After the cramped lunch, it was their lunch break.

Rulans returned to his residence early, while Ronin was dragged to the yard by Brayton for a fight.

Brayton possesses two attributes: thunder and water. Although I don't know how high his affinity level is, it can be seen from the fact that he can master the galloping thunder in a few days.

During the sparring with the opponent, the thunder will be transmitted to him through the Flowing Flame Sword, giving him waves of numbness.

Although Brayton's current thunder is not powerful enough to have an impact on Ronin, if it is a silver knight with a thunder attribute, the paralysis will be even stronger, so he needs to be careful.

Fortunately, it is not troublesome to defend. You only need to use your own fighting spirit to isolate the opponent's thunder power. There is no need to wear any special insulating clothing.

During the half-hour-long sparring session, Brayton was naturally being abused all the time, but his mood was not affected at all. Instead, he became more frustrated and courageous.

Even after Luo Ning proposed to take a rest, Brayton still stood in the courtyard recalling the process of the competition, summarizing the shortcomings and thinking about how to deal with them.

"He is really a cultivator."

Luo Ning sighed with emotion, took the towel handed over by Hallwart, wiped his face, and motioned for the other party to follow him and leave the yard.

"Hallwater, what happened to Diane?"

Luo Ning handed the towel back to the housekeeper, "Why do I feel that she is different from before?"

"I don't know what happened to Madam."

Hallwart pondered slightly, seeming to consider where to start with this matter.

After a while, he said: "I only know that Madam didn't leave the room for two or three days after she came back from Black Python City last time. When she came out again, her personality seemed to have changed."

Luo Ning nodded slowly, secretly guessing in his heart, could it be that Orson blamed Diane for what happened to him at Wushan Castle?
That's not it. The challenge to Rulans was originally insisted on by Orson himself. If he remembered correctly, Diane also persuaded him.

"Master, if you want to know more, maybe you can ask the Marquis."

Hallwart suggested: "When Madam left for Black Python City, the Marquis even looked for her."

Luo Ning's eyes lit up. Could this be Lu Lansi's plan?

At the same time, Diane, who had finished her lunch, was taking care of the flowers she planted on the corridor of the courtyard.

After watering, she sat on a chair and basked in the sun. While half asleep and half awake, she thought about what happened that day in Black Python City.

As Orson's daughter, she returned to her former home to visit her seriously injured father, but what she encountered was her father's avoidance and the accusations from her brother Barrington, the heir to Black Python City.

Ronin felt that there were some outrageous speculations, but they were really Barrington's excuse to accuse Diane.

The other party even threatened that they no longer want to deal with Brayton's affairs. Even if Rulans wants to restore Ronin's inheritance rights, they will not interfere.

The quarrel lasted for a long time, and Diane defended herself for a long time, but to no avail.

In the end, it was her uncle Alan Hyde who stood up and separated the two, trying to persuade both sides.

Finally, Alan gave his suggestion - let Braton marry Kalima.

In this way, Breton was both the grandson of Earl Orson and the son-in-law of Barrington, making it more legitimate to intervene in the inheritance dispute.

This seemed like a good proposal, but it was like a sword piercing Diane's heart, making her suffer terribly.

Because before she left, Lulans found her and had a conversation.

In addition to asking her to send a greeting of "Are you okay" to her father, the Marquis also tried to predict the next actions of the Hyde family in front of her——

Let Breton marry Kalima and give birth to an heir. After Rulans dies, kill Wiggins first, then kill Breton, and finally support the baby who may still be in his infancy to become the lord of Wushan Ridge.

When Alan said those words, Diane felt tired.

She used to simply think that her father and brother supported Brayton because the latter was their nephew, and her nephew's Wushan Ridge was naturally beneficial to the Hyde family.

All she had to do was to tell Brayton to practice hard and become strong without being influenced by others.

But when Lu Lansi's guess became possible, she panicked.

She was just an ordinary person who couldn't even defeat a ferocious dog. She couldn't change anything in front of this group of extraordinary beings who were beating and killing at will. Even if she had to sacrifice her looks to win over some former suitors, the strongest one was just a Silver Knight and nothing would change.

Fortunately, she still has a choice.

"It's better to take good care of the flowers."

Diane lay on the bench, bathed in the sunshine and fell asleep.

In the afternoon, Wiggins returned to the castle.

After Luo Ning got the news, he paid a courtesy visit.

However, the other party was holding several officials from Wushan City to discuss the collection and transportation of food and weapons. He simply exchanged a few words with Luo Ning and then continued his own business.

Looking at Wiggins focused and busy, he doesn’t seem too incompetent?
Luo Ning also exited the other party's study at the right time. Seeing the sunset about to set, he thought of sending a little shock to Lu Lans.

On the mountain road, Lulans called his Thunder Wind Chaser and rode on its back slowly up the mountain.

When faced with Luo Ning's question about Diane, Lulans did not explain in detail, but simply said:
"I just let her understand her identity. Now she should be my Rulans' daughter-in-law first, Wiggins' wife, Brayton's mother, and then Orson's daughter."

Lulans looked down at his grandson who was walking beside him with his head lowered, and changed the subject: "Do you really have a dragon?"

He always thought it was impossible, and even after lunch, he found a few books to read. The dragons introduced above were all fictional and could not withstand scrutiny, and none of them looked like real records.

But seeing Luo Ning's serious look, he was beating drums in his heart.

The corners of Luo Ning's mouth were slightly raised, and it was a bit funny to see the old man's cautious and tentative inquiry.

"Of course. Grandpa, you know that I have a straight temper and never lie."

Rulans' white beard trembled, "You tell a lot of lies."

Luo Ning touched his conscience and thought to himself: I really never lie unless I have to.

"I traveled to many places when I was young and saw a lot of monsters."

Lulans patted the Thunder Wind Chaser underneath him, "This guy is said to have the blood of a giant dragon. In addition, there are some flying monsters, such as the Dragon Eagle, which are also descendants of the giant dragon."

He shook his head slightly: "But if we talk about a real giant dragon, I have never seen it with my own eyes."

"You'll see it soon."

Luo Ning had already called Carlos in his mind in advance. He sensed that the distance between him and him was not far. It would take less than ten minutes to arrive here after calling him.

Thinking about it, it would be very appropriate to tell Rulans about Carlos's existence.

When he comes to Wushanbao again in the future, he can land directly on the back mountain without having to go through the trouble like this time.

Lu Lansi stopped talking when he saw Luo Ning being so sure, and he was already seven or eight percent convinced.

He is not someone who has never seen the world. There is nothing shocking when he actually sees a giant dragon. It is nothing more than an extremely rare flying monster.

Not long after, the two came to the open space on the mountainside.

Lulans got off his mount, and the Thunder Wind Chaser walked into the exclusive room on the side.

But suddenly, its movements froze, and it suddenly turned its head to look into the air, letting out an uneasy growl.

"Coming." Luo Ning reminded.

When Lulans sensed the uneasiness of the contracted monster, he raised his head and looked at the sky.

In the dim twilight, a black spot gradually enlarged and enlarged in the air. The appearance of the dragon was not yet clear, but a faint pressure enveloped Rulans's heart.

He is well-informed and knows that this is pressure from blood. Only truly high-blooded monsters can have such an influence on people.

His eyes flashed, showing the shock in his heart.

"Is this the dragon?" (End of chapter)

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