Chapter 321 Slightly advantaged

On the west side of the dwarf's military formation, "The Undefeated" Abair is like a tiger hunting a hare, hunting challengers in the dwarf's military formation.

The destructive power of the rune anvil could not stop him, and the protective runes on the dwarf's armor could not stop him from killing. The shouts of the Chaos Warriors in the distance cheered up his spirit, making the chosen champion who was already immersed in killing even more... hysteria.

The Butcher's defiant taunts only fuel his never-ending rage, and he won't shy away from a challenge, even if it's more like massacre.

Even the best dwarven warriors can't stop the Chosen Champion of Fury.

By now, no dwarf had tried to stop him.

No one knows why there are still dwarves who dare to challenge him. Since there are warriors who want to challenge the strong, then as the leader of the champions, Abair naturally has to satisfy all enemies who seek challenges.

Although the other party is just an insignificant enemy in his long battle life.

The flesh hound violently rushed towards the source of the sound, and Abair was close to the challenger in just a moment.

Still a butcher, he had killed countless butchers in just a few minutes.

After Abair beheaded the old butcher with one stroke of his ax, another war-filled call came from further west.

The God-chosen champion did not hesitate, driving his mount towards the west with even greater momentum.

Another careless butcher, they were all carved from the same template, they all looked exactly the same.

When the hound passed by the dwarf's side, Abair easily took the other's head again.

Blood splashed onto the flesh hound, exaggerating the red light in its eyes.

The hounds, which had long forgotten all the news in their madness, continued westward with the chosen champion, knocking over a group of dwarves who were guarding their shields.

The mount and its blood-crazed master maintained the momentum of the charge, as if they were about to penetrate the dwarf array and kill towards the west with the force of breaking bamboo.

It wasn't until the flesh hound's feet were in the air and the feeling of weightlessness instantly enveloped Abair that the two beings with a strong desire to kill came to their senses.

There was no road to the west and they broke out of the cliff.

The behemoth and its champion fell together. The two fell westward in inertia and disappeared into the bottomless valley.

When the gleaming cold-blooded species passed through the fog, tore open the mountain of flesh, and picked up the body of the Chaos Lord, the dust on the north side of the battlefield had already settled.

The remaining Chaos Warriors were killed one by one by the dwarf gunners who divided their firepower, and the huge war monsters were knocked down one by one by Lynch.

When Lynch finished dealing with the enemies and walked towards the south, all the dwarves made way for him.

The dwarf war chief on the Oath Stone raised his hammer to signal to the lizard man, and Lynch raised his weapon in response.

He doesn't quite know whether it's malice or good intentions, but no matter what, he can take it regardless of whether it's an enemy or a friend.

The dwarves' military formation returned to order, and McKennak Rydenson clutched his warhammer tightly, letting his voice echo everywhere on the battlefield.

"Eslin's warlord is dead! But the hatred has not been completely settled, and these damn scum have committed new crimes against us!

Their names are not on the death list to settle the blood debt, because the king's life has been stained by them, and their dirty crimes can no longer be written down!

Their lives are lighter than beer foam! We have the power to take their lives! Use their blood to blot out the existing records in the book of hatred!

We must use battle axes and hammers to make them understand how foolish it is to kill a dwarf king and invade the dwarf kingdom! "

The chiefs of each clan responded to the leader's call for war with war cries, and no dwarf was willing to miss the opportunity to wipe out hatred on the spot.

The Chaos army without the divinely chosen champion is nothing to fear. Without the surprise attack from the Chaos tribe, the Chaos army in the south is just a lamb to be slaughtered. The horn of the counterattack was blown, the tapping of the rune anvil slowed down, tens of thousands of military boots stepped heavily on the ground, and the mighty steel tide pressed towards the south.

The shells continued to fall towards the Chaos Warriors who were still charging, and the overwhelming bullets and arrows kept pace with the roar of the artillery fire.

Even a fifty-year-old young dwarf can be regarded as an experienced veteran. Apart from blacksmithing, war is the skill that dwarves are most proficient in.

The neat shield formation pushed the tide of chaos back to the south. Even if a few powerful champions broke through the first shield wall, they would be hacked to death by the butchers and berserkers between the shield walls.

There are very few warriors who can brave the hail of bullets and rush to the shield. The champions who are capable of breaking through the dwarf army have all died in the first wave of charge.

After another failed charge, they had no chance to reverse the defeat.

They should have had the opportunity to take advantage of the fact that the dwarves' firepower was shared by the enemies in the north, and when the dwarves were in trouble, they could overwhelm the dwarves' southern defense line in one wave. However, this opportunity was more like a joke of fate, disappearing as soon as it appeared.

The remaining Chaos Warriors were divided by the shield array and became easy targets for the dwarf archers.

The gunpowder and arrows blessed with runes easily broke through the demon's armor, and the warriors of the evil god faced the final judgment in vain in front of the shield formation.

Every Chaos Warrior can claim that they can easily kill dwarf warriors, and this is even true, but they have no chance to fight alone with dwarf warriors, or even a chance to fight.

All they left behind were the marks on the dwarf's shield, and the uneven scratches were the results of their battle.

By the time Lynch reached the southern battlefield, the war had come to an end.

If there hadn't been an accident on the way, the dwarves would have started celebrating and mourning.

Except for the chaos caused by the first wave of Chaos Warriors and the sudden attack on the north side, no dwarf warriors died.

Even in the first battle, more of those who died were due to facing the God-chosen champion.

There were no cheers on the battlefield as artillery and rune anvils killed the last of the Chaos warriors.

Because no matter what, thousands of dwarves died on this land.

Perhaps this was a hearty victory for humans, because the dwarves destroyed enemies several times their own, and they were all elite.

But the "elite" minions of Chaos are only relative to humans.

The North dwarves who have been in the North for thousands of years certainly know that there are as many such warrior demons as they want, because human reproduction is like a plague, growing and spreading wildly on the earth.

All it takes is the devil to lower his power to create such an "elite".

Even if the life of one dwarf is exchanged for the lives of hundreds of Chaos Warriors, no dwarf fortress is willing. This is not a good deal.

Sometimes they have to avoid fighting. If it weren't for a bloody feud, which fortress would be willing to bet on the future?

They can't afford it.

Let alone a hundred enemies, even if a thousand enemies consumed the life of a dwarf, it would be an unbearable heavy loss.

For there are indeed such enemies, and they are infinite, while the number of dwarves is limited, and even rarer.

(End of this chapter)

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