The second thing Luo Ning wanted was naturally related to the iron mine in Chishan Town.

However, he also understands that it is impossible to get a share based on the father-son relationship.

What's more, Wiggins only occupies a small share of this iron mine, so he can't make the decision.

So Luo Ning didn't think about it.

"I hope my father can help me talk to Chishan Town so that the iron ore produced there can be sold to me at a preferential price."

Last time, Rogner and the others purchased 50,000 kilograms of iron ore at a price of eight copper coins per kilogram, which cost them four hundred gold coins. This did not include transportation costs and subsequent smelting costs.

"You want iron ore?"

Wiggins heard Luo Ning's intention and was a little surprised: "Do you want to make iron by yourself in Wubei?"

Luo Ning nodded, "Wubei Territory has a lot of trees that can be used as fuel. I can make iron by myself. In this way, I can save a lot of gold coins."

From iron ore to mature iron, the price has increased at least five to six times.

Refining it yourself not only saves a lot of money, but also produces the molten iron you want for casting.

"How many kilograms of iron ore do you estimate your territory will need each year?" Wiggins asked immediately.

"I briefly estimated last night that the annual demand for iron ore in Wubei Ling is about 200,000 kilograms. But this is only the current situation. When Wubei Ling develops, the demand will be even greater."

From 200,000 kilograms of iron ore, with the current level of smelting, it would be very good to produce 60,000 to 80,000 kilograms of iron.

With so much iron, the current Wubei Territory may not be able to consume it all.

But it doesn't matter. There is no iron ore in Wubei Territory. Being able to buy iron ore cheaply from outside can be regarded as hoarding strategic resources.

Kabir on the side gave Ronin a high look.

The young viscount was able to report this number without thinking, which showed that he had a clear understanding of the situation in the territory.

He couldn't help but think: "This kid Luo Ning has only been a lord for less than a year, and he handles things like a seasoned lord. When did he change so much?"

On the other side, Wiggins calculated it in his mind to see if it was profitable.

After a long while, he said: "I can give you a preferential price of six copper coins per kilogram of iron ore, but you need to transport the ore from Chishan Town to Wubei Territory yourself. I am not responsible for the transportation."

The price of iron ore on the market ranges from five to eight copper coins per catty, but this range is not fixed and is often affected by transportation costs and demand.

If it is a wartime situation, the price of iron ore, as a strategic resource, will inevitably rise.

Although Wiggins asked Luo Ning to handle the transportation problem by himself, the selling price of these six copper coins was considered a profit.

"Okay, but father, you can't sell me poor quality iron ore."

Wiggins smiled and said: "Don't worry, the quality of the iron ore produced by the Chishan Town Iron Mine is not necessarily the best, but at least it won't be any worse."

His mood suddenly improved.

He accounts for 10% of the iron ore in Chishan Town, about 360,000 kilograms of iron ore every year.

However, he is not responsible for mining, transportation, sales, etc. He is only responsible for taking money from Kerien and Hahn every year.

By negotiating an order with Luo Ning today, it is equivalent to selling a large part of it myself. It is initially estimated that I can earn a few hundred more gold coins.

"Luo Ning, if your Wubei Territory can eat more iron ore, I may be able to give you more discounts. For example, for these two hundred thousand catties of six copper coins, I can give you the next one hundred thousand catties of iron ore. I’ll give you five copper coins per catty.”

Luo Ning bared his teeth and said with a smile: "I believe that with the help of my father and Kabir, the population of Wubei Territory will increase. Maybe I will need more iron ore in two or three years."

"Hahaha, good!"

Wiggins smiled happily: "Manage your territory well, I'm optimistic about you!"

Kabir also echoed: "With Luoning's ability, I believe that a big city the size of Wushan City will definitely appear in Wubei Territory in the near future."

The leisurely afternoon passed quickly, and as dusk fell, the guests who came to Wushanbao for tonight's banquet arrived one after another.

In addition to the nobles, Diane also asked Hallwater to find the best performance team in Wushan City.

After all, such a banquet, which only involves drinking, eating meat, and communicating with each other, is naturally boring. Music performances, dance performances, social dances, etc. must be arranged.

In his past life, Luo Ning had never had such a lively birthday. All of this was due to the blessings of the "nobles" class.

Of course, more is due to the changes in his identity and status today. Taking his uneducated predecessor as an example, he just celebrated his previous birthdays with some friends at Wushan Extraordinary Academy.

At the birthday party, Lu Lansi also showed up. In addition to having a cordial exchange with Luo Ning, he also said hello to other people present.

This is the first time Rulans has made a public appearance since the beginning of the year. The rumors that he and Orson have difficulty getting out of bed should be self-defeating after tonight's banquet.

"Luo Ning, there is a letter here."

Lulans pulled Ronin aside, took out a letter from his arms and handed it over.

"Who wrote it?"

Luo Ning took it with some surprise.

"Blanche, of course."

Lulansi chuckled and said, "The letter arrived in the morning, just in time."

Luo Ning walked to a corner of the ballroom, took it apart and started reading.

This is a "Happy Birthday to You" letter. Blanche's handwriting is very beautiful. Although there is no explicit expression of love between the lines, there is also a feeling of longing.

Luo Ning was stunned. He didn't expect that his charm would be so great and would leave such a deep memory in the other person's heart.

"What are you laughing at, Luo Ning?"

McKinney came over and said, "Come dance with me."

Luo Ning smiled bitterly and said, "Why, my beautiful sister, no one has invited you to dance with her yet?"

McKinney smiled and said: "I'm not an unmarried girl, how can anyone easily find me?"

This is true. When a noble lady accepts an invitation to dance with others, she needs to consider more issues, such as each other's status, the identity and motivation of the inviter, etc.

"OK then."

Luo Ning had no choice but to put away the letter, stood up and took McKinney's hand into the dance floor.

After attending several banquets, his dancing level got better and better.

At the same time, compared to the lively dance party, Wiggins' yard was much deserted.

I think he was the brightest person at the dance back then, but now he couldn't dance, so after eating and drinking, he found an opportunity to run away.

Every time at this time, he would curse the damn Skull and Bones Society in his heart. Without that thing, he would be so leisurely and comfortable now.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

There was a rapid knock on the door outside, making Wiggins even more unhappy.


"Sir, it's me, Karolina." A pleasant female voice came from outside.

The displeasure on Wiggins' face faded slightly, and his tone softened: "Come in."

Carolina pushed open the door and walked in. As the liaison officer of Wushan Castle, she was already middle-aged and had a good-looking face. Although she could not compare with Diane, she was still very attractive.

"Why don't you go to the banquet and have fun instead of coming to my place?"

Carolina did not explain too much, but handed over the letter in her hand and said anxiously: "Your Majesty, this is a letter sent by Mr. Corian from Boulder City. The level of urgency is the highest!"


With his heart pounding, Wiggins opened the envelope three times, picked up the letter inside and read it quickly.

As he read, his face became flushed and his breathing became more rapid.

Carolina, who is familiar with Wiggins, knows that what is written in this letter will definitely make him angry.

From the recent letters exchanged with Boulder City, what Wiggins had done, and the urgency of this letter, she had some guesses in her mind.

Is there something wrong with Chishan Town?

At this time, after reading the letter, Wiggins finally roared angrily: "Damn it, how could this happen!" (End of Chapter)

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