Your Majesty, drink the medicine quickly

Chapter 181 Are they all our own? !

Chapter 181 Are they all our own? !
According to what Irene had said to Li Pu before, it was because they found that they could not change these people's perceptions at all. So after they developed ten, they didn't dare to continue.

This incident made Li Pu breathe a huge sigh of relief.

Because he discovered that these lunatics who believed in the existence of the old master were even more terrifying than the original evil believers in the religion!
Because Yeshathemis has turned into EVA, the original believers who believed in her can no longer use her power.

But these believers are able to use the power of the Evil Heaven because they believe in the old master.

They can be regarded as the evil priests of the evil heaven in the human world - according to Li Pu's observation, these believers know how to use the magic of holy angels and the magic of saints!

Some guys who are devout enough in their beliefs can not only transform into evil angels. After coming into contact with Li Pu, they can even hear the voices of the evil gods!

Some believers can even hear Sister Snake’s voice!

This means that as long as they respond, they can summon these evil gods!
At least a projection can be summoned.

These evil gods who can be summoned may not be on Li Pu's side, but since no one has summoned them for many, many years, they answer every request!
Li Pu believed that if these people knew the name of the third 'Old God (Master Level)' and tried to summon it. Then Katerina's sister will definitely be happy to come and take a look.

This is much scarier than the original saint believers!
Indeed, these people regard themselves as big bosses.

'Originally, I only needed to use this ceremony to get rid of Elizabeth, the true saint. '
'But now, I also need to ensure that those believers must not leave any cultists behind. Otherwise, whether they summon evil gods like Sister Snake, or third masters like Holy Angels and Stupid Saints, , are all doomed! '
'I hope most of the believers in Elizabeth's church are loyal to her, not to me. '
The followers of the old master are far more terrifying than the followers of the saint.

This is a magnificent underground temple. The holy torch coated the temple with a layer of dusk-like gold, and the main hall of the underground temple was crowded with people upstairs and downstairs.

And these newly developed mental illnesses should have developed many lunatics who believe in the old master.
These people never dare to reveal their true beliefs in the religion. Therefore, they have no idea how many people are their own.

Hmm. Indeed, Irene said that they only developed ten people, but there seemed to be far more than ten evil believers who believed in the old master.

When Li Pu put down his cell phone, the team had slowly passed through a cold and damp passage and arrived at the gate of the main hall.

[The only thing that is certain is that in the past half month, the hundreds of people who have come in and out of the cell believe in the old master - without exception, the probability after sampling is 100%. 】

Obviously, those ten people should have secretly developed a lot of believers.

In the past half month, I don’t know how many believers have sneaked into the cell to worship me.

The fanaticism in the eyes of those lunatics who regard themselves as their old masters cannot be hidden.

There is a very simple way that can let Li Pu know at a glance whether that person regards him as the madman of his old master - you can tell by the look in their eyes when they look at him.

If Li Pu hadn't repeatedly used 'the traitors like the Saint must be dealt with first' as an excuse, they would all be quiet. He has probably been sent to the Madness Paradise for various mental treatments.

From a certain perspective, these "Old Lord" believers are the same as "Adventist" believers. They all hope that the paradise of evil will come to this world.

Standing in front of the door, Li Pu was worried.

Poor Elizabeth has become their pawn.

However, they all thought that they were sick.

With a creak, the door was slowly pushed open by the believers. The light of the torch and the noisy noise outside the door came through. Li Pu narrowed his eyes slightly in the light and looked at the temple outside the door.

They secretly planned to use Elizabeth to enter the evil paradise and awaken the gods.

The main church is six stories high, and the missionaries and believers are like audiences waiting for the performance of an opera in an opera house. Carry yourself gracefully and be expectant in your conversations.

The altar located in the center of the hall is the stage for this opera.

The leading man of the opera has his foot in the door. The heroine of the opera has also been waiting here for a long time - it is a huge strange goddess statue, its entire body is connected with the wall of the temple.

This huge marble statue occupies an entire wall and is as high as the dome. He looked ancient and holy. She looks like a six-armed goddess descended from heaven.

But His divine wings were nailed to the wall, and his six arms were covering his face or body in pain. Many bones in his legs and body seemed to have been smashed, and his whole body was in torture. The middle was twisted into a painful position.

If you look closely, you can see that there are still vaguely deformed bulges in various obscured areas of her face and body. These covered deformed protrusions were very dense. It seemed that his face and certain parts of his body were not normal organs, but numerous deformed eyeballs that were densely packed together.

This statue has many names: 'Mercy Yeshathemis', 'Merciful Foolish Saint', 'Suffering Saint of Salvation'.

It is believed that there were seven 'Suffering Gods' in ancient heaven.

These seven suffering gods are the seven gods of ancient heaven.

However, another theory has been quietly circulating in the Evil God Cult - that the seven suffering gods are not the real masters.

The twelve wailing divine wings of the saint enveloped the main hall. Each pair of divine wings is a floor. The twelve divine wings are six floors.

Each feather of the divine wing is carved with the appearance of the tragic victim's bones. The countless feathers form an ukiyo-e of hell. Every dead person opened his eyes and stared at the center of the hall.

The believers are distributed on the six floors, and they are also staring at the center of the hall. The crowd was so dense that for a moment it was impossible to tell which ones were the statues of the victims on the wings of God and which ones were the believers inside the building.

With a clang, the slowly opening door opened completely, and thousands of pairs of eyes fell on Li Pu like swords.

Suddenly, the heavenly hymn of the choir resounded through the hall - "na-si-ki-ya-pei-ye-li, Lord please listen to me, please forgive those people."

The strong stench accompanied the sacred hymns and hit the face. Following Li Pu's footsteps, he stepped on the carpet stained black with blood and walked towards the opera stage leading to the embrace of the saint - the altar.

After looking into those millions of pairs of eyes, Li Pu's mind boomed, and his whole body felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

'Crazy, all crazy! '
'No one is normal. Except me! '
Irene and others are now in a state of amnesia, so they are not considered normal people.

'No, I'm not normal either. When everyone goes crazy, the only normal person becomes a lunatic! '
'It's hopeless, hahahaha. Hahahahaha. It's hopeless! '
A dim underground monastery, blood-stained carpets and torture instruments, crazy believers, twisted gods and the purest sacrifices.

A crazy sacrifice is being prepared here.

Just yesterday, many lambs were processed on that altar in an extremely cruel way by believers, and today, the last lamb has entered the slaughterhouse.

La la la la, the shackles were unlocked, and the sacrifice was escorted in front of the altar.

Some priests came around and communicated with the believers escorting Li Pu.

While they were communicating, Katerina noticed that the priests had been looking at her intentionally or unintentionally.

'broken! Katerina secretly lowered her hood a little, but one of the priests walked over directly.

At this moment, Katerina and the 'Believers of the Old Lord' in the escort team were all excited, but after the priest came over and said a few words, he handed several things into Katerina's hands. Then he left.

Katerina opened her palms and found that they were bottles of holy oil and a pair of contact lenses.

Everyone: "?"

Li Pu: "."

(End of this chapter)

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