In the dense forest, a sweep team composed of five professional knights was taking a rest.

This team is led by Redal, the commander of the Northern Territory, and its members are four junior knights: Tom, George, Wharton, and Dandy.

They had been living in this woodland for almost a month, heading north from Black Earth Town, and the food they brought with them had long been eaten.

But this is not important. There is no shortage of wild beasts, wild vegetables, wild fruits and monsters in the forest. They are not short of food.

During this sweep, Ruidal basically played the role of raiding the formation. The wild beasts and low-level monsters he encountered were handed over to the four junior knights to deal with them.

This can not only eliminate points that threaten the territory, but also temper the courage of the knights under them and improve their actual combat capabilities.

Rather than saying it was a raid, it could actually be said to be troop training.

The same is true for Rydal's team, and the same is true for the sweep team led by McCann and Joffrey.

Currently, the professional knights under Luo Ning, except for Rogner, Kurami and Horn, are basically training in the mountains and forests.

Redal jumped down from the towering tree. He had just taken a rough look at the surrounding environment.

"I vaguely heard the sound of the waves from above. I guess if we go a little further north, we will soon reach the end of Wubei Territory."

The west side of Wubei Territory is blocked by the Wushan Warcraft Mountain Range, while the east and north sides are connected to the sea. Now Redal heard the sound of waves, which meant that he was about to reach the northernmost point.

"The sea, I've never seen it before!" Tom looked forward to it.

The other three people also nodded. They had lived here since childhood and had heard about the sea, but they had never seen it with their own eyes.

However, this does not prevent them from telling rumors about the sea.

What magnificent waves, a wave can overturn a cow, and other strange things.

Redal listened to several people's busy but serious discussion, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

Speaking of which, he seemed to have many memory fragments of the sea in his mind, but many of them were sailing on the sea with men and horses, without knowing where the destination was.

"Okay guys, stop talking about your crappy things."

The commander interrupted everyone's conversation, "If you want to know what the sea looks like, you can just walk over and take a look?"

Everyone smiled, immediately picked up their weapons, and continued heading north.

There is an old saying that goes like this: "Looking up the mountain and running to death."

Even though Redal heard the sound of the waves, it still took a long time to get out of the forest.

When night fell and they climbed to the last mountain peak under the moonlight, their vision suddenly opened up, and they suddenly felt like "there is no way out after mountains and rivers, and there is a village with dark flowers and bright flowers".

Going down from this hill is a concave valley, and the opening of the valley leads to the vast sea.

"That silvery white thing, is it a wave?"

"Wow, so wide!"

Under the night, although there is moonlight shining, the sea is dark, only the rolling waves will reflect the moonlight, showing a silver ribbon.

It's a pity that they arrived a little late. If they had arrived at the beach during the day, the experience would have been even more magnificent than now.

Among the five people present, only Redal slowly frowned.

He could feel a chaotic elemental energy in the valley below, which gave him a vague feeling of uneasiness.

Moreover, the color of this valley is very strange.

Although under the moonlight, the peaks cast shadows that made the light in the valley not very good, Redal felt that the valley was a bit unusually gloomy, and there seemed to be a lavender light surging.

“There’s something not right about this valley.”

Redal's solemn expression was finally noticed by the people around him. They quickly put away their expressions of wonder and joy when they saw the sea and paid attention to their surroundings.

It's just that their senses are not as sharp as Redal's, and they can't see why.

"Sir, what's wrong?" Wharton asked cautiously. He had never seen the commander show such a solemn expression.

Redal shook his head slowly. This was just his feeling and could not explain anything.

"Come on, let's go down and take a look." He took the lead and warned in a low voice, "Pay attention to your surroundings and stay vigilant."

Tom had already been on high alert. They quietly held the knight's sword in their hands and followed Redal.

From the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain, although everyone was cautious, they did not encounter any danger.

But when they approached the foot of the mountain, they saw a scene that made their scalp numb.

At the bottom of the valley, you can see the decay of human beings to the point where only gray-black skeletons are left!
Cold moonlight, salty sea breeze, dense human skeletons...

Tom and others had experienced a lot of fighting in the past few days, and ordinary scenes would not scare them, but the scene in front of them made their scalps numb.

"Sir... Sir, what is... what is going on?"

George stuttered.

Ruidal also looked tense. It was hard to imagine that there would be such a scene in the desolate northern border of Wubei Territory.

"Don't panic, stay alert!"

He whispered: "Maybe this was just a battlefield a long time ago."

Redal came to a corpse and picked up the long sword on the ground. It was already rusty and broke into two pieces with just a little force.

It was obvious that the gang had been dead for a long time.

"If they are a savage tribe that fled here, they should have been there for ten or twenty years, right?"

Two savage tribes fighting each other caused such a tragic scene?
This seems unlikely. After all, they are all on the run. Who would fight among themselves to the point of death?
"Sir, there seems to be a cave over there."

Tom pointed at the bottom of the opposite hillside. There seemed to be a huge cave.

Redal frowned, hesitated for a moment, and walked slowly over there.

He is now a Silver Knight and can handle normal dangerous situations.

Moreover, they came out this time to eliminate the hidden dangers in Wubei Territory. It is impossible to encounter such a thing and not dare to investigate because of fear.

The four Toms also followed. It was safer to follow the commander than to stay where he was.

"There's something weird about this cave."

The tighter Ruidal's expression became, he could feel that the closer he got to the cave, the more chaotic the surrounding heaven and earth elements became, and the air became colder, as if there was thousands of years of ice hidden in the cave.

Finally, they came to the cave.

"There are footprints here!" George exclaimed in a low voice.

There was a lavender light shining in the cave, illuminating the ground at the entrance of the cave.

Between the alternation of light and darkness, several people could clearly see the footprints left on the soil.

Is there anyone in this cave?
Redal raised his gaze and looked inside. There was definitely danger, but his inner desire to explore became stronger and stronger.

Do you want to go in and take a look?
Or should we just observe outside for a while?

Just when he hesitated, a sound of footsteps came from the cave.

"Damn, it's patrol time again."

"I don't understand Nibral. No one comes to this quiet place, so why are they patrolling?"

"Hush! How dare you say that to the guard officer? Aren't you afraid of death?"

"Hehehe, if he wants to kill us, it depends on the captain's permission. He is not the only one who is good in bed."

The ordinary conversation made the hearts of several people outside rise to their throats.

"Back off and take cover!" Ruidal quickly ordered.

The five people quickly dodged to one side and used the boulder next to them to hide their figures. (End of chapter)

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