Chapter 74 Fortunately
  "At that time, Shitou held off the kobolds who rushed into the village by himself, allowing me time to set fire to the village and block their pursuit. Later, because Shitou delayed it long enough, I had time to go to the village and set fire to the village. I took the children out and hid them in the lake. I waited until the kobolds returned with the team before I dared to come back with the children."

"We failed to fulfill your instructions, patriarch, and allowed the kobolds to attack our stronghold. I'm sorry, patriarch."


After Camellia vented her emotions, she recounted her past days.

"As long as you guys are okay."

Allen was pleased with Camellia's cleverness. He could accept other losses. Even if the entire village was burned down by fire, as long as one more member of the clan survived, it would be a valuable asset.

"What about the stone? Why doesn't he come to see me?"

More bugbears came out of the ruins. Allen searched among them for a long time but didn't find the familiar figure, so he asked curiously.

"...that clan leader, Shitou, was surrounded by 5-6 strong kobolds in order to hold back the kobolds, and finally died in the village..."

Camellia hesitated, and finally told Allen the news of Stone's death in battle with an embarrassed look.

Allen's face suddenly fell. There was no joy on his face, and he didn't know what he felt in his heart. He just felt a little congested in his chest. As the closest person to Allen in the clan, Shitou has been with Allen for more than two years like a little follower. Although their relationship is not blood related, it is almost the same. Suddenly hearing the news seems to have an unreal feeling.

"Dead, why is this idiot like him dead?! Didn't I teach him that the first thing he should do when he finds something wrong is to save his life? How come he doesn't want to die and fights with the kobolds!! What an idiot!! "

"You can die if you want, but you promised me that you would catch an earth dragon for me to make barbecue. How can you not keep your word!!!"

Allen muttered to himself for a long time, not knowing how he walked into the ruins of the village. When he came to his senses again, Camellia was greeting the few surviving females of the tribe, pulling a bag of grain from the car and lighting a fire. Get ready to make their lunch. Beside them, the bugbear cubs were like followers, watching with lustful eyes the aroma of food gradually rising from the only iron pot in the clan.

Allen walked out of the village alone and came to the edge of the Green Lake and felt sad. However, before he could be alone for too long, his keen intuition noticed that a figure was slowly approaching in the darkness, making him stare at the darkness with vigilance. It was only when the figure in the darkness came into the light and revealed its true face that I felt relieved.

"I don't know what the relationship between the man named Shitou you mentioned and you are, and I don't know what to say to comfort you, but there is one thing I have to tell you."

The figure walking over was the exhausted Goblin Jack. Only he would probably be more concerned about Allen's whereabouts at this time, and he would be able to notice the other person walking out of the village alone.

"what's up?"

Alan answered absentmindedly.

"I'm leaving. It's been more than a month since I came here, and I'm feeling a little homesick."

There was attachment in Jack's eyes. After seeing what happened to Allen and his group, Jack missed the life in Thunder Town, as well as those familiar faces and relatives.

"Oh, then I won't keep you. As you can see, there are a lot of things going on in our place and it's very troublesome. Thank you for your help these days. If there is a chance in the future, my clan will definitely repay you."

Allen nodded and expressed his gratitude in words.

"...Um, the reward you promised me before, isn't it..."

Jack looked a little embarrassed, scratched his head and looked at Allen. Speaking of which, this mission was too easy for Jack. Apart from being a little tired, he didn't put in much effort, so he didn't become too shameless when he asked Allen for payment. , I still feel that I am not confident enough.

"Ah, look at my brain..."

Allen slapped his forehead and said mockingly.

"What happened in the village distracted me, I'm sorry."

As he spoke, Allen took out the money bag from his arms and handed it to Jack. At the same time, he made a gesture of goodwill and prepared to pat the other man's head. While communicating with Jack along the way, Allen knew that the real age of the goblin boy in front of him was only 16 years old. Therefore, Allen, who had been in contact with him for many days and took a fancy to his abilities, naturally hoped to make good friends with him. Maybe one day they would There will be communication and contact again, and it will be better to communicate by then.

Jack took the wallet handed over by Allen, but he gently put his foot to the side, just in time to miss Allen's gently caressing arm, and Allen's movement was in vain.

Allen's expression froze, a little uncomfortable, but he quickly readjusted his attitude and put on a kind smile again.

"Sorry, I'm not used to close contact with people."

Jack also put on a polite smile, but the wariness in his eyes reminded Allen and made him understand why the other party was like this.

"Hehehe, it's my problem."

Allen seemed relieved and looked back at Jack with a smile.

"Do you want to have lunch outside in the village before leaving?"

Seeing that the luggage on the other side's back was bulging and was not placed in the stronghold, Allen knew that Jack was probably going to hit the road, so he asked politely, and finally got the unsurprising answer: "No, I'm going to hit the road now. Let’s just say goodbye and hope everything goes well next time we pass by your tribe.”

"Well, it will. Not only will it be safe, but it will also become stronger and stronger. Maybe you will be tempted and settle in our village!"

Alan replied boldly, even with a bit of slyness, and smiled humorously at Jack.

"That's a great relationship. As long as your life here is better than that of the Thunder Tribe, I might really settle here!"

Jack could certainly hear the wooing in Allen's words, but apart from being part of the same clan, there was no place in the Green Field Tribe that could make Jack fall in love. Naturally, he would not be moved by Allen's sincerity. It was just a joke, leaving some thoughts in Allen's mind.

"Then it's settled!"

Allen was also heroic, as if the matter was a done deal, and he immediately made an agreement with Jack. However, according to the current strength of the Green Field Tribe, it would be difficult for him to be safer than Thunder Town.

"it is good."

After Jack left a word, he turned around and headed back in the direction he came from. Allen watched the other person's leaving figure until it disappeared over the horizon, then sighed and looked away. If there was a thief like Jack in the clan, , to help the tribe, is far more useful than a powerful warrior profession.

Allen, who has personally experienced the role of intelligence, secretly made up his mind to cultivate an outstanding thief in the tribe to help the tribe collect surrounding intelligence, and no longer be as ignorant as before.

(End of this chapter)

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