Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 266 Lure the snake out of its hole


Warwick was thrown heavily to the ground again. This time, his bones seemed to be falling apart, and he couldn't get up.

"Babulin." Ronin called out.

Bablin, who was waiting on the top of the mountain, ran over and said, "Sir, you are back. What do you have to say?"

As he spoke, he secretly glanced at the stranger lying on the ground with bruises all over his body, and secretly guessed the guy's identity.

"Go and notify Tolu, Marvin, Philip, and Thorstein, and ask them to come here. Just say that I have something urgent to discuss with them."

"Oh, by the way, if Baron Corian is also in the camp, then call him over."

"As you wish, sir!" Bablin immediately went down and shouted.

After Ronin moved out of the Stone Castle, Tolu and others also left the castle and were all preparing to spend the night in the camp.

Bablin soon found them.

"What else does Luo Ning have to do so late?" Tolu asked in surprise.

Bablin shook his head: "Your Excellency did not say it clearly, but I think it is a very important matter, so I would like to trouble Sir Tolu to go there."

Tolu didn't ask any more questions: "Okay, I'll come right away."

Next, Bablin approached Marvin and others. They were equally puzzled, but none of them refused the invitation.

Soon after, everyone gathered in Luo Ning's big tent.

Ronin looked around, "Korien isn't here?"

"My lord, Baron Corian has returned to his castle."

Luo Ning nodded and waved his hand to signal Bablin to retreat.

Marvin couldn't help but ask: "Luo Ning, why did you summon us so late?"

"There is something very important that I want to discuss with you."

He first turned his attention to Tolu: "Sir Tolu, as the leader of the first knights of Wushanbao, will you betray Wushanbao and the Marquis of Rulans?"

Tolu frowned, not understanding what Ronin meant.

"Please do not doubt my loyalty, Ronin."

He solemnly said: "From the day I followed Lord Rulans, my sword will only be swung for him!"

Ronin's eyes turned to Philip and Thorstein again.

The two men looked solemn and said the same words as Tolu.

Marvin also prepared his words, but it was a pity that Luo Ning did not ask.

Of course, Luo Ning didn't need to ask. He was familiar enough with Marvin. He had a passionate side and a wise side, but sometimes he was very passionate. To put it simply, he was reckless.

"I know your loyalty to the Marquis, but not all of you are like that."

Luo Ning looked around the four of them and said slowly: "As far as I know, Baron Corian is already a traitor to Wushan Ridge."

This sentence immediately shocked the four people present.


The first person to say this was Tolu, "Luo Ning, although Kerien's performance in the battle in Chishan Town was very bad, I have seen the wounds on his body, which are indeed left from the recent battle. And I also inspected We have seen the wounded in the Knights, they all know the brutality of the battle that night, they cannot be traitors!"

"Yes, Luo Ning, you can't talk nonsense about this kind of thing."

Marvin also had to be cautious about such issues.

Groundless slander of nobles may be a small matter, but it may be a big deal. At least it will have a negative impact on Luo Ning's reputation.

Although both Philip and Thorstein were only deputy captains, they were also skeptical of Luo Ning's statement.

They could still believe it when Corian secretly embezzled Wushanbao's property, but betrayal was too serious a word.

Unless Rulans died and the Wushan family completely declined, the price of failed betrayal would be too high.

Having said that, even if there is betrayal, it is an extremely private matter.

Luo Ning arrived at Big Rock Ridge at the same time as them. They didn't hear any news. How did Luo Ning learn about it?
"Did you hear any news?" Tolu calmed down.

His performance just now was a bit excited, mainly because he was the leader of the regiment. He was very heartbroken when he saw the defeated and injured soldiers of the Fifth Knights. He also did not want to see these people who fought bloody battles being unjustly accused.

"Not only did I hear the news, I also caught witnesses."

Ronin clapped his hands, and Joffrey pulled the injured Warwick in and threw him on the ground.

"This is?"

Tolu and the others looked at each other, a little confused.

"One of the core figures of the Bolt Thieves, Silver Knight Warwick."


Everyone looked at the injured lying on the ground unable to move in shock. A member of the Poland Thieves Group? Marvin squatted next to the other party, pulled up the other party's sleeves, and kneaded the other party's flesh.

