Ronin and Galil walked and talked until they said goodbye after entering the city.

After Galil completed today's patrol mission, he still needed to lead the team to the school grounds for handover. Otherwise, he would be more than willing to invite Luo Ning to his home.

Caravans come and go frequently in Wushan City, so there are many hotels near the entrance of the city, providing safe and comfortable accommodation for travelers and caravans.

The owners of these hotels are of all kinds, some are relatively wealthy free citizens in the city, some have aristocratic backgrounds, and there are also "chain" hotels opened by large chambers of commerce in various cities.

Luo Ning found a hotel with a better-looking environment to stay at.

This was warmly welcomed by the hotel owner. Not only was the accommodation fee free, he also prepared good wine and food, and even asked if he wanted services such as singers and dancers.

It was quite an honor for such a big shot like the grandson of Lord Rulans and the Viscount of Wubei Territory to stay in their hotel.

The boss can use this as a sign to promote the hotel's reputation and attract more people to stay.

Luo Ning did not take advantage of these small things. He had to pay the money that should be paid and resolutely refused the services that should be refused. He just wanted to sleep for the convenience and did not want to cause any trouble.

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, he had a few bites of breakfast, and then returned to Wushanbao by the hotel's carriage.

Compared with the last time I came here, Wushanbao this time was not so lively.

Luo Ning's birthday is not a particularly important day for those nobles, and they will not come all the way here to congratulate him like they did for Lu Lans.

According to the procedure for receiving foreign guests, the guards led Luo Ning to the reception room, and at the same time sent someone to inform the current person in charge of the castle - Diane.

Luo Ning could go directly to the back courtyard to see Rulans first, and no one would stop him. But since he has moved out from Wushan Castle, he can just do whatever he wants when he comes here.

Not long after, the sound of brisk footsteps was heard, and Diane walked in quickly, bringing with her a gust of fragrance.

At the age of forty, she is still beautiful. Even if she only wears a simple colored dress today, she still looks noble.

Luo Ning stood up and prepared to say hello, but he didn't expect that the other party was more enthusiastic than before.

Diane stepped forward, opened her arms, and gave Ronin a big hug.

"Welcome home Luo Ning, I'm glad you can come to Wushanbao to spend your eighteenth birthday!"

Luo Ning was stunned.

In her memory, Diane was quite okay with her predecessor, and she was not as difficult as a common stepmother would be and targeted her at every turn.

On the contrary, the money that should be given was given, and the things that should be purchased were purchased.

There's nothing wrong with it other than not communicating regularly.

However, Luo Ning believed that the other party must be aware of many of the things the Hyde family did.

Now that Ronin has been disinherited, Diane absolutely wants her son Brayton to remain the heir.

Therefore, she should have a hostile attitude towards Luo Ning's rise, but why is she so enthusiastic today?

This should be the first hug that Diane has had with Luo Ning in all these years since she married into Wushanbao, right?

Diane let go of Luo Ning, took a step back and took a closer look, still looking friendly.

"Compared with last time, you seem to have grown a little taller this time."

Luo Ning laughed, "You're not even twenty yet, so you still have a chance to grow taller."

When he first traveled through time, Luo Ning was over 1.7 meters tall. Now he is probably over 1.8 meters tall, but he has grown a lot.

Facing such an enthusiastic Diane, Luo Ning felt that there must be a monster if something went wrong, so he had better change the subject quickly.

"Where are father and Brayton? I'll go find them." "They are not in the castle now."

Diane said: "Brayton is studying at Wushan Extraordinary Academy. I have already sent him a message. I estimate that he will be able to come back this afternoon or tomorrow morning to attend your birthday party tomorrow night."

"This is too grand."

Ronin touched his nose and said, "Brayton's studies are more important. It would be a waste of time for him to make this special trip."

"I can practice in the castle, and I can also communicate and learn from you."

Diane smiled and said: "Since the last time you guided him to practice swordsmanship, he has been praising your superb swordsmanship! I feel that besides the Marquis, the one he admires most is probably your brother."

Diane's personality was somewhat similar to that of her father Orson. She would never admit that her son was inferior to Luo Ning, but now she changed her mind.

Strange, really strange.

"Where's father?" Luo Ning changed the subject.

She sighed and sat on the chair nearby sadly.

"You may not know yet that the Polite bandits are back again to threaten Chishan Town, and the peace on the border is about to be broken. Captain Corian submitted a letter requesting support to Wushanbao. Your father is raising food and weapons for that side. And the armor."

Luo Ning looked strange. Wiggins, who had broken a leg, was so concerned about this matter?
"I heard that a batch of food has been prepared and sent over. Why are you still collecting food?"

Moreover, there is an iron mine in Chishan Town, so where is the shortage of weapons and armor?
Diane's eyebrows flickered. Sure enough, although Luo Ning was far away in Wubei Territory, he still knew about Wushan Castle.

From this point of view, either someone in Wushan Castle has turned to Wubei Territory, or Lulans revealed these things to Luo Ning.

If it is the former, it means that Luo Ning wants the inheritance rights of Wushan Territory;
If it's the latter, it means that Luo Ning's weight in Lu Lansi's heart is getting heavier and heavier.

No matter what the situation is, Luo Ning and his Northern Territory will rise.

In fact, these psychological activities were completely imagined by Diane.

Ronin just accidentally heard some news from Galil, and Galil did not fall in love with him.

As for him and Rulans, they only exchanged one letter.

"Perhaps your father is doing it to better prepare for the war that may happen next."

Diane gave an answer, "After all, your father cares more about Chishan Town."

Luo Ning thought for a moment.

It seems that it was Wiggins who led the team to the front line and defended the enemy in Cassirer Town, thereby defending Chishan Town.

So the earl of Wushan City cherishes and protects his only victory very much. Then after receiving the other party's letter asking for help, he drags the remains of one leg to pull supplies there?
Luo Ning secretly shook his head, maybe this was because the soldiers and horses had not used food and grass first.

He glanced at Diane, his heart moved, and suddenly asked: "I wonder how Count Orson is doing lately?"

When mentioning her father, Diane's eyes trembled, and the smile on her face slowly disappeared, replaced by a sad expression.

"After returning from Wushanpu, he lay in bed without moving much for more than a month. It was not until recently that he was able to walk on crutches, but the fighting energy in his body can no longer be used easily."

She sighed and shook her head in annoyance, "I advised him not to challenge your grandfather, but he just didn't listen."

And this thing?

Luo Ning was a little surprised. The other party not only revealed Orson's situation, but also said that he had persuaded the other party not to challenge Lulans.

Is this explaining to Luo Ning that Orson's challenge to Lulans that day had nothing to do with her?

Seeing how enthusiastic she was today, Luo Ning couldn't help but frown, what does this woman want to do? (End of chapter)

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