Beginning with the lizard men and traveling through the Middle Ages

Chapter 188 A visitor from a foreign country who failed to make a successful start

Chapter 188 A visitor from a foreign country who failed to make a successful start

Danger will not let go of the immediate victim just because mortals avoid it.

It was another white moon night. The evil moon was only slightly darker than the white moon, and its position was faintly above the white moon.

This is a bad omen!

The dwarves and elves were still playing chess below in ignorance, the Holy Grail Knight had returned to his "VIP Room", and the Oracle was walking back and forth on the third floor worriedly.

Eugen must have seen something, but Lynch believed that there would be no danger at most tonight.

After all, the Pyramid Engine was also a creation of the Ancient Saints. It was used simply as a bunker and was sufficient to deal with a variety of firepower.

Lynch couldn't feel the howling sea breeze, but he could see the waves crashing around the engine.

If he turns off the soundproofing device, the howling wind will definitely surprise everyone who is comfortable.

Lightning flashed across the sky palely like the skin of a wounded man who had lost too much blood, and the thunder was filled with anguish.

Luding raised his glass to himself and staggered closer to the window.

While drinking a sparkling drink mixed with alcohol, he leaned forward and looked down at the sea outside the window.

The Hoth Sword Master hadn't been this relaxed for a long time.

The blessings of the ancient saints once again favored them and established a warm shelter for adventurers.

It's like being back in Ulthuan, no! Ulthuan is not as safe as here.

There are countless beasts twisted by magical power in the Anulli Mountains. The white lion hunters have to go up the mountain every year and clean up the monsters on the mountain regularly.

Ludin knew the horror of the beasts in the Anulli Mountains.

Asur have all gone through military training, and only after the elven youths are proficient in swordsmanship and longbow can they join the legion and become white-crowned archers.

After decades of service, archers have the opportunity to join the spear corps.

As a civilian, Luding has experienced it all.

He served for hundreds of years before he was qualified to enter the White Tower of Hos.

Ludin's hometown is in the Kingdom of Saffre in the Inner Ring of Ulthuan, which may be the safest country in the world.

But even so, Luding also encountered the invasion of wild beasts.

Just like tonight, that night two hundred years ago, the evil moon was also on top of the auspicious moon.

A manticore broke out of the mountains. It was injured and could no longer adapt to the competition in the mountains.

So the elves at the foot of the mountain became its target.

Although every elf is a qualified warrior, ordinary warriors can only close their eyes and wait for death when they are invaded by monsters such as manticores.

A brave warrior would be proud to kill a manticore. At that time, it was completely impossible for the fledgling elf to fight against the powerful chaos beast.

Fortunately, an archmage happened to pass by Luding's village and rescued the villagers from the beast's mouth.

When Luding entered the White Tower to study, he met the Archmage again.

She has not been changed by time. The past hundred years have only made her a little more profound.

All the elves know that the archmage named Gloria is very strange. Compared to the elves, she is more like a rough human being, lonely and unpopular with the elves.

Ludin never forgot the favor he received that night, and swore allegiance to him after he began the path of the Sword Master.

It was not until then that Luding discovered that the mage was researching knowledge related to rat people and had made progress that shocked the White Tower.

She lays out the threat of the Skaven in detail and records relevant evidence from her travels.

If her manuscripts are not lost and Gloria's records are true, the Skaven are a more imminent threat than the demons. Gloria was too knowledgeable and knew many secrets, but she did not go too deep into the White Tower. Luding once thought that Gloria had pledged her allegiance to the devil for the sake of knowledge.

But the facts proved the mage's innocence. She seemed to know it from birth, and everything was attributed to Hess's enlightenment.

After undergoing the White Tower's review, Gloria was allowed to meet the Phoenix King.

Changes are always unexpected. On the same night when the evil moon outweighed the auspicious moon, the female mage's residence accidentally caught fire.

At that time, the mage was preparing to report his findings to the Phoenix King.

Luding rushed into the mage's residence. He swore that he had not let up and that no existence passed by the road he was guarding, but the facts proved his incompetence.

The mage was assassinated, and Luding never forgot the image of her curling up and crying under the influence of the poison.

He watched helplessly as Gloria walked towards death in pain. No therapeutic medicine could alleviate the pain. She begged and ordered Luding to kill her.

Before he died, the archmage repeatedly mentioned a title.

"Master of Death."

Luding muttered silently and drank the light green liquid in the cup in one gulp.

To this day, Luding, who has become the highest-level sword master, cannot forget the fire that night.

All the backup data that Gloria left in the White Tower was mysteriously lost, everything about her was erased, no Asul remembered the content of Gloria's research, and all those who knew about it died in accidents.

Luding stroked the scabbard of the giant sword, which was nearly two meters long, and his drunken mind regained consciousness for a moment.

He almost failed to maintain the balance in his heart. Assur must grasp the balance between bloodthirst and compassion.

Elves controlled by extreme emotions are weak.

On the upper level of the pyramid, Lynch could hardly suppress the anger in his heart and his body's hatred for the power of chaos.

The holy symbol hanging on his right hand makes the lizard man's wildness even higher.

Chaos was spreading, but he sat quietly inside the safety of the levitation engine.

Lynch kept reminding himself that the enemy of chaos should be allowed to fight within himself.

Although this will result in a stronger demon that wins in the end, facing two demons at once is a completely different concept than destroying a demon fighting alone.

Demons also know how to cooperate. If Lynch rushes into their battlefield, they will definitely put aside their prejudices and jointly destroy the servants of the ancient saints.

Fortunately, Lynch is no longer a fledgling lizard man. With the training of each battle, he can gradually control his boiling cold blood.

Only if he needs to fight endlessly will Lynch let his primitive wildness go.

The top priority now is to go to the mysterious island, unlock the nodes of the star map, and follow the star map's guidance as soon as possible to find the gift of "The Lost One" Ashoranka.

The full-scale war must be launched after opening the secret treasure.

No one hates Chaos and fallen species more than Lynch, but he must be sensible.

In the end, two hundred years later, if you retrieve the lost knowledge earlier, you will be able to accumulate more power.

According to the clues obtained from the Ancient Saint's Mystery Lock, the secret treasure should contain the knowledge to repair the incubation pool, as well as more research products of "lost people".

With this knowledge, the cold-blooded species can boldly reclaim the temple city, repair the giant spiritual network, and promote big plans without any scruples.

The devil was temporarily isolated in the Chaos Demon Realm by the "Maelstrom". Taking advantage of this opportunity, the cold-blooded species could restore the grandeur of ancient times in one fell swoop.

At that time, even if the "maelstrom" dissipates, the cold-blooded species will be able to delay enough time again to find a better answer to the chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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