Chapter 311 Battle of the Mountains

The collapse of the defense line is often irreversible. When the Chaos Warriors captured the main street of the outer city of Dulong City, the life of the city had already entered a countdown.

The stubborn resistance of the dwarves is just adding some weight to the city's funeral with blood.

The fall of the main road caused the dwarf clans still fighting in the outer city to be divided. Hundreds of Chaos warriors were like slowly spreading ink, gradually eating away at the whiteness that the dwarves tried hard to keep. Chaos statues were erected in the ruins. It's a filth deeper than black.

Concerned about the still-extinguished lights in the outer city and the cries of the dwarves struggling against the beasts under the lights, the dwarves in the inner city did not dare to blow down the bridge connecting the inner and outer cities.

Team after team of Chaos Warriors kept attacking the dwarf shield array on the wide road bridge. Manticores and harpies screamed back and forth, causing chaos deeper in the dwarf city.

The rune anvils were struck by the rune masters regardless of the cost. From time to time, the anvils overheated, and the dwarves and enemies disappeared together in the explosion.

The general trend is irresistible in favor of the Chaos tribe. Almost every corner has been recaptured by the dwarves many times and fallen repeatedly.

If the minions of Chaos are not driven out of Dulong City, the dwarves who have lost the protection of the magnificent city wall are just more food. Their number is too small compared to the humans of Chaos.

Even if each dwarf can take away several enemies before death, it cannot change the crisis of destruction.

The remaining butchers and berserkers in the city gathered one after another. They asked the king to launch a final counterattack.

This would be the dwarves' only chance to win.

Either be reborn or perish faster.

"Longaxe" Hagrid is the representative of the butchers.

King Thorgard Colomson was not a dwarf king without courage. After the king discussed with the Longbeards, Hagrid got the permission as he wished.

He can lead hundreds of butchers and dozens of berserkers who have not yet died in battle to face death.

Death will eliminate the shame carried by the butcher, and will also give the berserkers the highest glory that belongs exclusively to heroes.

Hagrid does not expect to get honors from his death in battle like the berserker. He just wants to erase the debts he carries. The shame of the past tortures him day and night. Only by fighting like Grimnir can he Give him peace of mind.

The warriors who were not afraid of death gathered in front of the bridge. They first cooperated with the defenders on the bridge to repel another wave of offensives from the Chaos Warriors. After more than a dozen butchers died gloriously in battle, Hagrid and the remaining warriors drove away Following the fleeing horned beast, he rushed out of the suspension bridge and returned to the outer city.

The dwarves who wanted to wipe out the hoofed men failed to do so. When the beastmen suddenly stopped running and used the bunker in the west street to launch a counterattack against the dwarves with javelins and stones, all the dwarves knew that a group of Chaos Warriors was coming. , even if they are not Chaos Warriors, they should be other dangerous existences.

The cowardly deformed beast does not have the courage to face more than a hundred bloodthirsty warriors.

There must be something that gives them the confidence to resist, otherwise they would keep running away.

With a mission on their backs, the soldiers suppressed their desire to fight and instead rushed to the Stone Cake Street in the northeast leading to the core area of ​​the outer city.

Their death is more valuable. As long as they can regain the barricade in the center of the outer city and allow the scattered dwarf army to regain its core pillar, the other dwarves in the inner city will have a reason to sink their boats and launch a full-scale counterattack. city-state.

The roar of the troll came from the west. In normal times, the butchers would not miss the opportunity to meet death, but now they have no time to deal with the clumsy monster. Hagrid took the lead in rushing into Stone Cake Street. As long as he crossed this street that ran from east to west and went north along Blacksmith Street that connected the north and south, he would reach Ale Street, which is the core block of the outer city.

The shops on Shibing Street have long since been knocked down, and dwarf limbs occasionally emerge from the rubble among the collapsed houses.

The bloody arms and thighs hung on the drying racks that used to be full of bread. The desecrated corpses of the same kind made Hagrid furious. With hatred for the beastmen, Hagrid rushed to the messy place coming from the blacksmith block without thinking. Herd of bighorns.

This is a large war beast group, with more than two hundred strong horned beasts. Hagrid even saw a war horn beast wearing brass armor. Maybe it is the leader of this war beast group. leader.

Of course, it cannot be the common master of all war beasts. Hagrid has seen the chief of this beastman tribe. He is a cautious war horn. Any cautious beast king deserves to be wary. They are full of scheming intentions. Saboteurs.

Hagrid failed to kill the beast king, perhaps he could make amends with the horned beast champion's body.

Butchers without armor are faster than berserkers, and they don't have to run with a heavy body of iron on their backs.

Hagrid is the fastest among the existing butchers, and this time no faster butcher can take away his glory.

Unwilling to be outdone, the ugly hoofed ones launched a counter-charge at the rampaging butchers, which is really rare! Apart from those Chaos warriors and fearless demons, Hagrid had never encountered any other Chaos warriors who dared to charge at the Butcher.

They are the hunters!

that's the truth.

The charging two sides soon met, and one of the hoofed men tried to use a shield to block the butcher's angry battle ax, but they obviously did not understand the concentrated power in the dwarf's low body.

The small shield made of inferior iron was easily split by the fine steel axe. Every butcher could cut off the left arm of the beastman in one go, or even chop the beastman to death on the spot if he could not dodge.

The big horned beasts didn't have time to swing out the long knives or short-handled axes they held tightly in their right hands. Most of them had never fought with the butchers. The butchers' all-out efforts were actually regarded by them as the stupid and timid swings of the young dwarves' axes. .

The butcher, who was ready to collapse at the first touch and who didn't care about the opponent's sword at all and would rather trade his life for his own, killed dozens of horned beasts in one encounter.

The miserable appearance of their companions aroused the vigilance of the remaining hoofed people, and the permeating smell of blood inspired the beastmen's savage bestiality.

What is the use of animality? Most of the slayers present were troll slayers, and there were even giant slayers and demon slayers. If it weren't for the fact that giant dragons were hard to find, there might even be more dragon slayers.

Hagrid crashed into the herd and swung his battle ax wildly, chopping the big horned beasts in front of him into pieces.

Other butchers followed closely behind, and the conflict on the street suddenly entered the most chaotic stage.

From time to time, dwarves were surrounded and killed by hoofed men attacking from both sides, but more often, horned beasts were defeated by the ferocity of the butchers.

The unruly pig advance caused the butchers to scatter in the herd. Fortunately, most of the butchers who were still alive had the ability to squeeze the bottom of the box. With their dexterity that did not match their generous size, the butchers broke the herd into several Direction, duel in sequence.

(End of this chapter)

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