The epic story of green monsters

Chapter 1071 Shocking Change

Chapter 1071 Shocking Change
Watching the church team pouring into the distant passage, until his perception was disturbed by the maze passage and he could no longer detect the presence of the opponent's breath, Allen slowly descended from the sky.

The jackal scout abandoned by Allen at the entrance was clever and clever. At this time, he had touched the fountain at the core of the plantation to relieve his captured companion.

Allen watched all this with cold eyes, but in his mind he was thinking about the magical technique similar to 'Law Order-Shock' that he had just used on the two legends and their members. In his mind, the main consciousness and the divine consciousness were summarizing the actual combat operation. .

Relying on the power of the domain, as well as the saint-level mental power that is as substantial as being able to interfere with reality, coupled with Allen's own unremitting and persistent research, he was finally able to see a glimmer of hope in the field of divine arts.

You must know that among the highest gods in this world, none of them are unable to perform magical arts. Even those false gods who are not recognized and have few followers can also perform powerful magical techniques that are comparable to magic. .

Now, although Allen has figured out how to bestow divine grace on believers and give them the ability to perform specific divine spells, he still has not figured out how to use his own power to perform divine spells.

Even with the help of divine consciousness, Allen has mastered more than a dozen magic pattern patterns that are the core of universal magic, but it is still difficult for him to use them for his own use and become a self-casting spell blessing and treatment of terrible warriors.

This time he combined domain and mental power to display a technique similar to the magical effect of 'Law: Shock'. Although it is certainly not a real magic, it is the substantial influence of Allen's mental power. An important breakthrough into reality.

The use of divine magic in the future will inevitably require powerful and sophisticated mental power control methods. Now that he has figured out this technique, which is of great use in battle, it will naturally also make Ai, who has a blank slate in mental power control, Lun, get a more intuitive and effective exercise.

"Sir, we have packed up, what should we do next?"

Until the group of fortunately rescued gnolls in the garden collected the loot and the valuable items that had not been looted in the plantation, the elected captain of the team tremblingly walked to Allen and made a gesture to Allen. Request for instructions on next steps.

"Go back and join the main force!"

Although this was just a small group of foreign warriors with the highest strength but not the highest level, when they asked for instructions and disturbed his thoughts, Allen did not show any impatience or dissatisfaction. He just said a word casually with an indifferent expression, Then his figure suddenly disappeared from the spot, whipped up a strong wind and flew away along the original road without looking back.

The group of jackals who were left behind breathed a long sigh of relief until Allen's retreating figure disappeared into the passage, and began to move hurriedly, following Allen's fading breath.

Deep in the maze passage, a half-elf female wearing close-fitting leather armor, showing off her graceful figure, was fleeing in a panic in the passage. She didn't care about the landmarks on the road ahead, and was completely unafraid of navigating this complex and dangerous maze. She doesn't want to get lost, and she's not afraid that there will be ferocious beasts or traps ahead that she simply can't handle.

Just as the agile female figure disappeared around the corner at the end of the passage, waves of commotion could be heard coming from the direction she was running in. Within a dozen breaths, the sound could only be regarded as noise. It turned into a sound like a tidal wave, followed by a group of twenty or thirty huge lizards that exuded a cruel and fishy smell and were accompanied by countless hissing sounds.

The aura exuded by these lizards is very powerful, and the leader among them is two to three times larger than his companions, reaching six or seven meters in size. At the same time, its body is covered with a layer of gray-white stone armor. As it moves wildly, pieces of dust fall off due to friction, but new elements quickly repair it. Obviously, this is not a natural creation. The stone armor is made of magic.

Martha, a female half-elf who was tired of running for her life, was filled with regrets at this time. If she and her adventure companions had not provoked the nest of snake lizards at that time, they would have diverted the tiger away from the mountain to forcefully seize the twin tree attached to the building of the snake lizard's lair. Raw flowers.

