In front of the cave in the strange valley.

The words of the white-haired female knight sounded a bit unbelievable.

Luo Ning hadn't surrendered yet, but was surrendered by the other party.

More importantly, the other party was licking his red lips, with a seductive look on his face. He was not interested in Luo Ning's strength, but he was clearly interested in his body.

It didn't matter if she just took a fancy to him, but she didn't expect that she also took a fancy to a group of people.


Elrond warned, "The person standing in front of you is the lord of Wubei Territory, Viscount Ronin! Since you live in his territory, you are the subject of the Viscount, please correct your attitude!"


The white-haired woman smiled charmingly, "I'm sorry, my master is Lord Elliot. He wants me, Natalia, to surrender to you, but you are not qualified yet!"


Luo Ning hurriedly searched for this name in his mind, but unfortunately, he did not find any relevant information.

He looked at the others. These people were either from savage backgrounds or were low-level guards and summoned characters. They probably didn't have access to this kind of information.

"Who is Elliot?" Ronin asked.

It was obvious that the white-haired female knight's eyes were getting colder. He stopped joking and didn't want to talk nonsense with Luo Ning and others.

"You all deserve to die if you dare to step into the master's restricted area!"

"Nibral, I'll give you the red-haired knight I didn't kill that day. The others will follow me and kill all the intruders!"

"I am happy to serve you, my most beloved lady!" The tall knight took the lead and rushed straight towards Redal.

But it was no longer Rydal who greeted him, but McCann.

"Your opponent is me!"

According to the plan, once the opponent has a gold-level opponent, Redal and Elrond will deal with it. The former will fight head-on, and the latter will use magic such as light binding to assist. They do not seek to defeat the opponent, but only to hold them back.

Redal's figure moved quickly and rushed towards the white-haired woman.


Luo Ning raised the Flowing Flame Sword high and cooperated with Ruidal to launch an all-out attack.

His target was the Bronze Knight who was stabbed several times by Redal that night but failed to die.

In the flat valley, chaotic battles started quietly.

Soldiers against soldiers, against generals.

The strength of this group of people was similar to what Ronin had assessed. Joffrey's opponent was a senior knight, and there was another senior knight who was fought by Kurami and Bablin.

The remaining patrols were left to Horn and Jenny to deal with.

The four Toms will look at the situation. If the opponent is just a junior knight, then they can take action; if there is an intermediate knight on the opposite side, they will attack with two or even four people to try to distract the enemy.

To be on the safe side, Elrond will assist everyone with the Invigoration Technique and Aurora Shadow during the battle, and at the same time apply a halo of fatigue to the opponent's strong ones.

Such a combat plan had been formulated and announced two days ago. At this moment, everyone is performing well and is basically executing according to the plan.

With a loud bang, Luo Ning suppressed his opponent with a sword, and at the same time raised his right foot and kicked the opponent's chest, kicking the opponent away.

Regardless of the opponent's weird system, Luo Ning, who has a silver level of 200/1500 progress, completely crushes the opponent in terms of strength, speed and combat power. This bronze knight is no match for him at all.

If Redal hadn't been negligent that night, there would have been no chance that he would have scratched his abdomen.

"Earth and stone thorns!"

The opponent quickly got up, knelt on one knee, and slapped the ground with his palm. Suddenly the ground began to tremble, and spears like spears began to drill out from the ground in front of his palm, heading straight for Luo Ning!

If you can't avoid this, you will definitely get a few holes.

However, Luo Ning did not dodge. He touched the ground with his long sword and then swung it violently. An arc of flames was thrown out from the tip of the sword.

"Instant burning!"

He used silver-level fighting skills, and the huge power directly lifted the ground in front of him. Those sharp earth spears with a diameter of ten centimeters were defeated by the surging force before they could spread to him!

Although the power of this move cannot be compared with Redal's Explosive Flame Slash, it is much stronger than the Earth and Stone Thorn.

"McCann also has an earth attribute. I can't defeat him, but it's enough to deal with you!"

Luo Ning used the residual power of the instant flame to rush over. When the opponent resisted the arc-shaped flames, the Flowing Flame Sword pierced the opponent's body.

This piercing feeling was different from usual. It didn't seem to pass through the human body, but more like piercing into the scarecrow's body.

"Your sword can't kill me!"

The man laughed wildly, and regardless of the sword piercing his body, he raised his hand to strangle Luo Ning's throat.

"is it?"

Luo Ning pinched the opponent's wrist to prevent him from moving, and at the same time injected surging fighting energy into the Flowing Flame Sword.


The fighting spirit was transformed directly into blazing flames by the Flowing Flame Sword.

