Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 105 106 A harmonious dinner party

Chapter 105 106. A harmonious dinner party

The restaurant in Wushanbao is quite luxurious.

The towering ceiling is inlaid with complicated carvings, and various gemstones shine under the light of the huge magic crystal lamp, showing an unparalleled aura of nobility.

The mural occupies the entire wall, including mountains and water, mighty thunder and wind chasers, and docile and cute animals. It is like a gallery, adding a bit of splendor.

A long and exquisite dining table was placed in the center, with silver tableware and candlesticks placed on it. When Luo Ning arrived, the teams of servants on both sides were already preparing food.

Since leaving the back mountain, Lulans has restrained his attitude towards Luo Ning. He was silent along the way, especially after entering the restaurant. He walked straight to the main table, without the chatter and laughter like on the mountain. .

This was obviously intentional, and Luo Ning just let it go, walked aside and found a seat to sit down.

"Haha, long time no see, my dear brother."

Accompanied by some youthful and cheerful laughter, a young man with the same silver hair and black eyes opened his arms and walked in quickly from the outside.

Brayton's appearance is a bit like Diane's, which also makes him look more refined and delicate.

His expression was relaxed and confident, with a bright smile on his face at the moment, as if he was very happy to see Luo Ning.

"Long time no see, Brayton."

Luo Ning stood up, hugged the other person, and said hello very naturally.

Only then did Brayton salute Rulans, very formal and somewhat reserved, "Good evening, grandpa."

Lulans smiled and nodded, pointing to the seat next to Ronin, "Sit down, where are Wiggins and Diane?"

"Here we come, Father!"

Diane's figure appeared outside the restaurant, and Luo Ning looked over.

She was seen wearing a relaxed dress and pushing a wheelchair into the restaurant. On the wheelchair, Wiggins, who had a beard on his face, sat on it, looking a little decadent.


Luo Ning stepped forward and said in a deep voice: "I feel very sad about your experience. But please cheer up, Wushan City and Wushan Territory still need you."

Wiggins nodded, his voice a little hoarse, "Thank you for your encouragement, Ronin. I thought you would come back in December, but I didn't expect you to come back so early. It seems that you still have me as your father in your heart."

As he spoke, he motioned to Diane to push him to the dining table. The latter nodded to Ronin, then continued to push the wheelchair, and said hello to Rulans after getting into position.

Luo Ning heard the strangeness in Wiggins' words. The other party was complaining that he didn't come to visit immediately.

However, it can be seen that this blow has indeed changed Wiggins' temperament. If it were normal, the other party would definitely jump up and curse a few words, but now he is just angry.

"Now that we're all here, let's start eating." Rulans said.

As his voice fell, the servants waiting on the side lifted the lids of the silver plates. Some servants were cutting roast lamb, some were cutting steaks, and some were pouring glasses for the masters at the table. liquor.

"It's rare that we have the opportunity to sit together as a family."

Lu Lansi picked up the cup and said, "Cheers to Wushan."

"For Wushan..."

"For Wushan..."

"For Osan!"

Several people raised their glasses together and drank it all.

Next, there was a period of drinking with each other, but most of them raised their glasses and nodded in greeting, then downed the drink without saying much.

Different from the bustle of people drinking and talking, this meal was a bit quiet.

Luo Ning felt a little uncomfortable and could only keep busy.

Not long after, Lulans put down the tableware, said something and left first.

Luo Ning noticed that the atmosphere at the table seemed to be much more relaxed. It seemed that everyone was a little stressed in front of the old Marquis.

Brayton stood up, picked up his crystal glass, and raised it towards Ronin.

"Luo Ning, I heard that you conquered three savage tribes. I admire your courage and achievements. I also hope that I can contribute to the family like you!"

Luo Ning laughed, stood up and clinked glasses with the other party, "They are all backward savages. To be honest, it is actually more difficult to discover where they are hiding than to defeat them."

"I heard that you have also become a junior knight." Diane also raised her glass, "Cheers to your progress."

"Thank you!" Luo Ning responded.

"Speaking of the savage tribe, I think of the days when I led the noble coalition to wipe out them."

Sitting in a wheelchair, Wiggins was somewhat reminiscing about the past.

At that time, he was young and energetic, and he was much more energetic than before he broke his leg. It was a pity that he did not clear out the fleeing nobles in one go, which made him very frustrated.

"You have conquered three savage tribes, plus Thain's leader Leisen has conquered one. The sinners in the north have finally been purged, which can be regarded as a solution to my worries."

Wiggins raised his glass, "You did a great job!"

Luo Ning raised his glass again.

This was the first time he heard words of praise from Wiggins. In his memory, he seemed to have never received such praise before.

"Brother, my grandfather has found out that the assassination of my father was carried out by the Skull and Bones Society, and this Skull and Bones Society is a branch of the Black and Gold Brotherhood. In order to take revenge and regain the dignity of the Wushan family, I and Even my father thinks that we will send troops against the Black and Gold Brotherhood next spring!”

Brayton turned the topic to the assassination of Wiggins.

"My father used to lead the team when we went on expeditions, but it's not convenient for him now. My mother said that I was too young and not old enough to go on the battlefield. So, how about you represent our Wushan family when we go on expedition next year?"

Brayton's expression was serious, "The team needs a commander who can represent the Osan family."

Luo Ning felt a shiver in his heart. This topic was a bit too big a jump.

But if you analyze this sentence carefully, it is correct.

Currently, among the members of the Oshan family, there are only three people who are suitable to represent the Oshan family - Rulans, Luo Ning, and Brayton.

Rulans will not take action easily and must be eliminated first;

Brayton was only thirteen years old and did not meet the conditions for going to the battlefield, so he was eliminated second.

In the end, it's obvious who is the most suitable.

"Will you go on an expedition next spring?"

Luo Ning pretended to be surprised, "Has it been confirmed?"

Wiggins nodded, "It should be about the same."

Luo Ning was noncommittal, and Lulans hadn't made a decision yet. It was probably too early for them to be so sure.

But faced with such a problem, combined with his predecessor's character and Luo Ning's current situation, he chuckled and said:

"The battlefield is dangerous. As the heir of the family, Brayton, you are still young and are indeed not suitable for going to war. My father has not recovered from his injuries and has difficulty moving, making it even more unsuitable."

He drank all the wine in the cup, "It is an honor for me to be able to contribute to the family. When the expedition is confirmed next year and Wushan Fort still needs me to command, I will never refuse!"

After saying this, Wiggins and the others all smiled happily, but they didn't know what their inner thoughts were.

Brayton will feel that this brother still gives him face;

Diane will still feel that Luo Ning is simple-minded and the threat is still not great;

Wiggins will feel that this son has finally grown up, is somewhat useful, and can step up when it is time.

To Luo Ning, he just said nice things.

Not to mention that Rulans is not sure whether he will play in the spring next year, even if he wants to play. When the time comes, he will be in Shanlin Town and there will be many reasons for delaying his arrival. The worst he can do is pay some money as a fine and receive some blame.

It would be too hasty to let him be the commander.

Although he was a deprived of inheritance rights, he wiped out the savage tribe, but this matter was indeed not a big deal in the eyes of some nobles.

After all, Wiggins has a hard time convincing the public, let alone a man with a bad record in the past.

Even if he was forced to go up, would those nobles listen to his orders?

They are not McCann or Rydal. Without prestige, Luo Ning cannot command them well.

On the battlefield, it is very dangerous for the team to disobey orders.

(End of this chapter)

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