Originally, the strength of their adventure team was not enough to provoke a group of beasts with high-level monsters. However, this twin flower that can produce high-level potions and the dozens of white-flowered eggs in the snake lizard's lair, The benefits and value it represents are well worth the risks Martha's team of adventurers take.

The plan that was then formulated seemed to have a high probability of success in the eyes of Martha and her teammates. However, when the plan turned into actual actions, their team's strength, which had just accidentally entered the maze ruins, was simply not enough to cope with it. A group of more than twenty snake lizards, led by a leader of the snake lizard who had survived for more than thirty years and had intelligence no weaker than that of a normal human, attacked.

However, plans can never keep up with the changes. When the various plans formulated after brainstorming came into actual combat, they were defeated by several group powerful earth magic spells spat out from the neck of the snake head.

Even Martha's six team members who were used to contain the Basilisk's attention were unable to persist in front of the opponent's magic for more than ten minutes. They didn't even have a chance to escape when the situation was bad, so they used a range of gravity positions, earth explosion stars, etc. Life lost in magic.

At that time, Martha, who was digging twin flowers and collecting snake lizard eggs, had another thief companion. However, she just sneaked around the snake lizard's nest, and then she saw the group of snake lizards disappearing at the entrance of the passage and killed them again.

Seeing this, Martha and her companions looked at each other, each picked a target in a tacit understanding, directly picked up the target and fled in another direction.

Martha was closer to the twin flower, so she chose the plant with several buds on it. She didn't care whether her rough movements would cause damage to the delicate plant, and held it with her strong right hand. It was just two fingers thick at the bottom, and it pulled up its well-developed root system and a lot of humus soil.

The action of pulling up the plants and the action of running and escaping were done in one go, and their speed was hardly affected. However, the speed of the group of basilisks who saw their nest stolen was even faster, and at least they were not left behind by the two adventurers.

Especially the leader of the snake lizard who was absolutely powerful. He fired five or six types of earth magic from a distance. Each of them was so powerful and effective that the two survivors who were running wildly had to separate their minds. To deal with it, it invisibly slows down your pace.

The only lucky thing is that the group of basilisks paid less attention to the twin flowers that Martha stole than the basilisk eggs that her companions stole. This prevented Martha from being tilted by the basilisk leader's magic when she fled, and also gave her Escape bought more time.

By the time the angry basilisk group killed the unfortunate companion and changed direction to pursue Martha, she had already moved several hundred meters away and disappeared around the corner of another road.

Originally, Martha thought that this group of basilisks wouldn't have much patience to chase her. At most, they would go home after chasing for several kilometers. However, she once again underestimated the vengeance of the basilisk. The pursuit did not end with the retrieval of the basilisk eggs, but continued to smell the scent left by Martha along the way.

When Martha sensed the aura of the pursuers behind her, she also secretly complained. Especially when she sensed that the powerful leader of the basilisk was also present among the pursuers, her brain and body were shrouded in endless fear.

The will to survive and the protection of the goddess of luck allowed Martha, a ranger professional with no more than high-level strength, to survive the dangers and mechanisms in the passages and nodes ahead.

On the contrary, the basilisk pursuers behind her were so large and noisy that they almost ran amok through dangerous passages and node ruins, encountering various mechanisms and other groups of creatures entrenched in the ruins. I encountered some obstructions and even losses.

The excellent hearing and perception inherited from the elves' bloodline allowed Masha to vaguely detect the pursuit of soldiers behind her even though she was thousands of meters away. The familiar aura was still following her like a bone-attached maggot. The look of despair in the depths of Sa's tired pupils deepened.

The tight-fitting leather armor was dry and wet, wet and dry, exuding a strong smell of sweat. The slender limbs swayed with his running movements. The usually relaxed movements were now like knives and needles pricking the muscles of the body. The bones are rising and falling, constantly reminding Martha, the owner, that her body has reached its limit and needs to recover and recuperate as soon as possible.

Martha still gritted her teeth and persisted, trying to squeeze out every ounce of strength hidden in her body to maintain her escape journey. Years of adventure have made her character slippery and deep, but it has also made her will to survive stronger. Strong and resilient.

