Luo Ning and his party spent an entire afternoon observing behind the hillside.

Even when the sun set over the mountain and dusk fell, no suspicious creature came out of the cave.

To be honest, he was a little sleepy from waiting.

Fortunately, when the sun completely set and night fell, the cave lit up, followed by light and shadow swaying.

"Coming!" Luo Ning reminded in a low voice.

Everyone's heartstrings tensed up. After waiting for a long time, they finally saw the enemy.

Soon, a small team came out of the cave.

Last time Redal saw only three people, but this time the number tripled, to a total of twelve people.

It must have been the last time that Redal led people to break into this place and raised the other party's vigilance, so the number of people patrolling was increased.

Under the moonlight, I saw this group of people forming four teams of three, and then started patrolling in four directions: front, back, left, and right.

One group was facing the direction where Luo Ning and others were.

According to the information given by Redal and others, these guys have a particularly sensitive sense of smell. They had already taken shelter in advance that night, but their whereabouts were exposed because of the smell.

Luo Ning sensed that the southwest wind was blowing in the forest at this time and would not blow their breath into the valley below the hillside.

Moreover, there is still a hundred or two hundred meters away from them below. Even if the other party's sense of smell is as sensitive as a dog, the possibility of being able to smell their scent should be very low.

Luo Ning's worries seemed a bit unnecessary.

These patrols had no intention of walking up the hillside. They just patrolled back and forth around the bottom of the valley.

If the flat land at the bottom of the valley is regarded as a rectangle, then these four teams of people are going back and forth on the four sides of the rectangle.

They looked like they were guarding the border, preventing outsiders or things from entering the valley.

"Their warning range is so small?"

Rydal and McCann both had doubtful looks.

If they were responsible for the defense here, they would definitely establish security points on the hillside and arrange for personnel to stand guard.

There is no need for twelve people in the bare and flat valley below. Arrangement of three or four is enough.

Time passes slowly, half an hour, an hour...

Luo Ning watched this group of people move back and forth. They were just like the monsters set in the game, and they would only cycle along the established route.

Everyone's mentality also changed from nervousness at the beginning to confusion, and even felt a little boring in the end.

"Sir, what are we going to do?" Redal asked in a low voice.

When they arrived, they had already formulated a plan on how to deal with conflicts in the event of a conflict, but they did not expect such a situation.

"First observe and understand their habits, and then see if there is a chance to take away a person alone without much movement."

This observation lasted three days.

Through intelligence collection during this period, Luo Ning and others determined two things.

The first thing is that people in the cave will not come out during the day.

When the sun rises every day, those patrolling back to the cave;
Whenever night falls, they come out of the cave again.

They repeat the same thing every night, really like programmed robots, tireless and never bored.

Luo Ning was confused. Don't these people have to worry about food and drink?
Is there enough water and food in the cave?

As for the second thing, based on the information Redal got from the battle that night and the comparison of observing the other party's clothes in the past two days, we can roughly judge the strength of this group of people.

This twelve-person patrol should be headed by a bronze-level knight, accompanied by two senior knights. The rest are probably junior and intermediate knights, and the overall strength is not strong.

Another night. After observing for a while, Luo Ning and others quietly withdrew from the hillside and returned to the temporary camp one mile away.

"We no longer need to continue to observe."

The group of people in the cave cannot think with common sense. Continuing to observe is just a waste of time and no more valuable information can be collected.

Everyone was shocked when they heard the lord say these words, and they were finally ready to take action!

"Everyone needs to collect enough dry firewood tomorrow morning and rest as usual at noon to restore physical strength and energy. In the afternoon we will take the dry firewood to light a fire for them in front of the cave."

"Sir, do you want to use fire attacks to force them out?"

"This is a good idea!"

"They are in a sealed cave. Once smoke is used, they will not be able to get out!"

Some people were confused, but some people already understood Luo Ning's intention.

"I have been thinking about a question for the past two days, why don't they come out of the cave during the day?"

Luo Ning asked and answered himself.

"After thinking about it, I actually thought of a possibility, that is, they don't like the daytime, or in other words, they hate the sun."

There are few records of creatures afraid of sunlight in this world, but Luo Ning had seen quite a few in books before traveling through time.

For example, the vampires in many film and television works are very afraid of sunlight, and some of them will be completely destroyed once exposed to sunlight.

On earth, these things are all fictitious, but in this world where extraordinary abilities exist, it is still very possible for such a creature that is afraid of sunlight to appear, right?
"Since they are unwilling to come out, we will force them to come out."

If the other person can smell the smell, it means they need to breathe.

When Luo Ning sends smoke into a sealed cave, it will be like using smoke to smoke a vole hole in the field. The people inside will definitely find a way to rush out if they can't stand it anymore.

As long as he rushes out and comes to the sun, Luo Ning is likely to occupy the advantageous position.

To take a step back, even if the opponent is not afraid of the sun, Luo Ning still needs to lead them out of the cave and deal with them.

After all, this cave is someone else's territory, and there may be no traps or mechanisms inside.

Knowing these dangers, if Luo Ning did not consider the opponent's geographical advantage and rushed in with his people, it would be tantamount to throwing himself into a trap, a sheep among wolves.

He didn't want to learn from Wiggins on the battlefield.

Next, Luo Ning discussed tomorrow's attack plan with his men. It wasn't until midnight that everyone went to sleep in their respective caves, leaving Tom and others to take turns keeping watch.

As the morning passed, familiar words emerged.

"April has passed and today is May 1st."

Time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, eight days have passed since he left Black Earth Town. It is also time to blow the horn of attack.

He also wanted to see what unusual things were hidden in the cave.

Luo Ning smoothly added all the attribute points to himself, and then slowly closed his eyes and took a good rest.

There was no talking all night, and early the next morning, everyone started collecting dry firewood in the mountains and forests.

One bundle, two bundles, three bundles...

Luo Ning even collected a lot of them in the space ring.

The knights were very powerful, and each of them could carry several bundles on their backs. Since those guys didn't come out during the day, they directly moved all the dry firewood they collected to the flat ground at the mouth of the valley.

Time passed quickly, and it was afternoon in a blink of an eye.

Luo Ning stood up and looked at the quiet cave entrance, "It's time to attack!" (End of Chapter)

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