"The skin and flesh have obvious signs of strengthening. He is indeed the Silver Knight!"

Tolu realized the seriousness of the problem, because even if Ronin was lying, it was impossible to use the Silver Knight as a witness.

He also hurriedly knelt down and conducted some inspections, confirming Marvin's statement that the injured man was indeed the Silver Knight.

"Luo Ning, what on earth is going on?"

Luo Ning chuckled, "Warwick, tell me about your identity and what Corian has done."

Warwick, who was lying on the ground, trembled unconsciously when he heard Ronin calling his name.

The battle in the forest just now was the most thrilling and most powerless battle he had ever experienced in his life.

He thought he was sure of victory, but he fell behind in the first move of the fight, and then was crushed in all directions.

Warwick was horrified to discover that Ronin was actually the Silver Knight!

For such a young Silver Knight, this subverted his understanding.

He wanted to tell Amycus, Corian and others that everyone had been deceived by this young man, and that this guy was the biggest conspirator.

"I, I am indeed a member of the Poland Thieves Group..."

Warwick began to tell intermittently and feebly what happened in Chishan Town.

In the tent, apart from his voice, the only sound was the heavier breathing of Tolu and others.

After Warwick completed the purpose of this war - to annihilate all the noble coalition forces, the grumpy Marvin couldn't help but use foul language.

"Damn it Corian, I'm going to kill him!"

Tolu also gritted his teeth: "Damn traitor!"

Philip and Thorstein directly asked for orders: "Sir, why don't we lead the knight squad to surround his castle and capture him alive!"

"Yes, he surrounded his castle overnight!" Marvin also agreed very much.

Tolu also nodded and said: "Although the defense of the Stone Castle is strong, and Corian also has three knight squads, two of them are in the camp now. We can control these two troops and then lead people to surround them. Rock Castle, end the battle as quickly as possible.”

Of the two deputy commanders, Tolu's thinking is clearer, while Marvin is more like a warrior.

At this time, the curtain of the big tent was opened, and Redal walked in.

He first nodded to the others, and then reported to Luo Ninghui: "Sir, in the evening, most of Kerien's two knight squads were mobilized, saying that they wanted to maintain the defense of Stone Ridge."

Now, everyone was even more convinced of Kerien's betrayal.

These two knight squads have been recruited. Corian has no command authority at this time, let alone transferring them without notifying the commander and deputy commander.

Ronin frowned slightly. He hadn't caught Warwick in the evening, so Corinn probably didn't transfer these people for "exposure" reasons.

"Ruidal, how many troops does he still have in the camp?"

"There are six professional knights, half of the cavalry and half of the infantry."

Ronin nodded, "Joffrey."

Joffrey, who was guarding outside the tent, came in.

"Go and inform Macon and Knight Talon that no one, especially anyone from Corian, will be allowed to leave the camp tonight."


Tolu looked at Joffrey who was striding away. He suddenly realized that he did not seem to need his assistance in commanding this war. Rulans might still not know his grandson well enough.

Perhaps, this battle between Chishan Town and the Polish bandits will be Luo Ning's battle to become famous.

"Luoning, how are you going to deal with Corian?"

Tolu couldn't help but ask, "We follow your arrangements."

The three of them, Marvin and Luo Ning, also looked at Luo Ning. The strongest knight in the alliance said this, which meant that the latter would have full command of this war.

Luo Ning thought for a while and said: "The attack at night is already hasty. Coupled with the poor visibility, unfamiliar terrain, and strong defense of the Stone Fortress, it is obviously not wise to besiege Kerien now."

"And don't forget, we still have an enemy in Chishan Town. If we cause too much damage by capturing Corian, I don't want to see it."

"You're right, we were just carried away by anger."

Marvin took a deep breath and calmed down: "I have observed Kerien's Stone Fortress. The wall is very thick. Even with fighting skills, it is impossible to break it open easily. It is indeed not an easy task to break into it. .”

He looked at Luo Ning: "What are you going to do?"

"We don't need to go in."

A calculating look flashed in Luo Ning's eyes: "We just need to pretend that nothing happened. We will summon him to the camp early tomorrow morning to discuss the matter, and then we can work together to capture him."

A glint flashed in Tolu's eyes: "This is a good idea!" (End of this chapter)

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