Chapter 78 Change 2
  Change seems simple, but in fact it is very troublesome, at least for Allen and the Green Field Tribe people who made the choice to change for the first time.

As the saying goes, you don't worry about scarcity but inequality. Now Allen finally understands this truth.

In the previous Green Field Tribe, the power of reproduction and mating had always been in the hands of powerful warriors. The remaining weak males could only go to the females to have sex with them when other males were not interested, or they could simply go to the wild to hunt for goblins. Females vent their animal desires.

However, now that Allen arranges a fixed female as a partner for all males, not only the powerful males are dissatisfied, but also the weak ones who make profits are also dissatisfied.

He is as powerful as a mountain. As a male, he has the instinct to seize as much power as possible for mating and reproduction. With a fixed mating partner, he loses his choice. He faces the same female face every day, perhaps as an entertainment item during long journeys. It was nothing, but when he got to the clan, he still had to face that face, which made Dashan feel bored. In other words, playfulness has always been the inherent nature hidden in the genes of the male body.

Even if in order to appease and care for these tribesmen, Allen gave priority to the powerful ones to choose mating partners, he could not hide the greedy mentality of these guys eating from the bowl and looking at the pot.

And those weak tribesmen are equally dissatisfied. In the past, they might have had the opportunity to come into contact with the good-looking females in the tribe, with plump buttocks and big breasts, and to vent their animal desires on them. But now it's better. The good-looking female has been occupied by the powerful male for a long time. She no longer has the chance to kiss and love her. Turning around and looking at the female accompanying them, she turns out to be a short and thin goblin female. How can they be in a good mood? .

You must know that the survival law of survival of the fittest means that bugbears will basically not mate and reproduce with goblins unless they have to, except of course when they vent their animal desires. Because, although there is no reproductive isolation in the mating between bugbears and goblins, if the female of the mating party is a goblin, then among her offspring, bugbears, hobgoblins and goblins will each have a 1/3 chance of having children. However, even if goblin females give birth to stronger bugbear and hobgoblin offspring, their physical fitness is naturally weaker than those of bugbear females.

It takes about 7 months for goblins to go from mating to giving birth to cubs, while it takes 10 months for bugbears to go from mating to giving birth. There is a huge difference in the development of cubs in the mother's womb, which will also be discussed later. The reason why the descendants of skygoblins are weaker than the descendants of bugbears. Even the reproduction of hobgoblin females is worse than that of bugbear females, although their reproductive time is also 9 months.

Therefore, driven by instinct, the relatively weak bugbear male still prefers the bugbear female, no matter what, it must be a hobgoblin female. But now it is good, there is only one goblin female accompanying them. Although the evening entertainment is provided, if they really want the female to conceive offspring, they naturally hope that the offspring will be stronger.

However, the Green Field Tribe lacked female resources, making it difficult to achieve a one-to-one ratio. After the Bone Broken Tribe conquered the Green Lake Village, many bugbear females fled into the wilderness without a trace, further exacerbating the male-female ratio in the tribe. Allen had this in mind when he returned home, so he ordered Dashan, Hua She and the others to bring the goblin wanderers who were following them into the team and bring them back to the clan, thinking that with the addition of these goblin females, they would be able to develop faster. Grow the tribe and give birth to more cubs.

At the beginning, everyone complained, but it turned out that life was about passive work, taking laziness and slippery to the extreme. Even though Allen got mad and used thorn sticks to beat and scold some of the thorns, leaving them covered with blood. Nor can they stop their laziness. Allen saw that this physical punishment was not effective, so he and Phillip combined it, and immediately announced another measure in front of everyone during dinner one afternoon: from now on, each person's rations would correspond to his workload for that day, and everyone would be lazy and slippery. Those who work hard will have their rations halved, while those who make outstanding contributions will receive additional food rewards in addition to their rations.

After the measures were announced, Allen did nothing for the whole day. He just took Philip to supervise the work of the tribe. If he was found to be lazy or slippery, he would be named and beaten without saying a word, and then he would be punished on the same day. During the two meals, Allen kept his promise and asked Camellia to halve the food for each person named.

On that day, almost all the tribesmen were punished by having their rations halved, and they all started working hungry. Moreover, the workload of the work has not decreased at all. Anyway, Green Lake Village is full of waste and is full of work that requires a lot of effort, but it has caused misery to a group of people.

The next day, the situation suddenly improved a lot. The night before, everyone was so hungry and thirsty that they couldn't sleep. Many people got up in the middle of the night and drank water from the lake to fill their stomachs. The next morning, everyone's stomachs were shaking and full of water. , that feeling is quite uncomfortable. However, there are still people who go against the trend and commit crimes. They think they are living a good life and have enough fat on their bodies to provide nutrients, or they think that Allen cannot detect their vulgar and lazy methods, but they are defeated in front of Allen's sharp eyes. , once again experiencing the suffering of the first day.

After doing this several times, the clansmen's lazy and slippery movements gradually improved greatly, and Allen did not need to spend any energy to keep an eye on them. Finally, he was delegated to Philip, the servant, and asked him to do this disgusting thing.

Anyway, the tribe has never looked down on skinny humans with little strength, and dismissed their flattery. Naturally, Allen does not have to worry that Philip will use this to win over the tribe's hearts and create convenience for him. Moreover, he believed that Phillip should know the stakes. The other party's wealth now belongs to him. If he offends Allen, Allen will send him to hell at any time, so he can only do his best.

The consequence of doing things with all his heart is to offend the bugbears, and if he offends the bugbears, Philip will inevitably have to tie himself tightly to Allen, and he will not dare to be dissatisfied with Allen's requirements and problems.

Such methods are all useful things that Allen learned after going out and seeing people outside, as well as communicating with Regis, Fili, and Phillip. Even in Allen's view, these methods are not necessarily worse than using strong force to intimidate others, or they are more capable of gaining people's hearts and causing less resistance.

Only in this way will Philip, a human being, slowly tell Allen the best values ​​hidden in his heart, instead of giving Allen many answers as before, but they are actually very superficial. Just knowledge.

(End of this chapter)

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