Wasteland Echoer.

Chapter 498 A New Dream

The moment these hearts were released, their surfaces were quickly covered with a layer of green frost, and countless black, dark green, dark purple, and scarlet spots attached to them, as if forming a layer of skin that condensed a horrible smell.

Immediately afterwards, these colorful skins quickly shriveled and shrank, like the dying, haggard face of an old man.

Some yellow thick juice and smelly blood gathered at the bottom of the heart in time. With a slight cracking sound, they dripped onto the transparent ground. Above the distant flames burning vigorously from hell, they turned into a pool of dust that exuded a "fragrant" smell like soil.

"Human beings always succumb to their inner fears and give up the chance to survive that is within their grasp. This was true for those in the early days of the New Era, and it was also true for those ruled by the tyrant Vasily.

"Don't you want to know my name? Then please listen carefully, my name is Nikolai Yuri Malsky. Originally, our Malsky family did not bother to let mortals know our information, but you are different. I heard that someone smelled a disgusting but irresistible smell in you, and that is - 'divinity'." The Lost One in front of him said in a calm tone that did not belong to a human.

His white face, which looked as if someone had evenly smeared wall putty on it, had no expression on it. To Dak, it seemed that this "Muyuan" was deliberately hiding information about his appearance. The face in his dream looked more like he was wearing a thick mask, but when he spoke, Dak could clearly see his facial muscles shaking correctly.

"I don't know whether you are complimenting me or mocking me. However, if you pulled me into this dream to make some requests, then please be more direct. If you simply want to have a spiritual battle with me, I will do my best to accompany you." Dak said, staring seriously at the Lost One in front of him, revealing a firm and combative expression belonging to a "warrior". At the same time, he stretched out his fists and assumed a fighting stance.

"As expected, your predecessor was a terrifying beast. You only seek to solve problems through violence, which is a manifestation of cowardice and stupidity. Beasts that appear strong and tough often have only a small, fragile heart and an empty brain." Nicholas had an evil and greedy smile on his lips, like a beast seeing its prey, and said in a voice that seemed to be drooling:

"I got information about your past, present, and future from an 'old friend of yours who I never really interacted with'. He told me that you had used that pathetic demon called 'Mark of Re-Choice' to go through two reincarnations. However, due to the 'laws' set by the Creator and the gods, it is impossible for you to have an ending other than sadness in your illusory life."

"What do you mean by that?" Dark asked.

"Don't think that just because you have done everything you can to control 'Void Zero' and obtained some intelligence and information about me, you can use this to disrupt my spirit and thinking. I know that you [Cheaters] or [Dream Constructors] who are good at constructing dreams will always take advantage of the moment when the opponent's defense ability is weak in the dream and do everything you can to disrupt our spirit. Therefore, any comments you make about my future, I will regard as the nonsense of a mental patient."

"Do you really think I'm talking nonsense?" Nicholas laughed unbridled and continued:

“You humans are really interesting. Over the past thousands of years, you have never learned any lessons from history. This was true for Ivan I, Ivan XXII, and even Vasily now.

"You always regard money, fame, status, resources and interests as the beliefs of your lifelong pursuit, and you spend your whole life trying to pursue them. But in the end, you can't stop the spread of the 'mysterious extraordinary power', the old imperial order collapses, and even your [soldiers] die in large numbers on the battlefield, just for the so-called illusions and delusions of the commander."

"The commanders are righteous, and Commander Vasily's original intention was not a fantasy. The existence of the 'Heartless Man' almost destroyed the entire world, and the spread of the Lost Ones made human life as fragile as a thin layer of ice." Dark took a half step forward and retorted at the top of his voice:
"Wolfya and I are looking for the Echo and Pramini, in the hope that the war will end as soon as possible..."

"That's enough! Hypocrisy! Sophistry!" Nicholas interrupted rudely:

"It's not like we haven't submitted a letter to your tyrant Vasily, begging for peace. Three years ago, in the settlement of Alexandrivsk on the right bank of the Northern Mamous River, my brother who grew up with me personally handed over the 'Restart the Era of Cooperative Development' plan to Vasily.

"We, the Lost Ones Organization, are willing to persuade the Order Society, the Chaos Group, the Enlightenment Cult, the Color One Cult, and even the Thieves Group, and other large and small organizations to accept the Federation's transformation and become a brand new sequence of superpower soldiers.

