Under the night, Luo Ning and Lulans rode Carlos high in the sky.

Viewed from a high altitude, the lights of Wushan Fort are bright, and there are also large areas of Wushan City with lights on. Compared with the nights in Shanlin Town, the nights here have more fireworks.

"This dragon of yours, Carlos, its flying speed should be a little slower than that of a gryphon."

Rulans has ridden more than one gryphon and has a certain understanding of their flight speed.

"Is the griffon so fast?" Luo Ning was a little surprised. He thought the dragon should be faster than the griffin.

"Most griffons are of the wind type, and some even possess wind-type magic, so they are naturally good at flying."

Rulans explained: "Although Carlos is similar in size to a griffin, his weight is obviously much heavier, and his flying speed is naturally slower. However, it seems that its flight duration should be longer than that of a griffon."

Luo Ning nodded slightly.

It seems that Carlos and Griffon have their own advantages and disadvantages in flying.

But he still has great confidence in the dragon.

When Carlos grows to a later stage, he will definitely be able to crush the gryphon in terms of flying.

After some test flights, the dragon landed on the mountainside again.

Rulans got off the dragon's back and looked back at Carlos, his eyes full of envy.

Although the Meteor Knight who broke through the gate was beginning to gain an unstoppable momentum, he was still bound to the earth.

If you want to rush into the air, you must either own a flying monster or be promoted to Silver Moon.

But not only is it very difficult to be promoted to Silver Moon Knight, but it is also very difficult to contract a flying monster that can carry people!
After he got the contract scroll, he searched for it for a long time. He tried many times to conquer the dragon eagle, giant eagle, and giant eagle, but failed.

It is really difficult for a person who cannot fly to catch such a magical beast with strong perception and excellent flight.

That's why Lulans chose the Thunder Wind Chaser in the end.

This kid Luo Ning was so lucky that even he couldn't help but be jealous.

If he had known better, he should have moved Wushan Castle to Wubei Territory. He might be the one who discovered Carlos Cave.

Watching Carlos flap his wings and fly away, Rulans returned to his thoughts.

"Although the dragon is strong, it is not invincible yet. Whether it is the magic cannon, magic spear I showed you this morning, or the Griffin Knights just mentioned, they can all pose a threat to Carlos .”

Luo Ning knew this well, and he was not arrogant enough to think that having a dragon would allow him to walk sideways.

"In addition to not being careless on the battlefield, I usually suggest that you try not to expose the dragon to public view as much as possible."

Rulans further said: "As far as I know, there are no clear traces of the appearance of real dragons on this continent. The existence of Carlos will definitely attract everyone's attention, including some who are interested in research and have different personalities. An extremely weird old man.”

When he said this, he thought of Magister Silva.

In order to cure the disease, the other party conducted countless experiments on him.

Blood draws, ice therapy, and fire roasting were all used.

If he can survive, Lu Lansi is also a good fortune teller.

Now that Luo Ning has the dragon, maybe the other party will come over to study it, and may even ask Luo Ning to terminate the master-servant contract and let the dragon recognize him as its master.

Luo Ning nodded solemnly.

This is the truth of the saying "Every man is not guilty but only carries the jade."

"So far, apart from the follower who followed me, you are the only one who knows about the existence of Carlos. I have also made preparations long ago and will not expose Carlos to the public easily."

In fact, if Lulans hadn't been thinking about him wholeheartedly and was very reliable, Luo Ning would not have revealed the existence of the dragon to him.

Lu Lansi glanced at Luo Ning and thought that this kid had some conscience and did not treat him as an outsider.

"You have done well, but you need to be more careful with some things. Just one giant dragon is not enough. If you want to have awe-inspiring power, you must become stronger and have more powerful followers."

As he said this, he got back on the Thunder Chaser and started walking down the mountain.

Luo Ning followed.

Perhaps because of what happened with the giant dragon, the Thunder Wind Chaser is now very polite to Luo Ning who is following it, with a cautious look that makes people laugh. "Oh, right."

Rulans seemed to have thought of something.

"I remember that the chief magician of the water system can master a magic called 'Light Refraction', which can manipulate the water element to distort the surrounding sight to achieve the effect of concealment."

Luo Ning's eyes lit up and he immediately understood what Lu Lansi meant.

Carlos is known as the "Wings of Frost and Fire" and he masters the two elements of water and fire.

If it can master the magic of "light refraction", it can reduce the risk of exposure to a certain extent.

"The fighting skills and magic books my grandpa gave me don't seem to have this magic in them."

The two water-attribute magicians in Wubei Territory, Jenny and Irene, were so different in level that Luo Ning couldn't learn this knowledge through them.

That's why Luo Ning ignored this magical information.

"I'm not a magician, why do I collect so many magic books?"

Rulans smiled and scolded: "Go to the Silva Magic Energy Merchant Guild and have a look. You should be able to buy it."

"But as far as I know, the concealment effect of this magic has quite a few limitations. First of all, if the movement speed is too fast, the controlled water element cannot keep up with the movement speed, and the concealment effect will be destroyed.

Second, an observant person will notice the distortion of the light and spot something amiss. And for someone with my level of strength, I can feel it approaching even without looking at it with my eyes. "

These two points are nothing.

Ronin can just ask Carlos to fly slower when the time comes.

As for the second point, he didn't want Carlos to become invisible and become an assassin. This magic was enough to avoid public attention.

"Grandpa, you know so much."

"You have learned too little."

Lulans smiled and scolded: "I think if you have time, you should buy less knight novels and more useful books."

When the two of them went down the mountain, candles were lit along the road at the foot of the mountain, rows a bit like street lamps.

Most was waiting at the foot of the mountain: "Master, Master, the dinner is ready. The count and countess are already waiting there."

Lulans was in a good mood, "Let's go."

The atmosphere of the dinner was similar to that of the luncheon. Diane still maintained her enthusiasm. Even Wiggins couldn't help but joke a few words about why she suddenly changed her gender, which actually attracted a glare from Rulans.

Wiggins smiled awkwardly, then raised his glass and drank with Luo Ning.

After he put down the wine glass, he smiled and said: "To be honest, I thought you would fail in Shanlin Town, but I didn't expect that you would have so many changes after you got there. Sometimes I feel emotional, thanks to my vision at that time I picked that Feng Shui treasure land for you!"

Luo Ning chuckled and returned the drink: "Father is right."

Wiggins added: "I have almost prepared the food and weapons and equipment to be transported to Chishan Town today. I will set off in two days when everything is ready."

He changed the topic and looked at Luo Ning eagerly: "But there is still a need for someone to go with the transport team on my behalf to send greetings to the Fifth Knights stationed in the southwest. Are you willing to go for me? ?”

Originally, Wiggins was worried about who to send.

It seemed unofficial to let Tolu and others pass;

Let Brayton pass, and the opponent is too young;

It wasn't until he met Luo Ning in the afternoon that he finally had a candidate.

Luo Ning, a bloodline of the Wushan family, his son, the Viscount of Wubei Territory, a young high-ranking knight.

No one is more suitable than him to go to Chishan Town on behalf of Wiggins.

Luo Ning didn't expect that he would be assigned a task when he came to Wushanbao to celebrate his birthday.

"Chishan Town, I've never been there."

He pondered, considering whether to agree to Wiggins' proposal. (End of chapter)

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