"Luo Ning is here?"

In the courtyard, Wiggins, who was sitting in a wheelchair, looked happy when he heard Hallwater's report.

"This guy didn't even say a word when he came home. Come on, let him come see me."

The victory on the southwest front means that Wiggins' share of the iron ore has been returned. He couldn't be happier these days.

"Sir, Master Luo Ning is currently discussing matters with the Marquis in the backyard. I'm afraid he won't be free for the time being."

"It doesn't matter. You tell him first and let him come over when he's done."

Diane, who was humming a tune quietly and leaning over to take care of the flowers and plants, glanced at her husband, "Are you still going to ask Luo Ning for a share of the Chishan Iron Ore?"

"Of course, this is what was agreed before." Wiggins said matter-of-factly.

Diane continued to pour water with her head down, "It's different now than before. At that time, Kerien didn't rebel, and Luo Ning was more like going through a process. In fact, Luo Ning played a key role in winning the war. At this time It’s not appropriate for you to ask for 30% of the Chishan Iron Mine.”

Wiggins frowned and looked at his wife with a strange look.

"You have changed now, and you can speak for Luo Ning."

Diane stood up, walked to the side with the kettle in hand, and said very naturally: "As said outside, Luo Ning is the hope of the Wushan family, and he is indeed very good."

"That's true. I didn't expect him to grow to such a height."

Wiggins undeniably agreed, "But I will not give up my share of the iron ore. At worst, I will ask for less."

After Ronin came out of Rulans, he received an invitation from Hallwater, saying that he was asked to visit his father Wiggins.

He naturally knows what he wants to talk about after meeting.

However, since Rulans has decided to seal Chishan Town and Boulder City to him, the ownership of Chishan Iron Mine naturally belongs to him alone.

There is absolutely no need to discuss the share with Wiggins.

Just saying this to the other party, I don’t know what the other party’s reaction will be?
So, Luo Ning found an excuse to go over after lunch at Rulans' side and postponed the meeting.

"Brother, how did you practice and how did you become a Silver Knight?"

Brayton ran over and asked questions in disbelief.

Not to mention how shocked he was when he read this information from the letter.

When they last met, Brayton had the feeling that "his brother's back is out of reach", and now he is unable to catch up.

"Firm determination, continuous hard work, and unshakable will are what make me progress so fast."

Ronin patted Brayton on the shoulder and said solemnly: "Come on Brayton, as long as you are like me, you will definitely make great progress."

Brayton's eyes sparkled with adoration: "I will definitely learn from you!"

While the two were talking, Most came back with Erin.

At this moment, Irene put on a sky blue magician's robe, which was somewhat similar to a belted dress.

Erin held up the skirt and swung it, "Most said that this dress sells for hundreds of gold coins. It is too expensive. Is it really appropriate to give it to me?"

Although she couldn't put it down, she knew how expensive the magic dress was and was a little afraid to accept it.

Luo Ning's eyes lit up.

It is said that a person is judged by his clothes, which is true.

After putting on this magic robe, Irene's whole temperament improved to a new level.

"Since it's a meeting gift from the Marquis, just feel free to wear it."

Luo Ning was very satisfied with the overall effect, "Butler Most, is there anything special about this dress?"

"Master Luo Ning, it is said that this dress can stimulate the magic of 'Light Body Technique'."

Erin nodded and said: "I have tried it. After using magic to activate the bead on my chest, my body will become lighter and my movements will become much faster."

Luo Ning stepped forward and touched the bead to sense it: "There are indeed fluctuations of the wind element in it."

In battle, wearing such a magician's robe can indeed gain a lot of benefits.

"I wonder who made this magician's robe?"

Magic clothing is a good industry.

Most shook his head, "I only know that it was given by Viscount Dennis of Point City. I don't know who made it."

While the three of them were discussing the robes, Brayton walked up and asked with some hesitation and curiosity: "Is this...sister-in-law?"


This sentence made the three of them stunned for a moment, and then Irene's face turned red, and Luo Ning knocked the other person on the head.

