Chapter 355 You are surrounded

The wind stopped howling, the beasts stopped neighing, and everything fell into silence, like a flock of crows falling from the sky in fear.

A grotesque figure flapped its dark wings, stepped on the falling crows, and looked down at the lizards on the ground from the sky.

Its laughter made the beasts in all directions also laugh, and the terrifying suppressed screams looked around at the poor man among the beasts. The prey of the beasts had nowhere to escape.

Until the dazzling light burst out.

Crows falling like raindrops spontaneously ignited into ashes as soon as they stepped into the light, and the "dark clouds" were dispersed by the pure light and shattered into smoke in the sky.

A bright beam of light rushed out from the vast halo, shooting straight towards the weird existence in the sky whose laughter stopped abruptly.

Almost instantly, the falling crow converged into a line in front of it, but the beam of light just pushed along the black line to the front of it before dissipating before it disappeared.

Before the frightened Beast Man Shaman could make any move, one after another beams of light rushed from the ground to the top of the clouds.

Malago Dark Omen couldn't help but suspect the vampire who had allied with it to fight against the empire. The revenant did not tell it that the enemy had such methods.

This "Dark Prophet" spread fear across the old world, and floating black illusory feathers appeared around him. With the rampant magical wind of Sylvania, it summoned a Cyclops in one fell swoop.

The poor blind thing was hit squarely with laser beams, giving its owner a chance to survive.

There was a dense sound of flapping wings in the sky again, and in just a blink of an eye, another overwhelming swarm of crows took over the clouds.

They obscured heaven and earth, and the Father of Crows retreated safely into the background.

It doesn't dare to show up again.

There is no need to show up anymore. Can't tens of thousands of beastmen be able to kill just one lizardman?


The Mirror God withdrew his gaze and no longer paid attention to the supplicant in the old world.

It has done its best, at least it has done something practical for the sacrificer, instead of directly taking away the other person's sacrifice without giving any power.

Beastmen have always been useless, but they can also play a small role.

Let them burn, kill and loot across human borders.

The more chaotic the empire is, the greater the chance of the Mirror God's success.

The mighty sea of ​​light advanced southward along the Sylvanian wasteland, slowly and steadily, like an irresistible tsunami.

Just being in the pure light will make the beastmen's whole body blazing. The extremely exclusive purifying light gives them a great sense of oppression at the spiritual level. If it weren't for them, they could barely be regarded as mortal beings, and they would have spontaneously combusted like demons. stand up.

The timid hornless ones were the first to collapse. They were like sheep frightened by tigers. They confused the encirclement of the beastmen without thinking, and died one after another under the axes of the furious horned beasts.

The inferior horned beasts whose horns were not majestic enough also failed to stabilize the morale of the army in the turmoil. When they found that the horned beasts and the large horned beasts that drove them had no time to care, they did not hesitate to scatter into the sand and join the real warriors. He fled away from the battlefield smoothly and disappeared into the darkness of Sylvania without looking back.

A pack of beasts should be like a pack of wolves, and it should be the old and weak beasts that can inspire the wolves' desire to hunt, so that they can achieve the most glorious results and leave the slightest damage.

Obviously, they have encountered a difficult situation, and if they are asked to be cannon fodder that consumes their strength, they will not be able to obey.

Even if they win, they can't get a few pieces of meat to eat.

The weak ones used to consume the enemy's strength suddenly dispersed, and dense crows and screams appeared in the darkness in the distance. It seemed that they failed to reach a safe place.

The majestic horned beast called out the names of the gods and rushed towards the depths of light. The gods did not protect them.

They can't even get the final payment for their employment, and they can't even have peace after death.

After all, they are just a group of ignorant beasts, and it is degrading to deal with them.

Vlad likes these mercenary soldiers very much. They are much easier to use than the ogre tribe.

At least the beastmen won't switch sides just because they don't have enough to eat.

Their appetites are also much smaller than those of ogres.

Now it only takes a few more baits to turn the brute beast around.

Myrkavala, Teclis thought about it again and again, and finally gave up on getting in touch with Ulthuan.

Assur no longer has any troops.

He knew this better than anyone else. The war at sea consumed too much of the power of the high elves.

Brilliant hegemony is like an empty bubble, meaning nothing except making the ancient empire look more majestic.

What's the use of asking for help now? Would you like the Phoenix King to say a few more words of encouragement? Or does Teclis need to listen to the adulation of nobles?

Even with sufficient troops, the elves on Ulthuan are unwilling to pay much attention to changes in the outside world, let alone now that they have too much time to take care of themselves.

They never realize the mistakes in their concepts. Which elf would admit that he is not perfect?

The only good thing is that Druchi won't cause trouble anymore, and they also have too much to take care of themselves.

Teclis thought sarcastically, put the quill aside and stopped organizing his thoughts.

Where are the friends?

Maybe they just have to do the best they can.

At least there is an army of lizardmen in the temple. Although those sturdy cold-blooded creatures are powerful, not all of them are as reliable as Lynch.

He had never seen any of his fellow lizards feel tired on this journey of seeking the Holy Saint. No matter how great the test was, they could not defeat this team, but Teclis saw too many people fall to the ground and die in battles. Thoros warriors in.

Maybe it's time to bring the lizards back, but the changes in the empire are also crucial. Even if he is an elf, he knows that Kislev has always relied on the Sigmar Empire to survive.

Once the empire falls, Kislev will enter a countdown to death. All the countries near the empire will fall one after another, and the entire old world will become a death place where chaos rages.

Even if he puts aside his arrogance and prejudice and acknowledges the firmness and power of the human empire, Teclis has no hope in it.

The enemy they face is by no means a mere Chaos Warlord or a brainless Orc War General. There are too many evil entities that covet the gods, and they are so powerful that everyone who knows about them will be suffocated.

Until now, Teclis is still not sure who the beings who have repeatedly tried to break through his magical blockade and which chaos mages they are.

He knew from a long time ago that there were not many spellcasters in the world who could compete with him on the magical level.

When a spellcaster as powerful as him gives up his bottom line and moves closer to Isil at all costs, the power he possesses is enough to shake the world.

It doesn't care how the world will be transformed by the magic of chaos. It just wants to use the power of magic and never considers the consequences.

The mission of the Elf Archmage is to stop the magic of chaos from transforming the world.

(End of this chapter)

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