Chapter 123 Defenses
  A whisper is confusing Aiden. It wants Aiden to understand that choosing an appropriate belief can solve the current crisis.

Aiden ended the combat meeting citing fatigue.

When he was the only one left in the room, Aiden pulled out his sword and looked at the shadow on one side.

A fat rat-man stepped out of the shadows.

"Didn't you notice? Hairless thing, your subordinates have been replaced."

The Rat Man delivered important information stiffly, his tone flat, like a mechanically synthesized false voice.

Aiden recalled the anomalies in the camp, and with his keen mind, he did notice some changes in details.

For example, the mercenary leaders who just discussed with him were not so tough two days ago.

Aiden's notoriety is well known, and these warriors who are not as powerful as him have only obeyed and complimented him before.

Now they dare to express their views on the situation.

It may be that the approach of the lizards made their sense of crisis overwhelm their fear of Aiden.

Aiden continued to recall, trying to find more clues left behind by the anomaly.

But no, everything was so natural. He was more suspicious that the rat was sowing discord.


On the north side of Kara Temple, some warriors met quietly.

In the shadows, their faces are as fluid as water.

The confidential conversation went smoothly, but until they dispersed, no one noticed that the plants in the darkness were wilting abnormally.


The vast ocean, in the mist, seems like an invisible island dissolved in the ocean.

The old man fiddled with the pieces of broken mirror and connected them into a grand picture.

Everything is under control, mortals are stepping into the story that fate has written for them.

The scenes in the broken realm suspended around the old man are different, but they are all somewhat related to the lizard man holding a scepter.

It has not forgotten this cold-blooded person who dared to humiliate itself!
  The mirror that illuminated the lizard man was placed alone in front of the old man. There were no other broken mirrors around.

It is the master of this game. Even if all previous attempts failed to bring the lizard into the game, it still has a way to get this reptile to join the game.

It's very simple. If anyone doesn't want to stand on the chessboard, just build the chessboard under his feet.

The old man made a few empty strokes, and these few strokes made his veins bulge, as if he had exhausted all his strength.

The content in the book on its left hand is getting richer and richer, but the pages are abnormally yellowed.


It’s easy to get lost in time in the rainforest. It was another night, and Lynch approached the Kara Temple in the west.

He found that this time the enemy was extra rich in camp layout.

More than a dozen camps, large and small, were staggered and guarded the main traffic routes.

The camps are separated by wooden railings and trenches, and the undulating terrain is fully utilized.

Lynch saw the ballistae, as well as rolling logs and boulders.

If I guessed correctly, there should be covered potholes and clever traps.

Lynch is quite new. He has never fought such a fancy battle.

Cold-blooded battles are often direct and efficient, with several waves of raids and encirclements determining the outcome of the macro battlefield.

Elves prefer positional warfare that can be adjusted flexibly, making full use of magic and crossbows.

The elven nobles and their personal guards use absolute crushing force to either divide the enemy's power and defeat the enemy in one fell swoop, or to inspire the troops to stand firm in their positions.

It's just like the Dragon Prince and the giant dragon working together to conquer the battlefield, or it's like the ordinary noble driving a chariot and leading Asur, who has experienced hundreds of battles, to attack the enemy camp. In the end, countless small phalanxes cut through the enemy formation, and cooperated with the mages and archers in the large formation to defeat the enemy.

Maybe it's just the dwarves and humans who like this kind of entwined defense of agencies and trenches.

Asur and cold-blooded species rely too much on greater power. Even if they are forced to defend against the enemy, they mostly rely on magic barriers and mazes.

Lynch turned his head and looked at Tigris. These ancients had their own methods of attacking the enemy.

Asul will directly use overwhelming magic to level the fortress, and the cold-blooded species will summon a herd of beasts, gathering dozens of hill-like triceratops, and launch a charge that can make the demon army retreat.

Now that they only have five fighters, conventional methods don't apply.

Lynch had no idea of ​​letting the skinks lying in ambush on all sides join the attack.

Let them fight these hot-blooded species, even if tens of thousands of them die, there may not be any progress.

The Kala Temple is located on a slightly higher ground, like a hillside.

The hot-blooded ones fight high and low, and each small station can receive fire cover from nearby camps.

There are eight stations in the outermost circle, which guard the four fortress-like fortresses in the inner circle. The central camp is the most heavily defended, and may be the command center of the hot-blooded species.

Teclis has counted the approximate number of enemies, there are about more than 10,000 fully armed soldiers. In the old world, this was a powerful force, enough to dominate the territory.

But more than 10,000 full-time soldiers are not a big scene in the new world, and they can only waste some of Lynch's time.

The new world is a grand battlefield of bloody battles between cold-blooded species and demons, and a place of settlement for thousands of years of hatred between Druchi and Asul.

Humanity? Just a latecomer.

Even the scattered wild green-skinned tribes and the remaining tentacles of the Plague clan are far from their power to touch porcelain.

The Archmage began to guide the wind of magic, and suddenly, a loud noise roared in the minds of all living creatures.

It was as if something was crawling out of the creature's mind, and as the wind of magic grew stronger, they became more concrete.

The Archmage decisively inspired Savri's Crown of War and corrected the spell.

This is not quite right.

With his level of spellcasting, he shouldn't make major mistakes easily.

On the north and south sides of Kara Temple, a force appeared on each side and began to compete with Teclis for the wind of magic.

At the same time, spellcasting fluctuations occurred in almost all stations, which was caused by hidden spellcasters working together to drive counter-spells.

Teclis was supposed to cause a violent earthquake, but ended up just causing the ground to shake slightly.

There are more mages in the human legion than expected.

Although individually, compared to Tigris, they can only be regarded as children.

But nearly a thousand wizards working together were enough to temporarily contend with an archmage as powerful as Teclis.

If Teclis stood on the mage tower, this situation would not happen.

But he was in the depths of the jungle, with neither a steady stream of energy to drive him nor an auxiliary magic circle that could amplify spells.

The fierce fighting shook the ruins of the Kara Temple, and even the stupidest soldier could notice that reality was being distorted back and forth by the two forces.

The various stations were crowded with people, and the melodious horns sounded one after another, approaching Lin Qi from a distance.

This was some kind of command signal. Lynch found that many swordsmen wearing leather armor and carrying recurve crossbows rushed out of the station.

But instead of searching the rainforest for hostile spellcasters, they visited other camps.

The noisy dispute was captured by Lynch's excellent hearing. Although he could only understand a few words, the doubts and hostility carried by the wind helped Lynch understand the situation of the hot-blooded species.

They were in civil strife because of the inexplicable extra mages in the camp.

Lynch closed his eyelids with interest and patted the Hoth Sword Master with his tail, signaling them to protect the mage.

(End of this chapter)

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