"Moreover, we are willing to let the Federation take over some of the settlements under our temporary control, including the captured new weapons, artillery, and even some necessary supplies. As for the issue of the 'Heartless People', we have proposed setting up a 'slow transition area' in the Karlov District, using our magic power and control to drive the 'Heartless People' to this area, and let them either consume their numbers through endless fighting and select new Lost Ones to be driven, or wait for the natural end of their lives. We have estimated that it will only take 150-200 years, with the large-scale use of the 'Federation 0 Potion', for the 'Heartless People' to disappear from the vast territory of Cruzde."

"This does sound like a feasible solution to the problem." Dak asked with some doubt:

"But why have the top leaders of the Federal Council never revealed the existence of this plan to the outside world? It seems... I only remember that there was a 'wave of elite careless people' near the North Mamous River three years ago." "This is the unforgivable sin committed by evil souls driven by desire." Nicholas gritted his teeth, and even the heart under the tentacles above his head, which was flowing with foul-smelling juice, was shaking violently because of his anger.


"Yes, sin!" Nicholas explained.
"Vassily is not only a greedy, mean and good at disguising himself, he also has ambitions that are not in line with his pitiful intelligence. At first, he pretended to be very interested in our plan and sent his secretary Kuka to negotiate with us.

"Just when we thought everything was going well, Vasily invited us to an exceptionally grand 'blood dinner'."

"Like what happened in Britannia in Putoan history?" Dark asked.

"That's right, and it's even worse. After all, the Lancelot family did infringe upon the interests of the Putoya royal family. They first rebelled, and then contacted Emperor Ivan V of Cruz to bring in the wolf, which forced Queen Vickalena to commit a conspiracy." Nicholas said indignantly:
"But we brought enough sincerity. In addition to my brothers, we also brought our eighth-ranked 'Muyuan' [Troublemaker] Karloski, and more than 100 elite personnel. These people were almost the core members of several of our major Lost One organizations at the time.

"In order to make the conspiracy a success, Vasily deliberately held a grand welcoming ceremony. He not only sent high-ranking military officers from the North and South Karlov Districts and Binglin City, but also brought almost half of the senior officials of the Federation Council, just to win our trust.

"Later, when both parties were immersed in the alcohol paralysis of vodka, the traditional drink of Cruz, Vasily sneaked out of the dining hall and activated the 'Red Tulip' bomb that had been buried for a long time. Suddenly, the fierce flames engulfed everyone present. Except for a few Lost Ones with strong physiques who managed to escape, everyone was sent into eternal hell by the flames."

"Everyone... present? Aren't there still half of the senior members of the Federal Council? Could it be... that they are from the 'Viking faction'?" Hearing this, Dark felt a chill, as if there were ten thousand frost-covered sharp blades hanging above his forehead, ready to fall at any time and cut his body into countless unconnected "plates".

"I think this may be his cruelty, and it is also the only place where his pitiful wisdom is used in the right way. This 'Bloody Dinner' not only caused us heavy damage, but also took us three years to rebuild a new organization called 'Spear of Odyssey'. It also caused Vasily's enemies to die one after another, and made the Crusaders hate us incomparably." Nicholas spat and continued:

"From then on, the plan of reconciling with the Lost and jointly building a new paradise will no longer be kicked out among the top leaders of the Federation. This protracted war has also completely transformed from fighting on and off and groping for a direction to move forward together to a life-and-death battle of destruction."

"So, you dragged me into this dream to make me oppose Commander Vasily? Or do you hope that I can... join your gang?" Dak asked with a contemptuous smile.

"Why not? You are also a [rioter], aren't you? Do you look down on me with this expression, or do you look down on the entire 'Spear of Odyssey' that can fight the Federation to the end?" Nicholas said with some displeasure.

"This is not a question of looking down on others, but as a Federation warrior, I cannot associate with evil monsters, and I will not join our enemies!" Dark refused in a very firm tone.

Seeing this, Nicholas said no more.

In his dream, he once again mobilized the dark magic power in his body, as well as the mysterious and strange power of manipulating dreams that he controlled as a "prophet", and constructed purple rings filled with dangerous energy around Dak's body.

Then he manipulated the trembling tentacles and those ugly hearts to hold them high above Dak's head.

After a few seconds, the withered skin and rotten black tofu-like tissue attached to it fell off one after another, revealing the terrifying mechanical bodies filled with red "burning liquid". (End of this chapter)

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