While running, her brain was also running rapidly, looking for a way out of the current desperate situation. Even though she had made countless attempts before, she had very few props and resources left.

A beast figure suddenly appeared at the end of the passage ahead. Martha's sharp eyes saw its face clearly almost instantly, and then her eyes lit up, as if what she saw was not a possible danger but an opportunity. .

He reached back with his right hand, and the javelin that had been carried on his back for many years was already in his hand.


Although the half-elf was completely exhausted at this time, and her sore and weak muscles and stinging joints made her every movement somewhat out of shape, but the moment Martha projected the javelin in her hand, her heart suddenly felt... A strong sense of self-confidence arises.

puff! !

The shadow of the beast that had just come out to look for food only had time to feel a hint of murderous intent. The javelin that struck like lightning had already penetrated the little beast's silky fur and penetrated deeply into the solid stone ground.


The dense vibrating hum of the tip of the javelin and the shrill howl of the beast existed almost at the same time. After only seven or eight breaths, Martha's somewhat staggering figure had already rushed over.


The beast revealed its true face, but it was a fox cat that feeds on insects, mice, etc. At this time, the belly penetrated the pitiful little boy who was nailed to the ground, and the sound of howling was also heard along with its neck. He pinched his fingers and stopped suddenly.

With her free left hand, Martha pulled out the javelin that was three or four inches deep into the ground, and reinserted it into the gun pouch on her back. Her right hand holding the fox cat's neck was stretched out in front of her, to prevent the frantically struggling little beast from hurting herself.

The javelin was sheathed, and Martha, who had her left hand free, dug into her arms. She took out the few remaining bottles of healing potion, and opened the oak cork that sealed the mouth of the bottle, and then the fresh magic was rippling. The breath spreads outward.

At the same time, Martha held the fox cat's right hand and pinched the opponent's chin. The fox cat involuntarily opened its lips slightly, and took the opportunity to pour the bottle of healing medicine into the opponent's small mouth.

As the medicine poured into the fox cat's stomach, the magic power immediately began to take effect. The wound on the abdomen that had just been pierced and was bleeding with gurgling blood began to repair at a speed visible to the naked eye. Soon the dying fox cat Renewed vitality.

The half-elf who had made so many moves did not stop escaping at this time, but his speed was reduced a lot. Sensing that the pursuers behind him had once again shortened the distance between them, the half-elf knew that he could not delay any longer. Throwing away the empty crystal bottle, the half-elf female put her free left hand on her chest, and the lock on the tight leather armor suddenly opened, revealing the delicate white skin inside.

After opening the three locks on her chest one after another, Martha pulled her left hand into her arms, and the plump clothes wrapped around her body fell out of place, and appeared in view with a faint smell of fragrance and sweat. middle.

Without any hesitation or embarrassment, Martha wrapped the obscene clothes in her hand directly around the belly of the fox cat who was still struggling.

Best of all, after all this, Martha was still a little worried. After thinking for a moment, a sharp look flashed in her eyes. She stuck the fox cat and straightened her right little finger, and drew her left arm across the sharp nails. A bright red blood flower bloomed.

A line of blood on her left arm dripped down the fox cat's head, and soon dyed the entire fox cat's fur red. After making sure that the other person's aura was completely covered by her own aura, she reluctantly felt relieved.

As she continued to run, Martha did not forget to start to restrain her aura, and at the same time she struggled to gather her mental power to perform the only magic she knew and was the most important in a female's adventure career - the Level 0 Magic Cleansing Technique.

The effect of the spell is not surprising, but it allows the caster to roughly clean the dirt, sweat stains, etc. on the body without any conditions, and keep the body clean.

This is also a spell that an elf blood warrior professional with excellent magical talent can barely master.

The magic effect rippled on her body, making the smell of Martha's body gradually dim. Compared with the fox cat in her hand that was covered in her own blood and wrapped in intimate clothes, the smell of her own body was stronger at this time.

However, Martha did not feel relaxed because of this. This method had been used once during the previous escape. Now that the group of basilisks were still chasing behind her, the result could be known.

