Chapter 106 Compensation
  "First of all, it wasn't the fucking sword that killed her, the revenge was also the revenge of the Chong Jue Society. You went crazy to find the Chong Jue Society.

"Secondly, even if we step back 10,000 steps, it was the sword that killed her. So what? So many people died fighting those evil extraordinary beings. I don't see you doubting and complaining one by one?

"Besides, she was originally a member of the Chongjue Society. Since she decided to become a traitor, she should be prepared to be retaliated against at any time."

Immediately, Kariage seemed to remember something, took a step back, his earrings swayed, and stared at Si Bin: "Oh, I fucking remembered, you are the guy who came out of the secret realm No. 057.

"Okay, you were not willing to donate 50,000 yuan at that time, but now it would be very convenient to add insult to injury and slander the person who removed the trouble from behind, right?

"Sure enough, the test can't be wrong. People like you will become sinners sooner or later."

Zhao Yumiaoqing shouted: "Shanying, that's enough. I know you lost two of your subordinates and are now very angry."

Kari Ying sneered, looked at Zhao Yumiao, and then at Si Bin:
  "It's best to wear a mask when walking on the street from now on. Don't let me see it."

  Kariage slammed the door and walked out.

Zhao Yumiao held her forehead and sighed: "Si Bin, don't worry. He is angry."

Si Bin said nothing.

"If the investigation turns out that it was really Commander Wu who tampered with this, the Troubleshooting Department will treat it equally."

Later, Sipin was summoned to take notes. There is a sworn lie detection section.

However, Si Bin discovered that this kind of lie detection under oath was not an oath to a certain god. But to your own heart.

In other words, as long as you have a clear conscience and don't feel that you are lying, it doesn't count as lying.

It is true that it is not easy to lie to deceive oneself, but for some determined and specially trained people, this method is obviously ineffective.

Si Bin began to doubt whether the interrogation of Wu Zhu by the Department of Disaster was meaningful.

He faithfully took notes and returned to the office. Xu Ruiqi had already returned to his workstation. When he saw Si Bin coming in, he sneered: "Boy, someone wants to ask you for compensation for mental damages."


"Did you watch the video? It's the young man who was frightened by your stupid operation." Xu Ruiqi adjusted his glasses, "He said that he was talking about breaking up with his girlfriend at the time, and he was about to coax her back, but in the end I was frightened by you and couldn't follow up.

"After that, he said that he would occasionally see some indescribable hallucinations after waking up, which caused great damage to his spirit.

"Fortunately, he did not become an extraordinary person because of this. If you can solve the problem by paying a little money, you can have fun secretly."

Originally, if the Disaster Control Department encountered such a request for compensation, the expenses would be borne by the Disaster Control Department.

In Wu State, the maximum mental compensation fee is one hundred thousand, depending on the actual situation.

"How much compensation?"


(70 points fee...)
  At some point, Si Bin took the initiative to convert money into expenses, and slowly developed a dependence and desire for expenses.

"I don't recommend that you go to court. It's a waste of time, and it won't save you much money. Some people who are addicted to porcelain will even chase you for blackmail. This kind of thing was even more common ninety years ago. You You can't take action against him yet. Once you do, what you lose is not money, but freedom and life."

After saying that, Xu Ruiqi sneered again, "Anyway, you are an extraordinary person. For this fee, you can still get it within the legal scope with some brainpower, right?"

Si Bin is now in debt, and he is not sensitive to money. After all, the previous idea was just enough.

(Alas, just become a transcendent without being affected.)
  He also learned that Xinglan was the one who went to investigate Song Yishuang's situation, and he hadn't come back yet. Qiao Mao is responsible for other passers-by and surrounding residents. The workload is not small.

Si Bin felt deeply guilty.

He stayed in the office, waiting for the investigation results of Xinglan and Qiao Mao, and five hours had passed before he knew it.

It was learned from the Rat-Sucking Overlord that Fan Zhi was knocked unconscious by his teammates and sent to the infirmary of the Department of Destroyers because his emotions were too intense.

At this time, there was a burst of alternating footsteps in the corridor at the door. Sipin saw two troubleshooters, a man and a woman, guiding a hunchbacked man of about fifty years old into the reception room.

"That's Xu Yaoyao's father, Xu Wei." Zhao Yumiao reminded, "When he heard the news of his daughter's sacrifice, he immediately took the high-speed train and came here. He must be very sad for a daughter like Xu Yaoyao...

"Do you want to go comfort him?"

Xu Ruiqi sneered when he heard this and continued to stare at the tablet.

Si Bin guessed that Xu Wei was here to take away Xu Yaoyao's body. After registering, the Disaster Control Department will compensate him with a sum of money.


He looked at the expenses in front of him:
  【Cost: 51|10/10】

50 points of the cost are obtained from the sword. Among them is Xu Yaoyao.

(5 yuan...Xu Yaoyao's family is not rich, so I am looking for an opportunity to convert the fee into money and transfer it to her father.)
  Si Bin stood at the door of the reception room and saw Xu Wei sitting opposite the desk.

Looking from the side, his face was very thin. Xu Yaoyao's facial features are somewhat similar to his, but not much.

"You said on the phone that my daughter died while helping you fight monsters?"

"We are also very sorry... These are difficult to avoid. We have also lost many troubleshooters." The male staff member opposite said with a sigh.

Xu Wei showed a sad face, stood up with slanted shoulders, and trembling lips: "I am just such a daughter!"

"Sorry, people cannot be resurrected after death... We will compensate you a sum of money."

Hearing this, the sadness on Xu Wei's yellow-to-black face suddenly disappeared, and he asked almost immediately: "How much?"

"Because your daughter is not a member of the Disaster Removal Department, she can only compensate you 15."

In Wu State, if a member of the Disaster Control Department dies in the line of duty, the pension is 20 times the average salary of urban residents nationwide last year plus 30 times the average monthly salary of an individual.

"15?!" Xu Wei's eyes rolled in his sockets, and then his wooden face came to life.

"Well, we can only do so much. Please forgive me and accept my wishes." The male staff member continued, "By the way, there is one more thing I want to discuss with you, about your daughter's body."

He explained his intention to Xu Wei.

Xu Wei didn't know whether he understood or not, so he raised his eyebrows and asked:

"How much money can be sold?"

The male staff member was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then said "Uh", "Based on your daughter's qualifications, we can give you 5.

"Of course, if you want to take the body back for burial, it must be cremated..."

Xu Wei suddenly interrupted the staff member excitedly: "Then her mobile phone, that... bank card, etc., will they be handed over to me?"

The male staff member glanced at the female staff member on the side and replied: "This... you are Xu Yaoyao's father. Of course, her property will belong to you after her death..."

"Bah, she still thinks of me as her father. She never comes home and sends me some money in the mail every month, just like her dead mother..."

Xu Wei rambled for a long time before stopping.

Si Bin took a deep breath and returned to the office.

Zhao Yumiao asked: "How is it?"

Si Bin replied expressionlessly:
  "It's quite sad."

(End of this chapter)

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