The epic story of green monsters

Chapter 88 Taking advantage of the opportunity to make income

Chapter 88 Taking advantage of the opportunity to make income

"In addition, I also want to discuss with you the next development of our Green Field Tribe."

The contract signed with the Bone Broken Tribe was not secure and could only maintain peace for more than twenty years at most. Because the two parties who signed the contract were Allen and the old Bonebreaker. Allen himself was young and vigorous, but Bonebreaker's old face full of wrinkles showed that he did not have many years left to live. By the time he Once he passes away, this contract will come to an end.

Therefore, the Greenfield Tribe still has a long way to go if it wants to gain a foothold in Green Lake.

For the sake of his tribe and for the great sacrifice he had made, Allen couldn't help but start thinking about the development of the tribe even though he was still injured.

"I heard you say that Druid is the best plant breeder in the world. Master Oscar gave me these oat seeds. I am going to open up some land beside our Green Lake and plant them."

"Well, yes, let's try planting it first to see if this grain is suitable for planting in the wilderness."

As a former manor owner, Philip had no shortage of planting skills, so he deeply agreed with Allen's considerations.

"Then I'll leave this matter to you. You choose the people in your tribe, as well as the human slaves who know how to farm. If you see if the surrounding land is suitable, you can lead people to cultivate it."

Allen nodded with satisfaction, and then couldn't help but worry about the future of the tribe.

"Now that the threat of the kobolds is gone, it's time for Dashan and the others to take up the task of hunting again. We have plenty of food in the warehouse, but one meal is missing. Without external supplements, we will eventually run out of food. .”

"I heard from Camellia that there are a lot of wild fish in the lake. Philip, how do you, the human community, fish? See if you can teach the idiots outside and improve the food for the people..."


One answer after another, a simple conversation outlined the future development direction of the Green Field Tribe.

Allen's tenacious vitality allowed Allen to remove the gauze on his body in less than a month and was able to get out of bed and walk. There are no spellcasters in the clan who can cast magical healing spells, and there are not many potions for Allen to squander. Allen relies on his own physical fitness and the resilience of bugbears.

Of course, the burns left Allen covered in bruises. Except for his face, which was still intact, all the bugbear-specific hairs were missing from other parts of his body, and they no longer grew back. Fortunately, the tribesmen didn't have too many weird expressions about Allen's changes. Instead, they seemed a little happy and excited because his health had improved and he appeared in front of everyone. There is a reason for the excitement, that is, to celebrate Allen's recovery, Camellia and the others specially added a piece of wild fish to their lunch. Otherwise, with the carefree personality of Bugbear, how could they really be happy about Allen's recovery? .

Professor Philip's method of fishing for the goblins was effective. Whenever it was going to rain and the weather was sultry, Philip would take the goblins out to the lake and paddle to the center of the lake in a canoe made of hollowing out a huge log. Nearby, fishing nets woven from rattan hemp catch fresh fish. Although the harvest is always intermittent and there are times when it fails, for the goblins who rarely eat lake fish, fresh food can always make them feel satisfied.

Among them, Philip mostly chose short goblins to fish for lake fish. They seemed to have little strength. However, they are so ingenious that not only can they learn the art of weaving fishing nets, but the action of lowering the nets to catch fish is actually more efficient than the unskilled teacher Philip, and they seem to gain more.

It seemed that the short goblins were not without their merits. Allen, who had known about this from Philip's daily report, took a high look at this group of burdensome fellows.

The goblins' identification with the Green Field Tribe is also deepening. Whether they were captured by Allen and the others on the way to the wilderness, or were given as gifts when they bought slaves at Thornburg Castle, they now live very comfortably in Green Lake Village. Even though no one was restraining them, no one was seen sneaking away. Therefore, the short goblins and hobgoblins now have the same freedom to enter and exit the Green Lake as the ordinary bugbears, but the human slaves still maintain their daily routine of being detained.

Also, in the past, when we were in the wilderness, we had to endure hunger and stay vigilant at all times, for fear that if we were not careful, we would be killed by accidents and hunters that might appear at any time. It's good now. As long as everyone works diligently and doesn't slack off, they will have a meal to fill their stomachs and don't have to worry about danger. Only a fool would think of escaping from such a wonderful life.

Allen's stone castle has stopped working because no one can provide enough stone bricks. The dozens of pitted stone bricks that the masons knock out all day long are not enough for a bugbear to work for one magic hour. However, it was still built as high as a person's height. Just looking at it from a distance, Allen felt that it was extremely solid and beautiful.

After moving his somewhat rusted body bones, Allen looked around for his two-handed sword, and finally saw its figure beside the pillar outside the tent. He wanted to show off his skills in chopping rough stones and making stone bricks, but he still felt a dull pain from the fou blowing, and finally gave up the idea.

Outside the village, square patches of land have been reclaimed. On the edges of the land are yellow withered grass and shrubs. Those plants that originally grew freely are slowly dying under the blazing sun due to the selfish interests of the Green Wild people. . Neat rows of seedlings have begun to grow on the land. The seemingly delicate seedlings are extremely stubborn in the wilderness. They have not become sluggish at all because of the scorching sun above their heads and the hot climate of the wilderness. They are just like the wild creatures living in it. Same.

A few simple wooden houses stood alone in the west corner of the village. These were the living areas of human slaves, hobgoblins, and goblin dwarves.

Of course, what is also indispensable is that the earth mounds bulge along the slopes of the hills. On the downhill side of the earth mounds, there are doorways made of pieces of iron wood. These are the houses of most bugbears in the clan. At this time, some of the dirt bag doors were still open, and bugbears and cubs came and went from time to time, but it looked like a warm scene.

On the contrary, Allen, as well as Dashan, Hua She and others who followed his example, still do not have a stable residence. Their stone houses have been suspended for a long time due to lack of materials, so now they can only stay in the wooden houses of the goblins in the west. On the one hand, it is to take care of them at night, and on the other hand, it is because they have no place to live.

(End of this chapter)

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