Chapter 51 Homecoming

"Back to your lord, the bugbears have left the city."

Gray Shadow Lane, on the second floor of the Slave Chamber of Commerce store, Ferok, the goblin chief appraiser, was listening to Sam report on the movements of Allen and his party.

"Well, you go down."

Ferok's face was expressionless and he waved his hand to signal Sam to retreat.

After there was no one else in the room, Ferok opened the window and looked into the distant wilderness, muttering to himself: "Little guy, I hope you can give me a surprise."

Allen had no way of understanding Ferok's expectations for him. Only Ferok knew in his heart how he felt about the people he met for the first time.

The more people like Ferok are well-read and experienced, but do not have outstanding strength, the more they feel sad for their race. Ferok seemed to be living a comfortable life in these years, with no shortage of food and clothing, and few people dared to offend him. However, in fact, he always felt a sense of loneliness deep in his heart, with no one to communicate with him.

Because of the lack of strong backing, it can be said that Philok almost survived a narrow escape to achieve what he has achieved today. The price and risks he has paid are far greater than those of his countless colleagues over the long years. As his status improves, he naturally needs to find allies in the power struggle of the Woking Chamber of Commerce to consolidate his status. However, looking at the Tongliao people of the same class as him, almost no one is willing to form an alliance and work with him. A mere green skin is a derogatory term. , and blocked Ferok from the alliance. In the end, all he can do is continue to work hard to learn various identification knowledge and rely on his own outstanding ability to gain a foothold.

As for the many colleagues who get along with him, as their status improves, who else will be like him, aged 5 to 60, and still study hard and well? Who would not take the opportunity to enjoy the various benefits brought by power, and collude with each other to carve up the many benefits of the Woking Chamber of Commerce to benefit future generations.

Therefore, Ferok, who was deeply harmed by his race, had already become a staunch racist invisibly. After all, even if he hated his own bloodline, he could only change it if he could not change it. Failing to admit this fact.

Since his rise to power, he has supported many wilderness goblins that he has dealt with. However, at least from what he has learned about, most of the goblins have disappeared into the vast wilderness and the primitive jungles of the Elf Kingdom. A very few lucky ones have Although he is still active around Thornburg, he is basically a low-level cannon fodder and has little value in reinvestment.

Ferok doesn't need anything in return from his fellow tribesmen. He just hopes that a strong man will be born among his tribe, and he can protect more goblins and obtain a safer living environment. Even if this leader is cruel and cold-blooded, it is still better than the wilderness goblins who are now wandering among many large tribes or struggling to survive.

He asked Allen to purchase those dozen humans, which was not only a kind of care for the other party, but also a test for the other party. But in the end, how Allen used this group of humans would be how Ferok would communicate with the other party again in the future. Communication considerations. However, these small tests did not make any sense to Allen, who was already on his way home. At this time, he was looking at the scattered team distressedly, scolding the tribesmen from time to time, asking them not to bully the human slaves too much. them.

Most of the 20 or so goblins are adults. After filling their stomachs with two full meals yesterday, there are not many problems with their physical strength. Moreover, as blades of the same clan, they will not cause much trouble to Allen and his party. Although they are still there at this time, A rope was tied around his waist, but the goblin hesitated a foot away from the goblin. It was considered a lot of freedom. They were following behind the mountain obediently, and they did not forget to quietly look at Allen and the others while walking.

On the human side, the ropes connecting them not only bound their waists and abdomens, but also bound the other's feet and ankles, preventing them from taking too large steps when walking, lest they use caution to escape. Late at night last night, a human quietly broke free and tried to sneak out, but was kicked to the ground by the alert Allen.

After learning this lesson, Allen paid more attention to the slaves he bought at a large price. Even if they couldn't help him then, they could still become a meal for the tribe, right? Allen has not corrected his ethics until now. Although Regis and Fili once reminded Allen in a subtle way, compared with hunger, how many mouthfuls of food are the so-called ethics worth?

Buying this group of slaves is not without its benefits. For example, Allen and the others are much more relaxed now. The three delivery vehicles purchased at Thornburg are loaded with food and covered with a layer of waterproof tarpaulin. Pulled by this group of slaves, they slowly moved forward along the rugged road towards the route home that Allen remembered.

Allen did not buy a camel beast for transporting vehicles. That thing has little value in the wilderness. In the eyes of bugbears, it is just a delicious meal, and the price is still high. A pack horse costs 5-6 gold coins. , several times higher than a truck. Allen was distressed by the lack of gold coins in his hand, but he saved the silver money. He originally planned to let strong men like Dashan pull it, but now that there is more labor, he let Allen and the others pull it. Saved a lot of effort.

Moreover, there is another advantage to letting slaves carry vehicles, that is, these slaves are not able to think about other things. Just dragging and pushing the heavy vehicles all the way consumes most of their physical strength, and they walk so hard at the end of the day. I was tired, and soon fell into sleep after falling to the ground. When I opened my eyes, it was dawn again. As a result, Allen paid much less attention to these slaves and had more energy to observe the strange scenery on the road.

After leaving the Castle of Thorns, Allen did not lose interest because the crowds became sparse. When he followed Feili and the others, he had to take care of their progress. Allen didn't have much time to look around. Now that he made the decision, Allen He didn't mind wasting too much time on the road. On the one hand, it would make the slaves less tired, and on the other hand, Allen could observe more about the daily life of outside races.

As a slave valued by Allen, Philip was much happier than other slaves. At least he didn't have to use his thin body to work sweatingly with a group of people. At this time, he was being taken by Allen. While listening to Allen's questions, he was organizing pre-language to answer Allen's questions.

"What are these humans walking around on the grass doing?"

When Allen entered the Castle of Thorns, he was curious about the purpose of the regular land outside the Castle of Thorns. However, it happened to be evening when they came before, so they couldn't see clearly. When he asked Regis, he was unclear. Dei explained casually, but did not completely dispel Allen's doubts. Now that he had the opportunity, Allen passed the question to Philip and asked him to answer it for him.

(End of this chapter)

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