The bloody battlefield was littered with broken arms and limbs. The members of the noble coalition and the Polish bandits each had their own casualties. They fell to the ground in disorder, with blood flowing into rivers.

Ronin breathed heavily.

In this battle, the number of enemies who died in his hands may be ten, twenty, or even more.

In short, today was the day he killed the most enemies since he traveled to this world.

So much so that by the end of the fight, he himself was exhausted.

Mentally exhausted.

He looked not far away. The destructive force caused by the confrontation between the golden knights had knocked down all the surrounding buildings, and the battlefield between Tolu and Amycus had been stretched into the distance.

But at this moment, Toru, Talen, Marvin and Redal were no longer the only ones besieging Amykus. The two deputy captains who had eliminated Gilbert and Lanivisa also joined the battle group.

Six against one, and he was actually held back by Amycus!
The leader of the thieves group is indeed strong, but it is undeniable that Tolu and the other six people's desire to capture the other party alive gave the other party a chance to resist.

Amycus holds many secrets. If he can be captured alive, this will be a great thing for Wushanbao.

In the face of high-end combat power, it is often much harder to capture alive than to kill.

At this moment, Amycus already knew that his band of thieves had been basically wiped out. Perhaps because he knew that he would also die, the pressure in his heart was relieved.

Not only did he not want to retreat, but he became more courageous as he fought.

"Hahaha, six against one and I almost killed you back. You are so weak, so weak!"

Amycus laughed loudly and swung away Redal's attack with his sword. The light of his fist flashed and the surging power bombarded Redal's chest.

Redal quickly turned sideways, frowning slightly, wondering what was going on. Is the opponent getting stronger with each passing day?

"United suppression!"

Redal shouted, Tolu, Philip and Marvin rushed up, four knight swords from four directions pressed towards each other at the same time.

But at this moment, Amycus burst out with amazing power, and the fighting spirit armor he was wearing seemed to solidify, and his momentum was surging!

"Spread out!"

Amycus shouted in a deep voice, the light on his body skyrocketed, and the huge air wave formed by the explosion of fighting spirit actually greatly slowed down the long swords of the four people. Then he raised his sword and stirred it up, knocking back all the four people's joint attacks!

"This is the power of conquest!"

Toru shouted in shock: "He broke through!"

The golden knight breaks away from the wheel and steps onto the meteor star.

Faced with the pressure of the siege and the situation where all his men were wiped out, Amycus actually broke through.

If you tell me this, who would dare to believe it?
"Hahaha, this is the conquest power of Meteor Star!"

Amycus looked at his hands excitedly.

He could feel that the power in his body had been strengthened at this moment, and his strength had improved more than before the breakthrough!

Amycus set his first target on Tolu, and he wanted to try his hand with the Golden Knight.


Redal and others immediately moved closer to Tolu, and barely managed to block the attack with their combined strength.

However, the ordinary fighting skills that Amycus used casually became moves that they needed to take seriously.

"Fortunately, he consumed a lot of physical strength and fighting spirit before breaking through, so he can't use powerful fighting skills now, otherwise we would be in even greater danger!"

Having said that, after a long battle, the fighting spirit in their bodies has bottomed out, and they can only rely on close combat to compete in strength and speed.

"Stop thinking about being captured alive."

Tolu said solemnly: "Maybe someone will die!"

Everyone nodded secretly. Talon was seriously injured and could not join the group. If they thought about capturing Amycus alive, something would happen to them.


The corners of Amycus' lips curled up slightly, "You all must die!"

He looked around the battlefield, like a king looking down at the world, "The first person to die is you!"

Amycus rushed out suddenly, and his target was not Tolu, Redal, or Marvin, but Ronin, who had just stopped fighting to observe the battlefield.

"Sir, be careful!"

"Luo Ning, be careful!"

Redal and Tolu shouted loudly, they never expected that the other party would turn to attack Luoning.

In fact, Amycus, like the captured Golden Knight Brisso, wanted to kill Ronin so that the war would have some value even if it failed.


Luo Ning cursed. Facing the leader of the thieves group who was rushing to kill him, he drained the fighting energy from his body and raised his hand to strike at the leader with a pyrotechnic slash. This is Redal's specialty, and now he has mastered it.

"You deceived everyone, this is your true strength!"

Amycus was a little wary of this move, because in the previous confrontation, he had been injured by Redal's Pyroblast Slash.

The sharp edge cut through the Pyroblast Slash, and the violent roar seemed to ring in his ears, making Luo Ning's ears ring.

The storm formed by the fierce collision raised dust and blood on the ground, making it a blur.

"go to hell!"

Amid the smoke and dust, Amycus' figure flashed out, and his long sword stabbed straight at Luoning's throat, intending to end the latter's life.

Luo Ning crossed the Flowing Flame Sword and blocked the opponent's sword tip. The huge impact force even made the Flowing Flame Sword bend.

But after all, it is not a mortal thing and cannot be broken.

“The response was quick, but it’s time to end!”

Amykus was about to give the final blow to Ronin who was knocked away, but Redal had already chased after him. He swept his sword sharply and was dodged by the opponent.

"Do you want to die too?"

"Don't worry, you're next."

Amycus's goal has not changed easily. Killing others will never be as profitable as killing people from the Osan family.

But at this moment, the combined attacks of four people blocked his progress.

Luo Ning stood up from the dust, his throat felt sweet, and he coughed out blood.

He didn't have time to care about this, and quickly used the restraint of wind to interfere with the opponent's movements.

Amycus pressed down his sword, but his arm was stagnant, and a tentacle of wind tied his arm;

He wanted to lift his legs, but another wind tentacle tied his legs.

"Useless magic!"

He broke away forcefully and kicked Marvin away.

But he was not in his prime, and his speed was still affected. Tolu and Redal were on the left and right, preparing to punch through his body, but unexpectedly, the attack was twisted by the opponent's limit.

He jumped up and kicked the two of them away with his legs left and right.

"Red flame snake!"

A huge flame python was formed out of thin air in front of Luo Ning. It twisted its body flexibly and pounced on the enemy who had just landed and was still standing.

The fire-attribute magic burned Amycus' breastplate red, and the huge impact caused him to roll on the ground for dozens of meters before stopping.

He only felt his internal organs trembling, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Level 5 magic, he is actually the chief magician?"

Amycus was shocked.

Eighteen years old, Silver Knight, Chief Magician, are the Seven Gods kidding?

He stumbled to his feet and wanted to continue to fight back, but at this moment, Toru and Redal rushed forward again.

Although they no longer had knight swords in their hands, they opened their arms to hug Amycus from the left to the right.

"Luo Ning, kill him!"

"Sir, this is the time!"

Amycus realized the danger, and with a mad burst of fighting spirit, he raised his fist and hit the two of them, trying to break free.

But Tolu and Redal hugged each other tightly, with no intention of letting go.

At this moment, Luo Ning rushed out quickly, aiming the Flowing Flame Sword at the opponent's chest.

In Amycus's widened pupils, Ronin's sword passed through his body!

"The person who died is you, the leader of the band of thieves!"

Luo Ning shouted in a deep voice.


Amykus didn't know where the strength came from, or it might be that Redal and Tolu's physical strength reached the limit. He broke free and slapped Ronin on the chest.

Luo Ning spat out a mouthful of blood and was slapped away, landing hard on the ground, but this palm with insufficient force could not cause much damage to him.

On the contrary, Amycus's movements were too big and the strength was too strong, which directly worsened the injury to his heart. He screamed in pain and fell weakly into a pool of blood. (End of chapter)

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