But Martha had no other better way. If she continued to chase helplessly, the end result would be that she would be exhausted, be overtaken by a group of snake lizards, and then fall into their mouths and become food.

There was a fork in the road ahead. When Martha passed by, she immediately threw the fox cat under her feet. The cat was suddenly free. Her little head couldn't tell the problem. She just followed instinct and moved her seemingly small limbs. , using the maximum speed, a dozen breaths disappeared into the passage on the left, disappearing without a trace.

Seeing that the fox cat's appearance was stained with its own blood, leaving a trace of blood on the ground from deep to shallow, thus bringing a faint trace of its own aura, Martha then rushed towards another fork in the road.

While running, Martha mobilized her powerful hearing and perception to sense the aura of the pursuers behind her. When she sensed the aura of the group of snake lizards that had been chasing her for nearly a day and finally drifted away, Martha despaired. At this time, I finally saw a glimmer of light in my heart.

But she didn't dare to be careless. After all, the one she released as bait was just a weak fox cat. Although the short-range burst was good, the long-range endurance might not be that great. If you want to use this fox cat to attract the basilisk group, there is no guarantee of how much time you can buy Martha.

After enduring all the pain caused by physical exhaustion and squeezing out every ounce of her body's potential, Martha ran for a long time. Martha could no longer sense the breath of the pursuers behind her. It was only then that she was sure that she had finally escaped from the pursuers this time. Soldiers, regain their vitality.

But at this time, she was also lost in this intricate maze passage, and she had no idea where she was.

After turning a corner, Martha felt as if her legs were tied with tens of thousands of pounds of weight. She could no longer move her legs. She staggered and almost collapsed in the passage.

Fortunately, Martha reacted in time and reached out to hold on to the wall beside her. Then her body was supported, but she also slowly slid to the ground against the wall.

After sitting down, it was difficult to stand up again. Not only did my legs lose control, but my whole body was also unable to move, as if my whole body had been filled with solid lead.

After closing her eyes and concentrating for a long time, Martha gathered some strength, slowly and strugglingly took out the last two bottles of advanced healing potion from her arms, and poured them into her mouth without hesitation.

The mild magical power poured into the organs as the potion, and slowly spread to the body and limbs. Although the effect of the potion was not suitable for his current state, the energy contained in the potion was more or less exhausting. Martha gained a little energy.

After her body was barely able to move, Martha began to search through her empty luggage again, looking for supplementary supplies that could give her what she needed most.

After rummaging through the entire bag, Martha found nothing that could be eaten or replenished her own energy. In order to escape, she had thrown away all the things she was burdened with or used them as bait, and did not take into account what she would do after she successfully escaped. matter.

A pair of bright eyes finally rested on the twin flowers whose branches were somewhat decayed and withered.

Although twin flowers are precious and are the main material for making high-end potions, compared to one's own life, it is self-evident which one is more important. In terms of his current state, if he wants to escape from this maze full of unknowns and dangers, it is indispensable to recover the necessary physical strength and combat power.

Originally, my team of adventurers got involved in this maze for no apparent reason and were unprepared. After entering, the exploration along the way was even more dangerous, with heavy losses, and in the end, almost the entire army was annihilated.

Now I am the only one left, and my condition is still so bad. The difficulty of escaping from this unknown and dangerous place is no less or even higher than that of the group of basilisks I just escaped.

The goddess of luck and the Lord she follows and serves cannot always protect her. The process of repeatedly turning danger into safety during her previous escape can be regarded as a miracle of divine blessing. But if Martha is asked to act like this next, Martha herself is completely unsure. I don’t dare to take such a risk again.

Looking at the strange twin flower in front of her, Martha hesitated for a while. Regarding plant knowledge, most adventurers like them only knew a little bit about it. What specific sexual characteristics would it have if eaten raw, and whether it was poisonous, etc. Martha was also clueless.

