Chapter 193 Eye of Zongqi ()

This is not the first time they have faced the charge of the Dragon Prince. At first, the Carsteins would rely on their superior physical fitness to compete with him.

But the undead magic could not penetrate the Dragon Prince's dragon armor, and the Terror Beasts were torn into pieces by the furious dragon. Their undead bodies could not withstand the blazing dragon fire, and even if they survived, they would be followed closely. The dragon spear pierced the body and was turned into ashes by the magic engraved on the dragon spear.

The tsunami-like breathing sound finally disappeared, and the intelligent undead tried their best to escape from the direction facing the dragon princes.

The giant dragons accelerated together, flying over the ocean with streaks of magical flames that seemed to evaporate the ocean.

Before the undead bats in the sky could get close to the giant dragon, they were burned into dust by the approaching dragon fire. The Horror beast feebly breathed out the undead breath, but was pushed back by the unstoppable dragon fire, and its huge body struggled in the flames. Falling into the ocean.

Hundreds of tunnels surrounded by blazing fire appeared in the sky, and dragon flames scattered on the sea, continuing to burn strangely in the sea.

It was just a hundred-headed dragon, but it created a sea of ​​​​purgatory fire that burned the entire ocean.

The vampire pirate's magic sailboat was set ablaze, and no matter how hard the vampire tried, he couldn't extinguish the dragon's flames that can burn all things.

The undead colossus, made of sunken ships, steel and flesh, fired a volley into the sky, and the thundering cannons filled the sky cleared by dragon fire with smoke.

The gunpowder infused with undead magic power only exploded the dragon scales. The giant dragons were enraged and scattered towards the undead colossus with their equally furious companions.

Before the dragon even got close to the sea, the already turbulent ocean surged even more violently, seeming to resist the meteorite-like monsters.

The mountain of flesh falling from the sky slammed into the giant assembled from the dead ship. The collision shook up huge waves. The undead colossus was smashed into parts by the fearless dragon, and the pieces of meat and steel flew in all directions.

The vampire commanding the undead colossus was penetrated by the dragon prince's dragon spear. The ghost knight rising from the sea quickly dissipated under the sweeping dragon spear, as well as the dragon's sharp claws and thick tail.

The dragon knights fought off waves of the surrounding undead, buying time for their dragon companions to take off again.

The soaring Sun Dragon sprays dragon fire, letting the unclean things feel the ancient fury.

The magic power of the undead condensed on the sea surface, and more undead souls were awakened.

Without a long battle, the giant dragons each broke through the blockade of the undead in the sky and gathered on the sea closer to the Burial Ship Cemetery.

There were only one hundred and eleven dragon knights left, and Imrik witnessed the death of four of his companions.

During the charge, two huge bone hands suddenly stretched out from the darkness, crushing the two dragon princes and their dragon companions into mud.

The broken dragon armor and the dragon corpse that fell into the sea were their last traces.

Not long after, two undead dragons controlled by undead magic broke out of the water.

Anger condensed the air around the dragon, and before the undead dragons could escape, Minas Nir personally sent them to sleep.

Imric knew that this was the "Sea Earl" controlling the spell.

It keeps looking for lone dragon knights and uses powerful necromancy to kill intruders.

All the soldiers who died in this ocean became its puppets.

The giant dragon circled on the sea and reorganized its army, rushing towards the area where the undead gathered the most.

The vampire fleet rained cannon fire into the sky non-stop.

The nimble dragons dodged most of the explosions, but the explosion that covered the entire sky made it impossible for them to avoid it. The dragon armor protected the elf's life, but it could not make the elf unscathed.

The blood that flowed out was evaporated by the high temperature. The fearless Dragon Prince controlled the giant dragon, rushed out of the smoke, and shot down one terrifying beast after another.

An unfamiliar dragon roar sounded in the northwest. Compared to the roar of the Sun Dragon, this sound was cruel and greedy.

The dire bats that filled the air made way for the reinforcements. Ten black dragons, eight war hydras, and nine abyss sirens arrived on the battlefield with hundreds of manticores.

Asul's offensive was too fierce, and the multi-front battle was still undefeated, which allowed many parties present to reach some kind of fragile alliance.

These beasts come from the Druchi city of Kalonde Kal. They are one of the twins of Kalonde Kal, the masterpiece of "Beast Lord" Rakas. He and "Siren Lord" are both role models for that slave city. .

Larkas is an extremely rare master beast tamer who can completely control the beast.

As a rival to the "Siren Lord", he answers the call of the High Sorceress, but offers aid in this indirect way.

The lizardmen who suddenly went crazy sent an army to sweep across the north, and no fear lord had the energy to leave his homeland for an expedition.

Falling on the manticore at the rear, the high-level trainer responsible for supervising the beast fled away from the battlefield.

No one could have imagined that Asul would awaken hundreds of giant dragons.

The intelligence from Hal Gansi terrified them. Ulthuan had rarely seen such a large group of dragons in the past few thousand years.

The black dragon, enslaved by black magic, showed no mercy to its former kin. The carefully trained manticore followed the black dragon and pounced on the Sun Dragon flying with the sea of ​​fire.

The sea beasts fled to the bottom of the sea one after another, dormant and waiting for the opportunity.

The seawater filled with charred ash became more violently turbulent, and more violent waves were stirred up. The turbid seawater prevented all parties involved in the melee from noticing the extra blood.

The pieces of flesh and remains of the sea beast floated to the surface of the sea, but were obscured by the broken hull floating in the distance.

If you are careful and willing to pay more attention to the floating objects on the sea.

He would have the chance to piece together the bodies of the eight-headed War Hydra and the nine-headed Kraken of the Abyss.

The dragon flames that fell again melted the floating objects on the sea surface. From time to time, giant dragons and manticores were shot down. The black dragons and manticores that fell into the ocean never came out again.

During the fierce battle, the overwhelming manticores once again worked together to strangle the wings of the flame dragon, and the entangled beast was forced to fall into the sea, splashing huge waves.

Soon, the Dragon Prince and the dragon flew out of the ocean, but the manticore stayed in the depths of the ocean forever.

The proud Prince Caledor was shocked and suspicious, but he had no time to report what he had discovered under the sea, because the manticore was like a passing locust and pounced on the dragon without hesitation.

The Sun Dragon used dragon fire and claws to engage in brutal battles with the beasts of chaos. The blood of the monsters bathed the ocean in a rain of blood.

The vampire fleet covered the enemy with artillery fire regardless of friend or foe, but for some unknown reason, the cannons fired became less and less.

Before the dragons could dive towards the magic sailboat on the sea, they sank into the sea first.

The huge waves caused by the storm hid the battle under the water. All that could be seen with the naked eye was the vampire fleet, whose number of battleships was rapidly decreasing.

(End of this chapter)

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