The epic story of green monsters

Chapter 60 Encountering a strong man by chance

Chapter 60 Encountering a strong man by chance

Allen held up his giant sword and stood high above the sand dune, warily staring at the approaching black shadow. Behind him, the mountain and the flower snake held chain hammers at the same time, staring covetously at the black shadow.

The black shadow gradually approached, revealing the outline of a human figure. Although it was only one person, Allen did not relax his guard at all.

"He who comes, stop, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

Being alone in the desert is the most threatening, which is enough to prove the strength of the opponent. The experienced goblin Jack hid behind Allen while shouting at the black shadow.

"Excuse me for disturbing you. I'm just a herder walking in the desert. I just want to borrow some water and food from you."

The black shadow stopped outside the fighting range of Allen and the others. The dim vision did not stop Allen and the others from examining each other: this was an elf covered in bark and surrounded by nameless vines. In his hand was a On the curved cane, there is a green leaf growing.

"Is it Master Oscar Tash???"

Before Allen could speak, Jack, who was hiding behind Allen, jumped out and cheered to the elf in front of him.

"It turns out there is someone in this desert who knows my name. I am Oscar Tash."

The elf nodded and faced Allen and the others with a smile, not nervous at all.

"If some bugbear friends don't want to borrow water or food, I can also use my unique seeds to exchange them with my friends."

"No, no, no, I'll give you the food and water I have on me, Master."

Jack seemed to know the other person, and when he was about to run to the other person and hand over the water bag on his body, Allen suddenly grabbed the corner of his clothes. Only then did Jack, who was in excitement, react. He turned around to face Alan's questioning gaze sheepishly, and quickly introduced the uninvited guest on the opposite side to him.

"This Master Oscar Tash is an elder of an organization called the Shepherd's Guild of the Natural Balance Sect. He has been patrolling the borders of the Tagan Desert for many years, planting countless wild plants to control the expansion of the desert."

"Without the selfless dedication of their organizations over the years, I am afraid that the Tagan Desert would have more than doubled in size. Therefore, all tribes and organizations living around the desert will provide them with help when they can."

"Don't worry, Chief Allen, Master Oscar and the others will never take the initiative to attack the creatures in the desert."

In fact, when he heard Jack introduce the other party as the Natural Balance Sect and saw the oak leaf emblem on the other party's left chest, Alan's vigilant gaze had already been withdrawn for the most part. However, as if he was afraid that aggressive guys like Allen would still refuse to give up, Jack couldn't help but whisper a few words into Allen's ear.

"Master Oscar Tash is a level 15 high-level powerhouse. He is only one step away from becoming a legend. He can wipe out our entire team by himself. You must not offend him."

Allen couldn't help but be shocked, and then his eyes glanced back and forth at the opponent's slender figure, but he couldn't tell that the opponent was a level 15 high-level powerhouse. However, such a scrutinizing gaze was only for a brief moment. Allen quickly came back to his senses, put on a friendly and welcoming expression, and made an invitation gesture.

"It's fate to meet Master here. It happens that there is extra food and water in the team. I will send someone to deliver it to Master soon."

Allen and his group, who had just joined the Nature Sect and believed in the Oak Father, were in the same camp as Oscar. With this relationship, Allen no longer resisted contact with each other.

"It's getting late now. Why don't you, master, just rest in the camp outside and hit the road again tomorrow?" "Then I'm sorry to bother you."

Oscar did not refuse. He bowed his head to express his gratitude to Allen, and then approached Allen and the others calmly.

The Church of Nature is a huge pantheon with several factions under its command. Among them, the Natural Balance Sect can be called the most selfless existence in this plane. Various organizations in it take balancing the natural ecology as their own responsibility. A strong person like Oscar does not do this. Any interest in running around the edge of the desert and planting various plants to prevent and fix sand is completely incomprehensible to Allen and the others. Of course, there are extremely extreme organizations among them. Several major organizations under the Wrath of Nature sect believe that the warm planes of the plane are the biggest borers of the natural environment and have caused indelible damage to nature, so they radically think It is necessary to subvert all types of intelligent civilization and return the natural environment to its original state.

"you are welcome."

Allen greeted Oscar with a somewhat flattering tone.

At night, several major figures in Allen's team gathered around Ambassador Oscar and chatted with each other.

"Master, where are you going?"

There were many Oscar stories parked next to Goblin Jack, and he was the most curious about him at this time, and the conversation never stopped.

"I heard news from nature that a fire broke out on the eastern border of the desert and burned a lot of vegetation, so I wanted to take a look at the burns and see if I could make amends."

Oscar was very friendly, not at all impatient with Jack's many problems, and basically didn't hide anything.

"Oh, then Master..."

Allen didn't interact much with Oscar, but he was very comfortable getting along with him. As an elf, he didn't have the arrogance of an elf. He treated Allen and other goblins equally, without showing any contempt or contempt at all. After chatting for a long time, Allen even told Oscar that he and ten tribesmen believed in the Oak Father, which also earned Oscar a favorable look.

"I wonder where your territory, Chief Allen, is?"

Because of the influence of the camp and Allen's own cleverness, Oscar took the initiative to ask questions for the first time.

"Oh, our Green Field Tribe is more than 500 miles southwest of the desert. There is a beautiful lake called Green Lake."

If someone asked for the address of his tribe, I'm afraid Allen would probably make up an address to prevaricate the other person. But for some reason, looking at Oscar's sincere and kind eyes, Allen told the other person the location of the tribe without concealing it.

"Is life in the tribe easy? How many tribesmen are there?"

“The days were really difficult in the past, and you wouldn’t get much harvest even if you hunted in one day…”

After Jack's questions diminished, Oscar and Allen had more conversations. They were both energetic warriors, and they didn't actually need much rest time. At this time, Allen's sexual conversation in the quiet environment was interrupted by Oscar. It was a way to vent out the countless complaints hidden in my heart.

Except for the voices of Allen and Oscar, the surrounding people fell asleep quietly, and various gentle snores sounded, echoing with the calls of insects and beasts active at night in the desert, forming a natural symphony.

(End of this chapter)

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