at the flames, she was calculating in her mind how much she could control such a ghost. How much profit is coming.

Finally, she sighed and couldn't help mumbling.

"Why is this a copy?"

No wonder capitalists are said to be evil-minded. He Yuxin stood in a copy where she knew there were ghosts, but she was not afraid at all. She even regretted that there were no ghosts in the real world.

She pressed down the flame, and He Yuxin raised her head again. She wanted to carefully distinguish the layout of the manor. She was not sure where the other party might be hiding. If she couldn't find it, even if she really set the house on fire. , the consequences will not be what she wants.

Only this time when she looked up, she met a highly decayed face.

Water drops dripped from the sticky tips of her hair, and Chang Xiaohua gave He Yuxin a tearful smile.

The thick blood dripped, and Chang Xiaohua's eyes suddenly widened, and the expression on her face became ferocious. She used her hands and feet to jump down from the second floor!


He Yuxin is not afraid of her, but this guy is so disgusting!

Do you know about Giant View? Her current state is what it would look like after the Titan has rotted away.

Disgusting, scary, just looking at it makes me want to vomit!

And He Yuxin was sure that she had met the real thing!

He Yuxin ran very fast, and Chang Xiaohua was not slow either.

Chang Xiaohua fell to the ground with a very disgusting sticky sound, and then landed on all fours. She looked even more inhuman.

She ferociously pounced on He Yuxin's fleeing back, but He Yuxin was very experienced in escaping. She knew that when faced with a being that was likely to be faster than her, running in a straight line was courting death. Therefore, she runs in an S-shape and is particularly good at creating obstacles and evading when escaping.

There was nothing in the hall, but the pillars erected in it were very strong. He Yuxin chased the 'behemoth' Chang Xiaohua from behind and played a game of circling the pillars in the empty hall.

He Yuxin admitted that she was frightened the moment she looked at Chang Xiaohua. After all, she looked really scary.

All subsequent actions were due to escape instinct and inertia. She had met too many desperadoes in her short life. Chang Xiaohua was not the first, she was just the most special one.

Fortunately, He Yuxin regained consciousness after going around two pillars.

Of course, it's also possible that the unbearable stench in the air woke her up.

We can't go around any longer.

If this continues, even if she is not caught by Chang Xiaohua, she will be suffocated to death by the stench!

So after going around for a while, He Yuxin began to fight back.

He Yuxin is not without means of counterattack. She has some skills in her own body, and she also has tools to deal with ghosts.

With the steel bar in hand, He Yuxin felt great courage in her heart.

It's just that this courage almost collapsed the moment she found the opportunity to fight back!

She saw the steel bar she was holding hitting Chang Xiaohua's body. After the steel bar came into contact with Chang Xiaohua's swollen and rotten body, it did not pass directly through it. Instead, the swollen rotten flesh began to deform, blood spattered, and rotten flesh flew everywhere. She she she! She hit the entity! ! !

The moment the corrupt blood splashed onto her face, He Yuxin's expression changed for the first time.

This made her feel more frightened than when she encountered a ghost. It was no exaggeration to say that at this moment her mind went blank and her heartbeat was almost 180. Her heartbeat was so fast that she felt the pain of pinching her scalp.

At the same time, she also had the urge to scream.

At the same time, Chang Xiaohua on the opposite side was also stunned.

Maybe she never dreamed that He Yuxin could actually hurt her.

Although she moves around in her fleshly body, even though her fleshly body looks tattered.

But she is a ghost after all, and this body has long since died.

Her current state is a bit like an inferior version of a zombie. Although she cannot achieve the invulnerability effect of a zombie, she is still very strong.

At least ordinary attacks are ineffective against her, such as hitting and throwing, which are neither painful nor itchy to her.

But now, a piece of iron rod (steel bar) hit her body, causing a huge dent in her body, and her bones were even misaligned.

The moment she was hit by the steel bar, her body seemed to have really turned into an ordinary corpse.

Soft, fragile, vulnerable.

Chang Xiaohua didn't care to attack He Yuxin anymore. She didn't even have time to take a second look at He Yuxin's condition. She quickly retreated to a distance of three feet away from He Yuxin, and then hurriedly reached out to touch her but was beaten flat. The place.

As for He Yuxin, she wasn't much better.

She tried to wipe away the drop of blood on her face with trembling hands, but she stretched her hands to her face and shook for a long time before she could make up her mind.

Her head stretched further and further forward, and her body turned to the side. She stood in a very awkward way to prevent the blood that started to slide down from dripping onto her body.

When she felt the drop of blood rolling down her face little by little, and finally gathering at her chin, she couldn't hold it back any longer, and her scream almost lifted the roof!

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