Your Majesty, drink the medicine quickly

Chapter 141 The weeping pilgrim! Burning Legion!

Chapter 141 The weeping pilgrim! Burning Legion! (-in-)

Li Pu took the luggage and started loading the car. Then I took a quick look. I found that there was not a single useful thing in it, but they were all useful things.

Because they are all filled with various daily necessities - even socks!

'I didn't expect the goddess to be so careful. '

Li Pu felt warm in his heart. I think this woman should be married.

At this time, Li Pu saw a strange little dog with four small wings on its back in his luggage.

'Zabu? '

Realizing that his owner was staring at him, the dog rummaged through his luggage and found six bottles of new medicine.

Holding the six bottles of new medicine, Li Pu looked very confused.

The first thing is why Zabu turned into a dog.

The second thing is, why were these medicines put in my luggage?

After asking Zabu, Li Pu found that Zabu didn't seem to know what was going on. He was on patrol near the camp last night, and then he saw the moon.

The moon disappeared the moment it appeared. But Zabu's divine powers were briefly liberated and left traces of their existence in the world.

Through his foolish eyes, Zabu could see these divine powers, so he began to learn.

But because he is not familiar with it yet, and because his current strength is still very weak, the effect of using it is almost the same as that of an 'official wizard'.

Therefore, the dog was transformed by Himself.

But He didn’t put the medicine in it. When He got into the luggage last night, the medicine was inside.

'Could it be that these medicines were thrown from the Evil Heaven when I was in my 'god form'? Then the luggage was moved by me from the distant violet? '

Li Pu thought this was a bit outrageous.

Looking at the luggage filled with daily necessities, Li Pu touched his chin: "However, with my mental state at the time, it was not outrageous to do such a thing." '

The team set off soon. Li Pu and the two injured ladies lay down on the weeds of the cart. They had no intention of getting off and leaving, and they did not feel ashamed at all.

Because Li Pu's posture was very inconsistent with the image of an archangel, Sister Irene, like a strict housekeeper, cast a slightly reproachful look at the angel.

'Eileen. 'Li Pu thought happily in his heart: 'I was injured last night to save your god. Although I won, I am a wounded person now. '

Turning over the holy book of sincerity in his hand, Li Pu thought to himself: 'If it weren't for the purpose of obtaining the position of archangel, I could just lie flat all the time. Why would I have to expend so much effort to beat the goddess to tears? '

The goddess must feel very ashamed about this archangel.

Because letting such a person become one's archangel is simply blasphemy against oneself.

Leaving aside the bribery and being beaten to tears, during the "intimate conversation" between the two last night, Li Pu said something right.

Eileen and others already thought that Li Pu was an archangel - at least that's what Li Pu said.

Therefore, if he only admits that Li Pu is his angel, it means that the sincere angel of the goddess has lied.

Besides, there is a price to pay for defeat.

Therefore, before the goddess was defeated and begged for mercy and ran away, she did verbally promise to give Li Pu this position - she is currently an agent. If the sacrifice matter is completed, she will really give him this position.

The goddess was indeed defeated and ran away in the end. Because Li Pu was a god descending to earth last night.

Even now, he is like a god.

【Li Pu】

[Identity: You still feel that you are the supreme god (remaining time: 23s)]

[Status: I am becoming more and more aware that I am a mentally ill person. 】

[Personal attributes: ¥##@¥* (falling back more and more rapidly)

[Tip: This is a buff that begins to weaken after you leave the Evil Paradise]

After Li Pu returned to the Evil Paradise, his attributes changed. When he came back, he still brought a buff.

'The God of Evil is a charger for me. Although after coming back, the state will drop a lot and start to decline rapidly. But it still seems strong. And the longer it takes to charge, the longer it takes to fall. '

'It seems that the admiration that Zabu and the others have for me is sincere. Sister Snake's call to me as "Your Majesty" is not entirely a joke. I just don’t know if one-seventh of the power can defeat this old master who was once expelled from the throne. '

Li Pu didn't know if he could defeat Sister Snake who was in the evil paradise.

But he felt that during the period when he was at his strongest after being recharged, he should have no problem dealing with the King of Wrath, the supreme god in hell.

This gave him some confidence in dealing with the saint.

'The 'Story of the Mermaid and the Fisherman' I wrote for myself gave me a very bad feeling. '

Regarding this story, Li Pu couldn't help but complain. Because according to the tips I left in the narration, I have emphasized one thing many times:

[This medicine must be taken for a long time! Can't stop! It can cure my disease and I have never felt so good hahahahahahahahaha]

After reading this passage, which was emphasized many times, Li Pu knew in what state he was in writing the story of the 'Mermaid and the Fisherman'.

Anyway, given his current mental state, he found this story to be very psychotic.

He probably saw this story and knew what he wanted to do.

But he didn't dare to study the logic of the story now.

