
"Haldane is a waste, and Amycus is a waste too!"

"It's all rubbish!"

In the luxurious castle, Jesus roared crazily while holding the letter, the anger in his heart welling up.

The forces that had been working hard for so many years were wiped out in one day without him having time to react.

Jesus' heart is bleeding!

His son-in-law, Ramsey, sighed and said with regret: "I heard that Amycus was lucky enough to break through to the meteor level at the last moment, but unfortunately he broke through too late. The exhaustion of fighting spirit and physical strength prevented him from making it. Turn the tide of battle."

"Stop talking!"

Jesus gasped, and he felt even more uncomfortable when he thought that there were supposed to be many Meteor Knights under his hands, but now they were gone.

"The most useless one is Corian!"

Jesus gritted his teeth, "It's a waste of time that I gave him so many precious materials in order to persuade him to be loyal to me. I didn't expect it to be so useless. He couldn't even defend the castle for a day."

At the banquet at the beginning of the year, Corian was named and scolded by Rulans. It was from this point that Jesus started and then gave him a heavy gift, which persuaded him to betray Wushanpu.

Now it seems that all the efforts were in vain.

Ramsey couldn't understand, it had only been a few days, why did it happen suddenly?
If the army is defeated like a mountain, it can't fall so quickly, right?

"Father, what are you going to do next?"

Jesus slowly calmed down his anger and sat down on the sofa next to him, frowning.

"Now that the situation in the kingdom is stable, my brother is still strengthening his prestige everywhere and wants to marry Wushanbao. At this time, even if I want to occupy Coast City, it is impossible to send troops!"

The king will not interfere with the Polite thieves, but if he does it in Moonlight Valley, the nature will be different.

If he and Wu Shanbao had a feud, it would be easier to talk about it, have an excuse, and mediate in the future.

But the bad thing is that there is no feud between Moonlight Valley and Wushan Territory.

When Amycus died, it was equivalent to losing the iron rod that used to pry the Wushan Territory, which had a great impact on Jesus.

"It doesn't matter, I have already supported the Poland Thieves Group twice. The worst I can do is wait two years before doing it a third time!"

Jesus looked fierce.

A small moonlight valley cannot accommodate him, a member of the royal family, and he needs a wider area of ​​land.

Looking around, Wushan Territory is the most suitable direction for expansion, and he cannot give up easily.

"Go to the shore fort and get back all the wealth that has been given to Amycus over the years."

"I need to use it to hire and train more people," Jesus said.

"We have sent Idrissa and the three of them over, and they will surely be back soon."

Ramsey paused, "Sir, Brissot is still in the hands of the noble coalition, do we want to redeem him?"

Jesus couldn't help but hit him on the forehead, which was also a headache for him.

He didn't want to give up the Golden Knight easily.

"Go and write a letter to Wushanbao, saying that Brissot is the uncle of your brother's wife. You are willing to pay five thousand gold coins to redeem him. See if the other party is willing."

Ramsey nodded.

Five thousand gold coins was definitely missing, but that didn't stop him from asking first.

As long as this relationship is revealed, the other party will probably not kill indiscriminately, and can just bargain later.


Luo Ning and others rode Carlos and landed smoothly on the square of Shore Fort.

Although there were knights and guards staying here, their strength was not enough. McCann killed them easily.

All of a sudden, the servants in the castle fled and ran outside.

Luo Ning didn't bother to deal with these ordinary people. He just grabbed the castle steward and ordered him to take them to search for Amycus's private warehouse.

"Sir, it's here!"

The middle-aged housekeeper tremblingly pushed open a row of shelves in the underground warehouse, revealing a door.

Luo Ning took out the magic crystal lamp, and under the light, he asked the housekeeper to walk in front. This is a very small warehouse, and it is already a bit crowded with five people standing inside.

There are three boxes placed on wooden blocks in the warehouse.

Luo Ning signaled the butler to open one of the boxes, and a golden light suddenly dazzled him.

"Oh, they are all gold coins. How many should they be?" Elrond couldn't help but grab a handful. He was short of money now.

Luo Ning smiled and said: "At least ten thousand."

The reason why he was so sure was because a line of text appeared in his sight:
["Prosperous Wealth" achievement achieved, attribute points +500, energy essence +1000]

This level of financial success requires him to obtain 10,000 gold coins at a time. Obviously, the number of gold coins in the box in front of him is at least 10,000.

He glanced at the panel. The next level of financial success required him to obtain 30,000 gold coins at once.

There were exactly three boxes in front of him. If each box had 10,000 gold coins, he would be able to complete two levels of achievements in a row.

Luo Ning immediately ordered: "Open these two boxes as well."

When the second box was opened, there was still a bright golden light, and there was also a whole box of gold coins;
It's just that after the third box was opened, there was no eye-catching golden color, but a faint silvery white color.

His wish to obtain 30,000 gold coins at once failed.

"what is this?"

Luo Ning walked over in surprise.

"I have no idea!"

The butler shook his head quickly.

Luo Ning poked at them with his sword and found that several silver objects in the box were as hard as iron. No trace was left behind when he stabbed them with his sword.

He couldn't help but squat down and pick up one of the pieces. It looked like metal, but it was lighter than iron.

"Sir, if my guess is correct, this should be 'mithril'." Ruidal reminded.


Luo Ning's eyes lit up, it was really possible.

It is said that this special metal is stronger than steel, but lighter than iron. It is a good material for making high-end weapons, armor and accessories.

In addition, it also has many functions in magic.

Although Luo Ning didn't know the specific price of mithril, he knew that it was very expensive.

The price of this box of mithril is definitely higher than the value of the other two boxes of gold coins.

"Yes, the mithril in this box should be enough to make a pair of light armor."

Luo Ning still has dragon scales in his hand that can be used to make a pair of armor. Now he has an extra piece of mithril. Now he lacks a master craftsman who can make these special materials.

After putting all three boxes into the space ring, the tour of the small warehouse was completed.

"It's a pity that the noble coalition forces will be disappointed when they come over. This place has been hollowed out by me."

Luo Ning originally wanted to keep two to three thousand gold coins, but after thinking that Haldane and others also had a lot of wealth in the small castle in Shore City, he decided not to keep it.

He will not go to those small castles and let the noble coalition make a small fortune.

After all, he showed his face when he arrived at the Shore Fort. If he ate too much, the impact would not be good.

After coming out of the underground warehouse, Luo Ning felt very comfortable.

He couldn't help but look at his attribute panel.

Now that the attribute points and energy essence have reached 1510 and 3000 respectively, they can be greatly improved as a whole.

Call ~
At this moment, there was a wave of fluctuation in the air.

Carlos, who was resting in the square, sent a message to Ronin - a big bird was coming.

Luo Ning couldn't help but look up at the sky and saw three black spots flying quickly from a distance.

Redal and others also noticed this scene.

"It's a gryphon, haha~"

Luo Ning couldn't help but laugh and said: "I didn't expect people from Moonlight Valley to actually come." (End of Chapter)

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