Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 258 The Wizard of Wubei Territory

The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it.

But if the wood is too beautiful, the wind will not be able to move it.

For Luo Ning now, there is still no need to expose his strength as long as he can survive.

But when it's time to show off and gain benefits, even if he doesn't show his strength, he at least needs to let the people under him show it.

It is also undesirable to be too clumsy and miss opportunities.

Calling up the familiar attribute panel and consuming all attribute points, Luo Ning's Silver Knight level progress has been reached, and the Magician's progress has reached (76/2000)

In addition, the accumulation during this period also gave him 1999 points of energy essence.

"It's been a long time since I improved my strength for you."

Luo Ning looked at the three men standing in front of him.

During this period, they relied on their own cultivation strength to improve in different ways.

McCann: Silver Knights (31/1500);
Elrond: Chief Magician (380/2000);
Rydal: Silver Knight (649/1500).

Also practicing on his own, Ruidal has caught up from behind and has the fastest level growth among the three. This is also related to his blazing talent.

As for McCann, he has golden qualifications, but his training speed is a bit different.

When the three heard that the lord was going to improve their strength, they couldn't help but look at each other and smile.

They are both extraordinary people, and they are each other's pursuit of improving their strength.

"You should have heard about the situation of my grandfather Rulans. Currently, only an eighth-level magician with light attributes can save him. So in the next period of time, I will focus on improving Elrond's strength."

Elrond bent down and bowed: "My lord, I will not disappoint your expectations."

Both Rydal and McCann looked envious. If the lord wants to save his grandfather, it is inevitable to improve Elrond's strength first.

"However, this does not mean that I only improve my strength for Elrond alone."

Luo Ning said with a smile: "Under the current situation, Wubei Territory still needs to take on the role of combat power, so Redal and McCann, you must also become stronger. But considering that Redal's combat level and qualifications are relatively high, so the distance between the two of you , I will improve Redal’s strength even more.”

Redal clapped his chest hard, "Redal will not disappoint your expectations!"

McCann was a little confused, but he could accept it. Who made him have the lowest qualifications? The Lord made the most appropriate choice.

"McCann, you were the first to follow me. I am very optimistic about your calm and non-irritable character."

Luo Ning encouraged: "Although it takes precedence over Elrond and Redal now, we still have a long time to come. You don't have to rush. You should practice hard when you should."

This is not Luo Ning's lie. The days ahead are indeed very long.

McCann knelt down on one knee and said excitedly: "It's an honor for me to be favored by you. Don't worry, I will definitely maintain my advantages and not let you down!"

Luo Ning raised his hand to signal the other party to stand up, and then threw the energy essence to the three of them respectively as he expected.

McCann has 28 points, Rydal has 351 points, and Elrond has 1620 points.

McCann's strength increased only slightly;

Redal's progress has reached (1000/1500). According to the opponent's previous statement, he is now good enough to challenge the Golden Knight in a duel.

Most importantly, Elrond.

At this moment, he was digesting the effects of promotion with his eyes closed. After a while, he slowly opened his eyes. There was light shining in his eyes. At this moment, Elrond's whole body revealed a relaxing aura.

"Congratulations Elrond, you are now a mage."

Mage has a huge improvement compared to the previous five levels.

First of all, the magic power in his mana space is liquefied, which greatly increases the magic power that the magician can store.

If Elrond could only use Aurora Shadow once before, now he can use it ten times!
In addition, there is another major change - the magician can enhance the power of ordinary magic.

In other words, the effect of his healing spells has been greatly improved compared to before; accordingly, the power of offensive magic such as punishment spells and divine judgment will also increase.

"This is all your gift, sir!"

Elrond leaned forward and said, his voice extremely pious: "May the light be with you!"

"Compared to before, you look more like a magician."

"Magic stick?" Elrond was a little confused. Luo Ning laughed and changed the subject: "Tell me what you got after being promoted?"

Elrond thought about his memories.

"Sir, I didn't wake up many memories about my past life this time. They were all scenes of medical patients. However, one of the scenes was somewhat similar to the group of weird people we met in the mysterious valley."

Luo Ning raised his eyebrows, "Are you talking about Natalia's unkillable guys?"

Elrond nodded, "There is indeed a scene where you can't kill, but as long as you pierce the opponent's body and inject your own extraordinary power crazily, you can turn the opponent into ashes."

Rydal and McCann also looked surprised.

Since Elrond had experienced something like this, they should have experienced it too.

It's just that they didn't upgrade their level this time, and they didn't have any new memory scenes.

"Those guys in the cave can't be the old antiques who have existed since your previous life and are still alive today, right?"

Thinking of Carlos's age, that means that the previous lives of Elrond and others were at least a thousand years ago?
He did not delve into this matter. There should be more information when the levels of the next three people increase.

"Besides that, what about magic?"

"Yes, now I can use the new magic 'Powerful Healing'. In addition, I have also awakened the information about making 'Explosion Potion'."

Luo Ning's eyes lit up.

Powerful healing technique is a continuous healing technique. Although it consumes a lot of money, its healing ability is very strong. Even if the limbs are broken, it can still save the life of the injured.

Luo Ning now has a powerful healing spell scroll in his hand. When Wiggins' leg was cut off, he relied on this spell scroll to avoid death.

"I know this magic, and it works very well!"

Luo Ning admired and asked: "What is the explosive potion you are talking about?"

"It allows the knight to burst into an extra 50% strength for one minute, but will be weak for a day."

The other three people in the camp are all professional knights, and they know the terrifying effect of having an extra 50% strength.

"The effect of this potion is amazing!"

Ruidal contacted his own strength, "With my current strength, if I use this potion, I may be able to single out the middle-level Golden Knight."

"An extra 50% of the strength is unleashed. The effect is indeed terrifying!"

McCann also sighed and said: "Even if it is weak for a day, even if the effect only lasts for a minute, using it at a critical moment can have the effect of reversing the situation of the battle."

"With the current conditions, can it be made?"

Luo Ning asked quickly. If it could be done, it would greatly reduce the uncertainty of this war.

Elrond shook his head helplessly, "Sir, there are many materials. One of them is that you need at least one cup of fresh blood from explosive and violent monsters such as bears, tigers, lions, and apes of at least level 6."

A cup of blood is about 500 milliliters. Although it is not much, it comes from a sixth-level monster, which is difficult to deal with.

An idea flashed in Luoning's mind, and he thought of Carlos. Isn't this guy a level six monster?
"Would dragon's blood work?"

Elrond immediately thought that Ronin had a giant dragon in his hand. Can the dragon's blood be used to make magic potions?
He doesn't have the guts.

"Well... I'm not sure. I haven't mentioned the dragon's blood in my memory."

Elrond was very hesitant. If Carlos knew that he wanted to give it a try, he didn't know if it would arouse the other party's anger.

"Sir, using the dragon's blood for experiments is a waste, isn't it?"

"There's nothing we can do about it, we don't have any other level six monsters on hand."

Luo Ning spread his hands helplessly, "I will discuss it with Carlos. With his docile character, he shouldn't be so stingy. If we can gather enough blood, what about the other materials?"

"That depends on whether it is sold in Boulder City."

Although Boulder City is a barony, it bears the heavy responsibility of resisting the enemy and receives a lot of care from Wushan Castle. The level of prosperity here is not comparable to that of other baronies.

"There should also be various shops such as the Magic Energy Chamber of Commerce here. You can go and have a look after entering the city tomorrow."

Luo Ning said: "If you can't find all the materials, forget it. If you can, let's see if we can make one or two bottles before the war starts."

"I understand, sir." (End of chapter)

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