Most bowed and explained: "Master Brayton, you have misunderstood. This is Miss Irene, an intermediate magician from Wubei Territory. She is the same age as you." A surprised light flashed in Brayton's eyes. , there was some pressure in my heart for no reason.

It doesn't matter if he can't catch up with his elder brother's strength, but now it's better, it feels like even his followers can compare with him.

This is not possible!

If Luo Ning knew that Brayton had such thoughts, he could only sigh that the perspective of a master practitioner is really different from ordinary people.

The few of them talked for a while, and then had lunch with Rulans.

After Ronin asked Most to settle Erin, he came to Wiggins' courtyard.

"I've met my father." Luo Ning bowed politely.

Wiggins hummed and complained a little in his heart. He had notified him so far in advance, but he didn't expect to delay coming until noon.

"Sit down, Luo Ning. Your performance this time has amazed us all. The family will be proud of you!"

"Thank you for your compliment. This is what I should do."

As Luo Ning said this, he sat on a chair nearby and took a sip of the cold juice prepared by the servant. It was very refreshing.

"After this victory, I will make a request to your grandfather and ask him to make Chishan Town your fiefdom."

Rulans obviously did not inform Wiggins of his decision, which is why the latter said this.

"Thank you for your trouble, but father, grandpa has told me this morning that he will divide Chishan Town to me."

Ronning paused for a moment, "In addition to Chishan Town, the Hansen Family's Boulder Territory will also be given to me."


Wiggins was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting Ronin to have such an answer.

He subconsciously grabbed the armrests of the chair and sat up straight: "Na Luo Ning, what we talked about before."

Luo Ning thought about it and decided not to beat around the bush and tell the truth:

"Father, when we were talking before, you helped me obtain the management rights of Chishan Town, but now my grandfather has directly divided Chishan Town into my territory, and I have ownership of the Chishan Iron Mine."

He spread his hands and said, "Father, you haven't given me any help, so you want to get a share of the Chishan Iron Ore. It's hard for me to agree."


Wiggins was so angry that he crushed the armrest of the chair.

He was ready to bargain with Luo Ning, but he didn't expect that the latter would block his way with just one sentence, leaving no room for bargaining.

Perhaps out of anger caused by his excessive love for money, Wiggins grabbed the splintered wood, threw it at Luo Ning with a vindictive spirit, and asked angrily: "What are you talking about?"

Luo Ning didn't move. He just burst out with fighting spirit when the wood was about to hit him, and condensed into part of the armor in front of him.

With a snap, the wood hit the grudge armor, bounced back, and stuck into the lawn at Wiggins' feet.


At this moment, Wiggins suddenly woke up.

He had forgotten that Luo Ning was no longer what he used to be, and he was no longer the target of his casual beatings and scoldings.

Silver Knight, his legs are not broken and he can't take the opponent's blow, let alone the difficulty of movement now.

If Luo Ning had controlled the angle just now, this piece of wood could have penetrated his only leg.

Diane immediately walked out of the house when she heard the noise. As soon as she saw the scene, she roughly guessed what was going on.

"We are all a family, we can discuss anything."

She came over and advised, "Don't be so angry."

"Madam is right."

Luo Ning removed his fighting spirit protection with a smile on his face: "There is a saying that impulsiveness is the devil. After my father has experienced the ups and downs of life, he has not gotten rid of this habit. This is not a good thing."

Wiggins snorted coldly, but no longer showed any aggressive behavior, but his face was so gloomy that he was about to cry.

Diane could hear the accusation in Luo Ning's tone, but she could only say helplessly:

"His temper has calmed down a bit since he broke his leg, but after all, it's a habit he's developed for most of his life. It's a bit difficult to completely abandon it."

Wiggins couldn't help but glare at Diane, and then reminded him in a bad tone: "Luo Ning, pay attention to the attitude of your words. No matter what you say, I am your father!"

“I always keep that in mind.”

Luo Ning also reminded: "But you must also understand that I am not just your son." (End of Chapter)

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