Because he knew that whoever understood the logic of this mental illness story would be in trouble.

'don’t worry. 'Li Pu looked at the camera here meaningfully: 'I will tell everyone about it on the day of the sacrifice. '

'Be an ignorant person for now. If you know too much about the truth, you will go crazy. '

Li Pu covered his face with the book and lay down next to the two crazy girls to catch up on his sleep.

The two were whispering.

"Elizabeth, are you really Duke Alfred's daughter? If so, we are sisters. No wonder I feel particularly kind to you."

"Of course, we are indeed related by blood." Elizabeth also likes Katerina very much, although Katerina is sometimes strange: "But now I have become 'Themis', so we no longer have any relationship."

Katerina said: "It seems that our souls were also connected together."

Elizabeth knew that Katerina was the sword-bearing angel of the previous generation, and Yeshathemis was originally an ancient god from the old world. Their souls may indeed have been connected.

"Maybe, but although my soul and flesh and blood come from Yeshathemis and Alfred, my blood comes from Dante."

"Elizabeth." Katerina said meaningfully: "It seems that we are closer than imagined."

"How is that possible? You must have lost your mind again. How can you have two fathers?"

"Aren't you too?"

"Hiss" Elizabeth suddenly understood: "So this is how you came to the world."

Li Pu covered his ears, not wanting to hear these two guys getting crazy anymore.

'The cognition of these two mentally ill people is confused. If I continue to listen to it, I will lose my mind! '

After cursing a few times, Li Pu stuffed hay into his ears, and then covered his face with the book again. Soon he was snoring.

In the afternoon, Li Pu was awakened by the wailing sound of mountains and tsunami.

The surrounding fog was very thin, and he saw the 'Pilgrims' all over the wilderness, the majestic high violet wall in the distance, the 'suns' and unknown flying stars hanging above the sky.

The six-wheeled sun hung above the sky, its gentle light penetrated the fog, and the fog gradually faded.

In the vast wilderness, there are withered grass everywhere.

The haggard refugees, like a tide, continue to flow towards the high violet wall in the distance.

They are skinny and paunchy. Many people were unable to walk and could only crawl on the ground in pain.

The sound of mourning echoed everywhere, and this tragic sound was like waves, rising and falling in the wilderness.

Li Pu raised his head, his sight passed through the fog in the distance and looked up at the sky. I understand something in my heart.

His sight passed through the fog and saw a huge shadow that occupied half of the sky.

[The remains of the unknown god hold six arms high, standing in the sky like a saint praying. ] [His divine wings that cover the sky and the sun have replaced the sky. His countless divine eyes replaced the sun, moon and stars. 】

[The compassionate and wise Yeshathemis, the wicked and foolish Saint. 】

【God will eventually wake up. Either him or him. 】

[When the fog dissipates, the holy light of mercy will grant salvation to all things in the world from their heavy sins. 】

[The evil divine light will give all things in the world the ultimate salvation from ignorance]

Li Pu saw through the fog and saw God, but people did not see it.

Everyone's vision was obscured by fog.

"The conflict between the gods has been going on for thousands of years." Erin looked at the high wall in the distance and said sadly: "The fog has finally spread to our home. People are displaced, unable to survive or die."

As the team moved forward, Li Pu and others gradually came to the wave of 'refugees'.

When he heard the wailing sounds clearly, he was shocked to find that most of them were not begging for the door to be opened, or complaining about their suffering. Instead, he prayed loudly in the direction of the high wall.

The remaining people were shouting something like this.

——"Give me sin! Give me sin!!"

——"Please 'Themis' forgive me!!"

——"Please 'Alfred' reveal the crime of grace!"

"A crime?" Li Pu looked at Eileen: "Is this related to the redemption of 'Yeshathemis'?"

"Lord Nip, as you can see."

Erin said sadly: "This land has been swallowed up by the mist, and people can no longer bathe in the divine light. People cannot ascend to heaven, nor can they go to the River Styx to die. They can only suffer torture in the human world." Themi They are the only divine light that people can come into contact with. Because the power of 'Yeshathemis' can give people sin and make people fall into hell."

[It turns out that all laws in the world are controlled by the gods. 】

[Birth, old age, sickness, death, withering and prosperity are all controlled by the gods.]

[The sun rises, the moon sets, rain, snow, wind and frost are all controlled by the gods.]

[The gods of heaven cannot interfere with the Lord of the Mist, and the water of the Styx cannot travel through the mist. 】

[Mortals cannot ascend to the Kingdom of Heaven, nor can they fall into the River Styx and die. You can only suffer in the human world. 】

[This is a kind of immortality and a blessing. 】

[But it is also an eternal torture. 】

[People can no longer bathe in the divine light, but sins and desires are always with the fog. 】

[For many people, falling into hell has become the only relief. 】

'In our world, laws come from nature. 'Li Pu secretly thought: 'But here, it comes from heaven, hell, abyss and all other neutral gods. '

Li Pu thought of the bitter ferns made by the devils.

