Chapter 389 Accident
Neither side of the confrontation was willing to give in. Even if he found out that Wesson and his party were Norscans, the fur trader did not back down.

On the contrary, he seemed to hope that Wesson would lose control of his temper and fight directly, so that he could hope to complete the deal without spending a penny.

Of course Wesen would not follow other people's wishes. He had the confidence to break out of the city and come to the south with him. Young men who wanted to live in the south did not have this ability.

He just closed the package, and this simple move succeeded in making the vendor change his color.

Everyone in the South seems to think that Norscans lack emotional control.

Weisen was wary of the dark or bright eyes, preparing to bid farewell to this unreal city and go to Nordland. The price of furs there would be lower, but at least Nordlanders would not lower the prices at will.

Lynch stood quietly beside Wesson, but the warrior never saw the lizard man.

It wasn't until the carriage slowly drove here and Lynch swept Wesen's tail with his tail when turning around that he realized there was an additional entity beside him.

He didn't recognize Lynch and almost took out his tomahawk.

The elf mage in the carriage made the warrior hesitate for a moment. After a difficult and short memory, he remembered the strange journey in the mirror.

Of course, he still didn't recognize Lynch because Lynch had changed so much.

Lin Qi had no intention of explaining, he just looked at the group of five people and then left peacefully.

However, the Archmage and the former champion talked a lot. Few people remembered that there were no distinctions between human races eight thousand years ago. Almost everyone was not optimistic about Wesen's journey south. Tigris simply encouraged Wesen. Lin Qi only hoped that the Master's blessing would be effective.

Perhaps it was not uncommon for these human cubs to break free before they became predators. The Norscan race existed in the Empire, but they were discriminated against.

It is not uncommon for discrimination to eventually push some desperate Norscans north, just like the mutants who join the Beastmen warband with hatred. Human xenophobia will protect itself, but it will also bring enemies.

"The Erengraders are filthier than their brethren. This is not a good place. They are as arrogant as the elves and more corrupt than the Skaven, and every dwarf knows it."

The conversation between the mage and the warrior ended with the loud voice of the dwarf, and the two sides who met by chance said goodbye again.

The carriage unknowingly drove to Gaocheng District. The wooden houses on the slope facing the bay were more exquisite. They were surrounded by an extremely tall castle. The wear marks on the outer wall of the castle proved its history, but Lynch believed that this castle Not as old as some of the vampire black fortresses he had demolished in Sylvania.

"Why doesn't the Tsar clean up this city? I mean, Erengrad with order and guarantee will bring more tax revenue to the Tsar." Eugen and the dwarf continued their chat.

He had been to Prague. Although the people there had to make blood sacrifices to certain beings, they also respected the Tsar. The local residents of Erengrad seemed a little different.

Eugen doubted that the Tsar's envoy would be beaten up by passers-by while walking on the road.

The boyars have autonomy, but the boys here don't seem to care much. Eugen rarely sees the city guards. They all seem to collect tips at the city gate - if it weren't for the carriage hanging Valery Boyer emblem, Eugen's small treasury may be missing a part. "How do I know? Why don't you ask me why humans live on the ground?" Sorian glanced at his companion in confusion. He was not a human, let alone a tsar.

Lynch could guess some reasons.

This is the second largest trade hub in the human country. The tsar of Kislev cannot control the elves, nor can he control the traders from all over the world. The local Boyer may not even be able to control the ice witches and witches who believe in ancient widows. live.

There are not that many pubs in Gaocheng District. The upper class prefer to hold drinking parties in their own courtyards. Lin Qi could hear the joyous singing and laughter in the small buildings.

Even the streets are much cleaner and tidier. Some begging victims will be driven away by servants coming out of the houses. It seems that their owners are very kind-hearted and do not want to see the miserable world.

This may also be the reason why the roads in Gaocheng are so smooth - wealthy people will be kicked away if they park in front of their homes without permission.

The Sharya Temple stands in the north of Gaocheng District. Lynch hopes that the compassionate lady will not cast her sight on the world. The appearance of Erengrad will break the heart of this fragile goddess. His tears cannot cleanse this temple. The sins of the city will only be exchanged for gold, silver and precious stones by His believers here.

This city is so magnificent. It relies on the sea, nestles on the hills, and stands proudly on both sides of the long river. The bridge in front of Lynch alone is nearly 100 meters wide. It will connect the broad and mighty Linsk River. Trampled underfoot.

Ersun did not want to hibernate here, and Verena also closed her eyes here, because this is the promised land of merchants, and its existence can feed the entire Kingdom of Kislev. It is just the residue leaked from the transaction. Just to feed this barren land.

The aura of chaos is everywhere, and there are also chaotic forces in this city. In addition to the temple city and the unconquered fortresses of the mountain dwarves, there are orders of the Chaos Gods everywhere.

Killing cannot eliminate them, because the source of their radiation is always there.

Lynch could roughly judge the number of cultists here. There were only ten of them, and only ten of them had dedicated their bodies and minds to the evil god.

But there are far more than ten Chaos believers, and many of them don't know who they worship. If they want to find these people, the lizards are helpless.

Maybe half the city is ignorantly praising the God of Life, or maybe all the warriors are praising the Lord of Courage. Human beings never care who their gods are, as long as the gods give gifts.

If you want to find some believers who definitely know the evil god, you can only wait for them to gather. But Lynch doesn't want to wait here for long. Even if they wait until they start to gather, they can only kill these insiders. There are still countless fools who are preaching unknown things. God's name.

The ambassador from the elven area may be able to resolve the lizard people's concerns. Although Asur is arrogant, they will not sit back and let the demon spread. They will definitely interfere with nearby power structures and secretly control the city.

If the ambassador himself was one of them, Lynch could only change the Phoenix King to another envoy.

The carriage entered the bridge connecting the two cities, and the people living on the bridge were discussing the recent events - the new tsar seemed to be holding a wedding soon, and the woman was from Erengrad.

The Manavi believers preaching on the bridge talked loudly about last year's great flood. This sect benefited a lot from the flood that almost swallowed the city last year, and based on this, they constructed more than a dozen new myths.

(End of this chapter)

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