Chapter 348 Massacre of the City

The wind in Sylvania seems to always be carrying howls, and the whispers spread in the wind make the Abesen militiamen feel like frightened birds. The most ordinary disturbance can make their livers and gallbladders tremble.

From time to time, people fell behind and were abandoned in this desolate Sylvania forest. There were only a dozen or so people left in the original team of more than a hundred people.

Absen even encountered a small group of beastmen during this period.

Fortunately, those despicable creatures retreated wisely after discovering the muskets in the hands of the militiamen.

They are a head shorter than Absen, and their ridiculous and stupid appearance is the ultimate consequence of their depravity. They have nothing.

The road further east was relatively peaceful, probably due to Tarr's blessing. Abesen never encountered an enemy, but the illusory figures weeping among the shadows of trees and grass on the road gave the living people a slight fright from time to time.

No one has the heart to deal with them. Facts have proved that you won't offend them unless you ask about their past lives.

I hope so.

Abesen shook off the mud from his shoes and looked back at the way he came from from time to time. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but there were more and more invisible things following them.

I only hope that the military chaplains in Schwarzhavn can deal with these unclean things that disturb the peace. Those priests in Moore should have ways to deal with them. Abesen does not want to take one of them with him when he goes home.

The strange thing is that he used to be cautious about the resentful spirits, but now he can't feel any fear.

It seemed like it was no big deal, and their horror could only be reflected in the story. When he actually encountered them, Abesen was just thinking about how to recite theological scriptures.

When humans know that there are ways to fight against certain terrifying things, humans are less afraid of them.

Compared to the terrifying monster that destroyed the logistics corps alone, what is a ghost?

Maybe only wizards from the magic academy can deal with it, and only monsters can deal with monsters.

It is said that the academy, which was established less than thirty years ago, invented a new weapon, a new weapon similar to artillery, some kind of artillery that does not require loading of gunpowder?

Abesen didn't know what it was. A weapon that was allowed to be used on the battlefield should be reliable after all.

"It's, it's stuck!"

Outside the city of Copebad, the rat engineer who was about to carry out artillery fire reported an abnormality in fear, but this was more of a scream used to vent his fear.

More and more voices, equally frightened, told Ictor an unpleasant fact - these warpstone devices were even more unstable than their worst expectations.

They were meant to ring, bringing death to human gadgets.

No! They're ringing!

The green light rising into the sky covered the forest outside the city of Copebad. The moment the cannon was heard, dense crowds of rats swarmed out of the city. They pounced on the bewildered human defenders everywhere and spread the news in the city. Chaos and disease.

But they obviously didn't know what happened at the artillery position.

A melodious alarm bell rang throughout the city, and the human military camp that was supposed to be flattened by dimensional stone cannons quickly woke up. In just two minutes, groups of well-equipped human soldiers appeared on the streets.

They were extremely decisive and did not care about the damage to the town. They directly poured kerosene on the dense rats. After the civilians were evacuated, the rats covering the city faced another round of artillery shells.

The shells were not filled with gunpowder, but some kind of powder. The fat rats twitched in the white smoke, and it didn't take long for them to turn over.

The smell of burnt meat and meat made the slave rats hiding underground swallow their saliva every time. When they rushed to the ground as planned, they were greeted by stunned human soldiers, and rows of formidable muskets and guns. Halberd.

The dark grass of Sylvania is becoming more and more crowded, and the militiamen have to cling to each other to move forward. No one wants to be alone with the ghosts.

They are quite honest now, but if there is only one human being, they may not be able to continue to be honest. Schwartz Harbor is almost here, and the Empire's regular regiments are there. They will be safe when they get there.

The harsh sound of the cold wind blowing through the treetops always made them worry that a monster was approaching, or that the monster that destroyed the convoy was chasing after them.

With its inhuman speed, everyone present would not be able to escape if it wanted to.

Fortunately, they were indeed favored. Apart from more and more followers, nothing else was eyeing this group of people.

A pair of cold hands covered Abesen's eyes. It seemed to want to say something, but the gap between the living and the dead turned its eager words into vague murmurs.

Abeson only accelerated slightly and let the hands penetrate his body. The piercing coldness made him tremble. He held the antlers in his pocket tightly and prayed to Tal in a hurry.

Maybe this prayer really worked and the ghost didn't come back.

What does it want to say? Is this dead thing trapped in the past still thinking about the past?

When crossing a stream, everyone could clearly hear the turbulent water in the distance.

Very close to Schwarzhamn.

Another ghost haunted one of Absen's companions, and it seemed to be shouting something.

But no living person is interested in their story.

Abesen walked through the gravel road covered with grass. As soon as he stepped onto a slope, he was approached by the ghost again.

It was a burly Iverling with their trademark dark brown hair, and even though death had left his skin unusually pale, Absen could tell it had once been olive.

It seemed like some kind of sharp weapon had penetrated the chest.

Perhaps because he had just entered death and was not that far away from the world of the living, Abesen heard his nervous reminder clearly:

"Run away!"

It was indeed time to escape. They had to inform the garrison at Schwarzport and let the legions of Iveyland and Wesenland know that a terrible enemy had appeared.

"Tell His Majesty Magnus."

The following words were blurred into faint cries, and uneasiness filled Abesen's chest. He didn't know why the Ivey leader died, and why he had to remind others after his death.

Emperor Magnus?

The emperor was too far away from them, and it was not easy to turn back the same way.

The militiamen staggered down the slope and climbed through a raised birch forest. The river was already in front of them. Schwarz Harbor was to the east of the river. They only needed to walk a short distance.

But now no one wants to go to Schwarzhavn anymore.

The Imperial transport ship at the port was burning with red fire, and the Imperial soldiers who were supposed to be patrolling between the city walls and towers were lying on the walls in a mess, their makeup soaked in blood.

Their dead, round eyes told outsiders of the horror beyond common sense. When the cold wind extinguished the lights, only dark silence remained on the city wall.

An earth-shaking explosion suddenly sounded in the north of the city, and the mushroom cloud towering over the sky looked like a devil overlooking the city.

Experienced people can guess that the arsenal was detonated.

(End of this chapter)

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