Chapter 180 Death Ship
  The sailing ship slowed down, and the sailors tried to avoid the storm, but this was obviously in vain.

They should have noticed the signs of the approaching storm in advance, but the seabirds did not cry out, the dark clouds also appeared in the night, and the murky water was also hidden in the darkness.

By the time they saw the lightning approaching the sailboat at high speed on the horizon, it was already too late.

It was impossible to escape from the storm.

Dozens of pirates and ordinary sailors controlled the sails and lowered the sails.

Their fragile sailing ships were unable to withstand the storm, and when the storm enveloped the ship, all humans on deck would suffer a slow death.

Life is no longer in the hands of mortals. The ship will drift desperately in the storm, letting the sea god determine their life and death.

Lin Qi watched quietly as they finished their work, and all the ordinary people tightened their grip on the cables in numbness and fear.

It's just a storm. These humans haven't adapted to this dangerous world.

People prayed to various sea gods for forgiveness and help.

The young men who went out to sea for the first time had tears in their sweat. They also saw a storm when they came. The waterspout called "Manawai's Wrath" was simply like the end of the world.

However, it is extremely conspicuous and can be avoided by all passers-by.

It is said that there are countless undead in the depths of the storm called "The Wrath of Manawi". They will look for the living in the darkness and bring new puppets to the Sea Earl.

Others say that the dark elves are also in the "Wrath of Manawi". They wait for ignorant and curious ships to approach the storm, and will kill all fools who approach the storm.

The northerners once preached drunkenly that a god broke through the sea and arrived in the "Wrath of Manawai". The waterspout that connected the sky and the earth was a miracle caused by the battle between the god of the sea and the god of the mountains.

No one knows whether there are any terrifying undead spirits hidden in the storm they are facing now.

They huddled up in a hurry, and the huge and shiny lizard-man brought them a certain sense of security and uncontrollable greed.

Teclis walked to the deck with a pale face and looked at the approaching lightning and wind in the distance, disgust and hatred flowing in his eyes.

If the sailboat bumped a little more, he wasn't sure whether he would vomit.

To prevent this terrible future, the Archmage raised Lilith's Staff of the Moon.

Along with the mage's singing, the roaring sea wind turned into a whispering devil, and bursts of roaring echoed in people's minds, causing them to have tinnitus.

The spell was like streaks of lightning. The thunder and wind approaching the sailboat gradually weakened and finally disappeared.

In the eyes of people in awe, Teclis staggered back to the cabin. He had to find a place where no one was around to vomit.

For him, chanting mantras on the boat was a big challenge, but fortunately everything went smoothly.

The storm had no effect on the debate between the dwarves and elves; in fact, it turned into insults.

"All elves have spare money and can buy a complete set of weapons by themselves, and there are even poor people in the mountains who don't have armor to go into battle."

"That's the butcher who swore to fight to the death, you pointy-eared idiot! Every dwarf has the most sophisticated armor!"

"Because it doesn't take much meteorite to arm you? Your size really saves money."

There was a loud noise in the cabin, and the humans shrank in worry and fear. They were afraid that the dwarves and elves would fight and dismantle the already shaky sailboat.

Fortunately, Lynch usually stopped the tall and the short who were fighting each other. When no foreign enemies appeared, Juggernaut and Nagasu always liked to waste their energy in this way.

They always want to compete, but if they fight, it will be a life-or-death duel.

What they learned from the war was not tricks, it was the art of killing that led to death. Deep in the ocean, the servant of Eugen Mor looked curiously at the waterspout in the distance, helping the sailors to adjust the course so that the White Dove could avoid the "Wrath of Manawai".

There seemed to be countless howling devils in the depths of darkness, but when lightning lit up the sky, there was only an empty, violently undulating sea surface.

For some reason, Eugen suddenly felt a biting chill.

Until dawn, after the ocean-going ship sailed out of this sea area, there was still a sense of evil gaze, lingering and licking Eugen's back.

Eugen began to worry, he was afraid that this fragile merchant ship would hit a sea monster.

This is very likely to happen. There are torpedoes on the ship specifically for sea monsters, but I don't know if they are useful. Maybe the torpedoes are just psychological comfort for the sailors.

The dawn light was a bit miserable. For some reason, Eugen always felt that the sunrise was like a strong man who had just been seriously ill.

This strong sunshine died at sea because of some terrible, twisted force.

Eugen felt a chill in his heart. He knew that this was the oracle's divination talent, revealing the future for him.

A faint sense of disgust reminded Eugen that the power of chaos was quietly approaching.

A lone pirate ship appeared on the sea in the distance. The White Dove fired a round of artillery fire from a long distance. This was to prove that the merchant ship had good combat capabilities and to persuade the other party to change its target.

But the silent pirate ship showed no response and just drifted in with the current.

When it drifted into the bombardment range, the captain ordered to open fire without hesitation.

Whatever it is, just blow it up and sink it.

Approaching hastily may lead to various accidents.

Eugen stared blankly at the battleship with the skull and crossbones flag hanging on it. He did not see the phantom outline of life.

No! There is life, and there are countless tiny lives cheering for joy on the pirate ship.

The sunlight fell on Eugen, and in the warm sunlight, human blood gradually cooled.

Needless to say, the ship encountered a demon, the most terrifying of all Nurgle demons.

Daemons of Slaanesh play with your mind, daemons of Khorne are more direct, and daemons of Tzeentch tend to hide behind the scenes.

The Nurgle demon will bring terrible infectious diseases and plagues, and assimilate desperate humans in an invisible war.

The salvo of ten artillery pieces was so powerful that it caused splashes of water on the sea.

This amazing accuracy shocked Eugen, and he became panicked. If the ship could not be sunk from a safe distance, the White Dove would suffer.

Fortunately, this is just an unfounded worry for a rookie who sets foot on the ocean for the first time.

The first few rounds of shelling were just calibrations, and the fourth round of shelling directly covered the hull of the pirate ship.

Captain Neal of the White Dove withdrew his gaze without interest and looked at his passengers mockingly.

He is an old sailor at sea and a loyal believer in Manavi. He lives far more time at sea than on land.

He has encountered such unusual ships more than ten times. He knows the secrets of the sea, the secrets that the captains keep from each other.

(End of this chapter)

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