'Mr. Dante Demon King, maybe he is really saving the world. 'Li Pu thought strangely: 'Those bitter ferns should be mixed with the power of many laws. Therefore, those werewolves with weird bodies regained their health after eating bitter fern. '

'However, it should have some side effects. So the werewolves' bodies are covered with fungi, tumors, and abscesses. '

'These people are not refugees, but pilgrims. They want to go to hell - where at least there are laws. '

"Your Excellency Nip, Your Highness Katerina." At this time, Irene had finished explaining. She looked at the 'refugees' not far away: "These follow the footsteps of Themis and come from thousands of miles away from all directions. The people who come to Violet are not refugees. They are 'pilgrims'. And the ones they are making pilgrimages to are the Themis who represent Yeshathemis."

Themis, like angels, can accept the sins of people and allow them to ascend to heaven.

Like the devil, they make people sin and fall into hell.

In the fog, those who are no longer guilty cannot ascend to heaven. Therefore, the pilgrims seek sin and hope to fall into hell.

Hell has become heaven for those in the fog who yearn for relief.

"Remember the ticket inspector who prayed to the Princess of Hell?" Li Pu suddenly looked at the camera quietly: "He should have gone to hell - under the persuasion of that evil-hearted bitch Elizabeth, the ticket inspector returned The family committed suicide.”

Elizabeth, who was standing on the side of the camera, looked a little ugly. She defended: "You don't understand at all! What good is there in heaven? The souls who can go to heaven are very boring. The interesting souls are all in hell!"

"That's the real paradise! At least for people like Wood and Violet, being sent to hell by us is their best option."

Before Elizabeth could finish her words, Irene pulled the mask over her eyes to her mouth.

Irene looked at Li Pu cautiously: "I'm very sorry, Mr. Nip. The fall of 'Themis' is due to the negligence of us regulators. Please don't blame her."

Li Pu shook his head. He had never stood on the side of the gods, so he didn't care what the believers chose in the end.

Besides, Elizabeth might be right.

Maybe, everyone is living a happy life like a cyberpunk in the sanctuary of the savior Dante.

Seeing that Li Pu didn't pay attention to this matter, Irene breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "But as you can see, in the fog, there are more and more people who yearn for hell."

She looked at the high wall in the distance and said very worriedly: "The forces of hell are about to sweep through Violet, and Violet is already suffering from internal and external troubles."

The Grand Duke sent a mission to the Holy City to ask for help.

"Violet is originally the strongest fortress at the junction of the forces of hell and heaven in the human world. The city has the power of protection exerted by the gods back then. Unless someone turns on the power, it will be difficult to break through from the outside."

"Grand Duke Alfred has an outstanding will. He is a staunch conservative. I believe he can lead us to support reinforcements - whether it is Tadar's rescue or the gods personally leading the troops."

"But we failed to enter Tadar City. Baron Charles who entered the city did not know whether he conveyed the matter to the past."

In fact, the sincere Hilna had already learned about Violet's situation from Irene.

But the goddess didn't give any indication, which made Eileen very anxious.

So Irene was asking what Li Pu meant at this time.

We will meet the Grand Duke soon. The news brought back by the mission will have a profound impact on the situation.

There are many capitulationists among the violets. If everyone discovers that there are no reinforcements, even the Violet Archduke 'Alfred' may not be able to control the situation.

Opening the city gates and taking refuge in hell will become inevitable.

"The forces of hell? The forces of angry hell?" Li Pu asked.

"No, my lord, it is not just the forces of the angry hell."

Eileen said: "The city to the west of Violet is jointly controlled by the forces of Angry Hell and Painful Hell. Every time they come to attack the city, it is a coalition of the two forces. It was okay before, but due to the truce between Heaven and Hell The agreements, as well as the internal battles in the seven hells, are all mortal forces loyal to hell."

"But according to the latest intelligence, there is a real legion of hell already stationed in that city. No one knows what kind of enemy will come next time."

"Perhaps it is the coalition of fallen human beings, perhaps it is the demonic army of the Angry Hell and Painful Hell, or perhaps the coalition of various hells."

"The violet is the last nail in the east, and all the demons want to pull it out."

Li Pu nodded and thought to himself: 'All the forces want the Saint. '

'Moreover, this 'all' is not only the legions of hell that entered the world in the fierce burning, but also includes the gods in heaven. '

Li Pu couldn't help but look at the giant shadow in the sky again.

'I really don't know how to live or die. '

"Actually, I'm quite reckless. Because I play more fun than them."

Li Pu turned to look at the camera here and whispered: "According to the story of the mermaid, I have to merge with the saint in public in the end."

(End of this chapter)

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