The epic story of green monsters

Chapter 90 Take a step back

Chapter 90

"Forget it, we have just regained our composure, just a few prey, no big deal."

The situation is stronger than the people. The peace that Allen fought for with his life cannot be broken now. Allen can naturally understand the reason why the other party did this. The more this happens, the more full of fighting spirit he becomes.

"The worst thing is, when we hunt in the future, don't go to the northeastern boundary. Let's go to the south to hunt and avoid these guys."

"Come on, let's get up and eat. We made berry noodles today, and they taste great."

Hua She stepped forward, helped up Dashan, the eldest brother, and pulled him toward the clan canteen.

Up to now, the Green Field Tribe is still practicing the big pot meal system, and each person's rations are rationed. This is for Allen to manage the food more conveniently and make the food last longer. Nowadays, the source of food in the tribe is not stable, so Allen must find a way to find a stable food source for the tribe before the purchased food is used up.

Most of the animals hunted by the Fruity Moon hunting team are made into bacon, which can be preserved for a longer period of time, which is considered an income; the females of the tribe also contribute, and they will be led by Camellia in their free time. , go around the village to collect fresh ingredients such as wild vegetables and berries to supplement the day's rations. However, most of these fresh ingredients cannot be stored for a long time, but the advantage is that the climate in the wilderness does not change much, which means that fresh berries and wild vegetables will grow and mature every day, which can barely be regarded as an output.

Now the females have begun to consciously transplant the berry shrubs to places with richer water sources by the lake, so that they can form a certain scale. Although they have little experience and do not have the skills of planting masters like druids, the females only Being able to rely on quantity to make up for his technical shortcomings, he is now quite successful in transplanting berry bushes.

In particular, there was a gardening technician among the human slaves who was good at planting. Although he didn't know much about wild plants, his rich planting experience still played a lot of role. There is also the use of manure by humans, which makes the Green Field people feel a little disgusted, but also admire them very much.

Collect the feces and urine excreted by the goblins every day, ferment it for a period of time, and then water it near the roots of the transplanted bushes. Not only will the bushes have a higher survival rate, but they will also grow more luxuriantly. It also produces a lot of fruits.

Of course, only the females who deal with it regularly can detect the changes in the bush. Other carefree males will never pay attention to these things.

In previous years, the Green Field Tribe's largest source of food was the nuts harvested every year from the tall trees in the wilderness, the most common of which were nuts. A peach tree can grow to a height of more than ten meters. Whenever it blooms, the top of the tree crown is bright red. When the fruit matures, such a tree can often bring hundreds of pounds of food to the wilderness natives. fruit.

Even after removing the hard outer shell of the nut fruit, one nut tree can produce almost two hundred pounds of nuts. These are the greatest guarantee for ordinary tribes to survive in the wilderness.

Moreover, the nut tree blooms twice a year, which means it can produce food twice. It is precisely because of the great significance of nut trees to the wilderness natives that the wilderness natives have an unwritten rule, which is that no tribe is allowed to cut down adult nut trees that have grown to more than ten meters.

However, nut trees also have their own characteristics. When each nut tree grows into an adult tree of more than ten meters, there will never be another tree growing within a radius of five miles, as if there is something between them. Contact or competition in general. Therefore, the land grab among the natives in the wilderness is actually more of a grab for the nut trees. Which tribe occupies a larger territory, which means that they may have more nut trees and more nut trees. If there are nut trees, they will have more food.

In the original territory of the Green Field Tribe, there were only three peach trees. Whenever the fruit of the peach trees matured, the Green Field tribe members would stay under the trees day and night to drive away other wild beasts and birds. food, and at the same time prevent other tribes from robbing them.

Now they have taken over the territory of the gnolls, and they have also taken over the 6 nut trees in the territory of the gnolls. Although the gnolls look ferocious and have sharp teeth, in fact they also need the food provided by the nut trees as their meat. additions. Including the three fruit trees on the original territory of the Green Field Tribe, the Green Field Tribe now owns a total of nine trees, from which nearly 3 pounds of food can be collected every year.

At the same time, the Green Lake in the Jackal's territory can also provide a certain amount of lake fish to the goblins. According to Allen's statistics during this period, the number of lake fish Green Lake can provide in a year is about 1 pounds.

From this point of view, the food sources of the Green Field tribe are basically the same in a year. If the oat cultivation is successful, they will get rid of the hunger for many years and will no longer worry about food.

However, Allen thought more deeply. If the tribe wanted to grow and develop, population growth was necessary. The growth of the population naturally required more food to support them. From this look, the food was far from enough.

Almost 1/3 of the money and wealth accumulated by dozens of generations of the family was spent on Allen's trip, which means that Allen will not bring money and jewelry again unless the situation is too late. The Thunder Tribe and Thorn Castle purchase food for emergencies and cannot use it as a routine method.

The Green Lake area is really remote, and it is rare to see a few caravans passing by throughout the year, and not all of these caravans are strong enough to make Alan and his tribe a winner.

Therefore, Allen plans to continue rationing food rations until he finds another stable food source.

However, in addition to the ration system, Allen also established a food reward system. This was an incentive system developed to encourage the tribesmen to work more. Especially after the tribesmen have established stable families, this incentive system allows hard-working families to retain some private property, and it also allows them to quietly open additional shops and small stoves to supplement themselves or their children. Nutrition.

Nothing can make the tribesmen feel more at ease than having food in their hands. It was also the systems that Allen began to implement in the tribe that made the tribesmen resist changes from the beginning. Now that they are familiar with the rules, they gradually burst out. The new vitality allowed the tribe to slowly advance towards a stronger defense line.

(End of this chapter)

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