Even if materials can be used to make high-level or even master-level potions, it does not mean that these materials are safe. The powerful negative attributes of certain materials are often lost through neutralization of other materials, processing of materials, and magic. Huge changes will occur, resulting in more beneficial effects for the user.

Staring at the twin flower in her hand, Martha became hesitant for a moment. The desire for survival and the potential risks turned into two opposing thoughts, fighting fiercely in her mind.

After pondering for a long time, Martha's eyes flashed with determination like pearls in the night. Then her will turned into action and she waved her right arm forward resolutely. The cold light swept over the snow-white and bright red flowers blooming side by side at the same time. The distinct flowers are separated from the branches and rhizomes that are more than thirty centimeters long.

The ruins fell to the ground with a few green leaves and prosperous roots. In Martha's hand, only the flowers held in the palm of her left hand were left. Without waiting for any further mental construction, the half-elf gritted his teeth and showed a bit of fierce aura. Five slender fingers were drawn toward the center to make a fist, and they directly kneaded a flower into a ball.

A little juice oozed out from the flower that was squeezed and deformed. As the half-elf's left hand moved, it slowly approached the dry and cracked lips and teeth. After a few mouthfuls, it disappeared.

The bitter and somewhat complex taste filled the mouth. The half-elf's beautiful face was slightly distorted. She endured all kinds of discomfort. After chewing for a few more times, Martha swallowed the flower in her mouth. Go down.

The flowers slowly slid down the throat towards the stomach pouch. It would take a while for their own nutrients to be absorbed, but the empty stomach pouch was replenished with food and finally no longer felt so uncomfortable.

When nothing happened, Martha bent down again and picked up the twin branches and roots on the ground to see if there was anything edible or useful in them.

Just that fluffy flower that doesn't actually have much physical substance may not provide much energy, at least for Martha who is currently in extremely poor health, it is still a bit weak.

He bent down and picked up the twin flower branches on the ground, picked off the scattered green leaves on them and put them into his mouth. He endured the bitter and pungent taste of the green leaves than the flowers, and swallowed them greedily and cherishedly.

Soon, what was once a leafy plant was destroyed until only a bare pole was left, as well as a large mass of humus and soil entangled under the branches like a spider web of roots.

After swallowing the last mouthful of grass blades, Martha focused her attention on the roots intertwined with the soil. Maybe there were rhizomes growing inside!
Her right hand shook it off regularly, and a few fingers of her left hand kept peeling off the soil adhered to the roots. Sure enough, there were other things inside, but when Martha happily handed over the hard object that was two circles larger than a pigeon egg. When she dug it out and saw that it was just an ordinary stone, a look of disappointment slowly appeared on her face.

Before Martha could discard the stone, she suddenly felt a heart-piercing pain in her abdomen, which almost made her lose consciousness and pass out.

However, this sudden pain also caused the already weak half-elf's hands and feet to twitch, his muscles stiffened and his whole body twitched continuously. The left hand holding the stone was clenched into a fist, wishing he could crush the stone into pieces.

Although she had roughly cleaned herself up with the Cleansing Technique before, the wound on her left arm that was accidentally scratched during the run also started to bleed out again due to the strenuous exercise, and it spilled all over Martha's left hand and body.

It was somewhat unexpected that the seemingly ordinary stone could not move at all under the great strength of a high-level ranger. However, the half-elf was in pain at this time and was completely unaware of it.

What is even more unexpected is that when Martha holds the stone tightly with her left hand, the blood that is gradually drying up on her skin is in close contact with the stone and quietly penetrates into the stone. Or it could be that the stone was actively absorbing the blood remaining on the skin of Martha's left hand.

Soon, the blood on Martha's left hand disappeared, and the originally ordinary stone exuded a faint magical aura. Its dark brown skin also began to peel off with the surge of magic, and the inside became a little fluorescent. From darkness to light, it is like a dusty pearl shining brightly again.

At the same time, the entire maze began to tremble a little, and the magic power of the eternal existence emerged from the depths of the maze, popping all foreign objects and people that did not originally exist in the maze into this demiplane one by one.

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