"Ah!" The man let out a painful cry, and soon after, cracks began to appear from the place where the Flowing Flame Sword penetrated the opponent's body. In less than two breaths, the cracks spread all over the opponent's body.

Luo Ning looked at the other person's face up close, as if he were looking at the dry and cracked earth.

With a bang, this person was shattered into powder directly in front of Luo Ning, just like Ruidal's Explosive Flame Slash that night turned his opponent into powder.

"It seems that my guess is correct. Your body is not afraid of ordinary penetrating injuries, but if extraordinary power is injected into your body, you will suffer huge damage from the inside out!"

It's like two forces that are incompatible with each other. If they come together, a violent reaction will occur.

As long as enough energy is injected, it will turn into fly ash.

Luo Ning looked at the gray-white powder on the ground, but there was no trace of blood. This phenomenon was also very strange. Could it be that they just had human appearances but were no longer human?

The tall knight Nibral shouted anxiously. He did not expect that his side would be the first to lose personnel, and he was still the third combat force.

He originally wanted to quickly hit his opponent hard and end the battle, but he didn't expect that McCann's defense was very strong and his sword couldn't hurt his opponent in a short time.

That night, if Redal had not been scratched on the chest without knowing it, and then besieged, Nibral would not have stabbed Redal's arm.

In this one-on-one situation, although McCann did not have the upper hand, he defended very tightly and would not lose in a short time.

On the other hand, the white-haired golden knight Natalia attacked swiftly and ghostly, each blow carrying huge power, and she actually suppressed Redal.

The high-level fighting skills of wind and fire collided, turning the battle area they were in into a scorched earth battlefield.

Natalia came to Redal in a flash and said, "Go to hell!"

But at this moment, four tentacles stretched out from the void and tied her up like long snakes.

This is Elrond's lightbinding magic.

"You are the one who died!"

Redal made a cold attack, using instant burning fighting skills to rush towards the opponent with a scorching stream of flames. Even if he was protected by a fighting spirit armor, he would definitely be severely injured if he withdrew from the attack without any other defense.

This move was inevitable, and Natalia actually prayed loudly: "Master, your loyal slave prays for your strength!"

As she prayed sincerely, complex dark lines appeared on her body, and endless black flames descended from the void and enveloped her whole body.

In an instant, she seemed to have the energy to destroy the world and broke free from the light binding technique.

"Disgusting light magician, kill you first!"

Natalya changed her attack target and charged towards Elrond.

Neither the Purification Technique nor the Light Binding Technique can cause any harm to her, but they can make her feel uncomfortable and disgusted from the inside.

"Redal, protect me!"

Elrond shouted, as a light magician, his support is greater than his attack. How can he resist the attack of the Golden Knight head-on?

"Don't worry, I won't let her get close to you!"

Redal was already on Elrond's side, and even if Natalia was fast, she couldn't get past his defense line.

Seeing that they could hold him back, Ronin turned his attention to McCann's opponent, Silver Knight Nibral.

"Kill you and I will complete the [King of Slaughter] achievement."

Mental power affected the magic power, and he used the fourth-level magic "Tentacle of Wind".

This spell, which is somewhat similar to the light binding technique, has a strong control power. Even if the opponent is a silver knight, it can still be temporarily trapped.

The strong fight, and victory or defeat is instantaneous.


McCann stabbed the ground with his sword, and the ground seemed to come alive. The ground beneath his feet turned into a huge python that broke out of the ground. It opened its bloody mouth and bit Nibral, trying to swallow him whole.

"Master, your slave needs your strength to kill the encroaching enemy!"

Just like Natalia, when the dark energy enveloped Nibral, he was able to break away from the tentacles of the wind and jump away.

Unfortunately, he was still a step too late. The rock snake bit one of his legs, shook its head wildly, and directly tore off the opponent's right leg.

With a bang, Naibral was hit heavily by a huge force a hundred meters away!

"McKen, go help the others, leave this person to me!"

Leaving the silver and gold levels for Luo Ning to finish the damage was part of the plan.

"Okay, my lord!"

McCann scanned the battlefield.

Joffrey's side firmly had the upper hand;
Horn, Jenny and Tom not only suppressed the patrols, but even killed three of them;
The only disadvantages are Kurami and Bablin.

Their opponents were high-level knights. Even if Kurami was at the peak of the intermediate level and with Babulin's cooperation, it would be difficult to deal with them.

Kurami has been blown away several times, and Babulin was even stabbed in the waist with a sword. Blood flowed out and stained the armor red.

"Then let's deal with you first!"

McCann kicked off the ground with his legs, and rushed out like a cannonball, killing the senior knight. (End of chapter)

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