Chapter 150
  Lin Qi pretended not to notice the enemy, but when he was close enough, he suddenly burst out again.

Broken corpses flew around like toys, and one of them landed next to the dwarf, causing Glenn next to the dwarf to wake up from a dream.

The time of the killing passed quickly, and the night fell into silence again.

Lin Qi led the team forward again without changing his expression, which aroused even more awe from the humans.

The reversal of daily routine caused unspeakable pain to the human being, but he still gritted his teeth and followed the lizard man.

The dwarves hummed the Song of Grimnir, and several low roars sounded from time to time in the night to refute the dwarves' unpleasant singing.

Obviously, the dwarves don't care what they think and are still enjoying themselves.

Glenn found the idle Sword Master of Hoth. Under the impatient gaze of the other party, he started talking shamelessly, trying to drive away the fear with words.

To Lynch's relief, it seemed that the sword master did not directly express his disdain for human beings.

Those two hot-blooded people chatted happily... maybe.

Lynch discovered that there was a colony standing not far away on the east side.

This was a common folly among hotbloods in the Isthmus of Lustria, and the rainforest would teach them a lesson in the coming months.

Lynch led the hot-blooded species to slowly approach the camp, preparing to eliminate the stronghold.

Beyond the leafy jungle, the simple fence was exposed to the eyes of the soldiers.

Oil lamps were burning in the wooden houses, and the faint smell of rice wafted out.

But there was no living person to be found, and Lin Qi did not sense the existence of any living person.

Lin Qi kicked open the wooden railing and stepped on the gravel-paved road.

The path was covered with freshly cut weeds and vines, and it seemed that someone had been maintaining the edge of the colony before.

There were no signs of battle, no blood.

Lynch walked into the colony and saw only lifeless prosperity.

The humans and dwarves looked particularly uneasy, but also inexplicably excited.

Maybe they know something.

Lynch indicated with his eyes that he needed to know more information.

In order to prevent language barriers, Tigris performed a relay translation.

This was not the first time that Sorian and Glenn had seen such anomalies. They were used to seeing such relics when they were looking for the "Orphan Maker".

Every year on the mysterious night, a family will unfortunately disappear from the dinner table.

Chickens and dogs are still croaking in the yard, and there is no trace of invasion. It looks like the residents have disappeared out of thin air.

Dwarves and humans will find ignorant orphans in a sealed place.

According to the orphans, they just felt the terrifying gaze from the darkness.

A gaze that penetrates the soul wakes them from their slumber.

The sense of voyeurism makes their scalp numb and drives them to hide in places where they think they are safe.

Glenn had had a similar experience, but at that time he was hiding in the basement and did not feel the so-called sense of gaze.

"It sounds like some kind of curse spell."

Teclis made a final comment that Lynch thought was more like a trick of the devil.

Lynch wanted to take a tour of the colony, but other creatures besides him didn't like to leave the group.

This is normal, the empty bustling scene is really weird.

Lynch eventually brought the Hotbloods to the square of the colonial town and had them defend in a clear field of view.

But Lynch himself walked into the streets.    He is more comfortable in encounters and more confident in facing the enemy.

There seems to be something in the town that has not yet left, and Lynch can feel the creepy peeping in the darkness.

But he is cold-blooded, so he is usually the one who makes other creatures crawl.

Lynch was waiting for them to materialize, but unfortunately, no matter how arrogantly he walked into the darkness, they remained unmoved.

The hunting sense did not mark the specific existence for Lynch this time. It seemed that the archmage was right, this challenge was still an invisible force.

That's even better, Lynch is not afraid of this mysterious attack.

Lynch thought they were scared because there was nothing in the darkness.

While searching, the lizard man once thought that it was the ignorant townspeople who had triggered the power of the ruins.

There are remnants of magic all over Lustria. They often come from the Cataclysm and are long-standing echoes of the Slann's battles with demons.

If it's Slann's magic, then everything makes sense.

The reason why chickens and dogs can continue barking ignorantly instead of disappearing like their owners is because of the specificity of Slann's magic!
  But as far as Lynch knew, Slann rarely left magic to fight against hot-blooded species. Their enemies were demons and ratmen.

In fact, to this day, Slan will not adjust magic casually, even if a hot-blooded species invades the temple city.

There is a greater evil that threatens them at all times. The hot-blooded species are just ignorant passers-by. The power of the temple itself is enough to defeat the enemy without the need for them to exert great force.

Lynch broke into a private house. Of course, the owner was just a pirate and a part-time businessman, and did not have the layout that a normal private house should have.

The lizard man almost triggered the trap left by the owner of the house, and it seems that this town is not as peaceful as it seems.

To Lynch's delight, the victims deserved their punishment. They were indeed avid gold diggers, and Lynch discovered the skink carcasses used as decorations.

The Isthmus of Lustria is a troubled forest section, with too many hot-blooded species, and Hesiotar lacks other powerful foreign aid.

Only around Hethiota can the Skinks' rebuilding be ensured.

Outside of Hesiota, the noisy rainforest is full of hot-blooded gold diggers. Without the protection of the legion, the skink can easily get the upper hand in the conflict.

They are more familiar with the rainforest, but lack sophisticated equipment and insufficient combat literacy.

The hot-blooded species that come to plunder are often mixed with mages and demons, which are not forces they should face.

No wonder the ancient demon toad wakes up frequently and inflicts natural disasters on mortals who spread like plague in the rainforest.

If the south side of Lustria is the rear of this conflict, and the north side is the front line under the cold-blooded race, then the Isthmus of Lustria is the battlefield where the two armies meet.

Lynch didn't find enough clues, but after leaving the house, when he stood by the oil lamp outside the house, he looked back as if he was aware of it.

When he looked back, the town with its colorful lights had disappeared.

In the darkness, wooden poles and gravel roads were replaced by skeletons. What Lynch looked back looked more like a cemetery than a small town.

The houses turned into strange-looking tombstones, with translucent blood-stained figures emerging from them from time to time.

And when Lynch turned his head, everything abnormal disappeared again.

The lizard man walked towards the location of the wraith in his memory without belief, and waved his weapon while turning his head.

But this time when he turned around, he didn't let Lin Qi see the hidden world. Instead, he almost twisted his waist because Lin Qi didn't show any mercy to his body and made a difficult move.

Relying on his excellent self-healing power, Lynch corrected his body and returned to the house.

But when he turned his head under the oil lamp, a lifeless world filled with the dead appeared again.

The lizard man cunningly activated the scepter of Koteg, and he felt he had found the key.

It's time for these pretenders to face the judgment of the Ancient Sage.

(End of this chapter)

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