While chatting, Luo Ning asked Lulans if there were any more advanced magic books in the castle, and got a negative answer.

In desperation, he could only try his luck at the Magic Energy Merchant Guild, and reluctantly spent six hundred gold coins to buy the "Wall of Sighs" magic book.

This is a form-controlling magic. After casting, it can summon a huge translucent wind wall to resist range attacks.

In the next two days, while learning magic, he took Eileen around, allowing this child who had lived in the mountains for more than ten years to take a good look at the outside world.

On Wushan Lake, Luo Ning successfully mastered this magic while playing with Irene.

Looking at the huge translucent wind wall ten meters long and five meters high in front of him, he could feel its strength, fearing that it could even block Redal's Explosive Flame Slash.

"It's a pity that level six magic can't expand the range like the previous level five magic. Otherwise, relying on this wind wall can make all the enemy's ordinary arrows useless."

In addition to the high consumption of level 6 magic, the composition of its spell patterns is also very complex. Magicians at the level of wizards do not yet have the ability to enhance its range and effect.


On September 7th, Wushanbao decided to hold a celebration banquet.

At the dinner party on this day, the nobles of Wushan Territory gathered together to celebrate the victory of this war.

"Hey Luo Ning, I heard about your deeds in the Boulder Territory, and I admire you very much!"

Youssef Levi came over with a glass of wine and praised, but also showed regret: "It's a pity that my mission this time was to escort the grain and grass in the southeast, and I missed the opportunity to appreciate your style!"

Although this sentence is somewhat polite, it is mostly true.

He originally intended to participate in the war in the southwest, but his father, Viscount Sandro, was worried that Luo Ning's poor command would bring risks to the soldiers, so he took him to the southeast to work as a grain transport officer and brush up his achievements.

Unexpectedly, Luo Ning's performance exceeded everyone's expectations.

"Yousef, I also heard about your record."

Luo Ning had a standard aristocratic smile and clinked a drink with the other party.

"I heard that you successfully helped the team escape several ambushes with the help of the Detecting Wind magic. I didn't expect that you are already a high-level magician!"

"Compared to you, what do I have to do?"

Yousef spoke modestly, but there was still some pride in his eyes.

A person like him who can reach the mid-level level of a senior magician at the age of twenty-eight is already very worthy of recognition.

The two complimented each other, and Luo Ning turned to ask: "Yousef, when I was buying materials at the Magic Energy Merchant, I learned that sixth-level magic books are rarely sold. If you become a magician in the future, you will Where can I get a level 6 magic book?”

Yousef scratched his head. Although he was a little proud, he knew that becoming a magician was not easy.

"There are very few magicians. There is basically no sales for the sixth-level magic books sold by the Magic Energy Merchant, so naturally they will not purchase them. But the sixth-level magic books are okay, and there is still some circulation in the market. If the seventh-level magic books are in the hands of the kingdom or the Duke, In the hands of the great nobles, or in the hands of the magic family, for example, the distinguished Master Silva must have many magic books in his hands. "

Silva is the top powerhouse on the continent and is the object of admiration among all magicians. When he mentioned him, Yousef's eyes were filled with admiration.

Luo Ning nodded slightly, so he was somewhat lucky to be able to buy "Wall of Sighs".

"If you want to obtain a magic book of sixth level or higher, you must either work for them or buy it from the owner through interpersonal relationships. Of course, if you have money, you can also buy a spell scroll and reverse the spells through the patterns on the scroll. Texture.”

Youssef spoke eloquently, "But it is difficult and requires the magician to have enough accumulation and courage."

Luo Ning's eyes lit up, and he ignored the method of inferring the spell patterns through the spell scroll.

He was just thinking about whether to try it, but then he thought about how expensive the sixth-level spell scroll was, and suddenly gave up.

"What are you two talking about here?"

Yousef's father, the Viscount of Lingchuan City and the leader of the Fourth Knights of Wushan Castle, came over and took a sip of wine with Luo Ning with a smile.

"Luo Ning, congratulations on becoming the third Earl of Wushan Territory!"

Luo Ning was a little surprised. Lu Lansi didn't explain this matter clearly, how did the other party know about it.

Sandro seemed to see Ronin's confusion, laughed, and explained: "Don't look at me, I also heard about it from the big-mouthed Marvin."

"I see."

Luo Ning couldn't help but smile. It seemed that Lulans had told Marvin in advance, and he probably revealed the matter through the latter to see everyone's attitude.

It was clear that no one objected, not even the Hyde family.

Yousef on the side couldn't help but sigh. It's hard to imagine an eighteen-year-old count.

Although there is certainly an advantage brought by Luoning's Wushan family status, it is undeniable that the other party has indeed helped Wushan Castle and Wushan leaders avoid a disaster this time.

"ladies and gentlemen……"

In the lively banquet hall, the loud voice of the dinner host rang out. Everyone looked over and saw Marquis Rulans walking into the hall on crutches.

Everyone burst into warm cheers and applause, welcoming the arrival of the Marquis.

They knew that the highlight of the party was coming. Lulans stood on the high platform with a smile on his face. He dressed up deliberately today, looking solemn and energetic.

He raised his hand and everyone fell silent.

"I'm sorry to disturb everyone's enjoyable dinner, but I think we have more important things to do."

"This time, the Polite Bandits have been completely wiped out, the Black Gold Brotherhood has also been driven to Black Pine Mountain, and the Wushan Territory has achieved a huge victory!"

His words were concise and clear, without long paragraphs of foreshadowing or sensationalism.

"In these two battles, every brave knight has made outstanding achievements! While I applaud them here, I will also promote the nobles and knights who performed the most bravely!"

At this time, all the guests below shouted loudly.

This is the step that ordinary people take from commoners to knights, from knights to nobles.

Rulans looked around and shouted: "Toru, Philip, Thorstein, Melonica!"

The four knights strode forward and knelt down on one knee.

The first three Luonings all knew each other, but Melonica was the only one he met for the first time today.

The burly man's face was relatively calm, not as excited as the first three.

Rulans took out the long sword in Galil's hand and put it on Tolu's shoulder: "The Baron of the Wolf Fang Territory."

Langya collar, a small town to the west of Wushanbao, is named because its landform looks like a wolf's tooth.

Tolu, who had earlier been the manager of the town, now became the owner.

Then, Rulans raised his sword and placed it on the shoulders of Philip, Thorstein and Melonica in turn.

The territories of these three people are: Cassirer Town, Surrey Town, and Wushan Town.

Finally, Rulans withdrew his sword and said solemnly: "On this holy day, as the lord of Wushan Territory, I, on behalf of the glory of the king and nobles, grant you the honorific title and status of baron. May you use your courage to Protect the stability of Wushan Territory with loyalty!”

"I, Toru, hereby solemnly swear that I will live up to this honor and use my sword and strength to defend the peace of Wushan Territory and fight for the glory of Wushan Castle!"

The other three people also said similar words, and the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became crazy, and everyone cheered for them.

Some knights were even so excited that they shed tears. Perhaps in these people, they saw the goal of struggle.

Luo Ning was enveloped in this cheering atmosphere. Being knighted might be the same as the joy he felt when he passed the imperial examination and was selected second and third overall.

It's just that today's scene was a bit formal. When he became a baron or a viscount, Rulans didn't put the sword on his shoulder.

After finishing his lines, Rulans asked the knights to hand the treasure boxes containing the baron medals and canonization books to the four newly canonized barons.

He picked up another box from the side and said, "Marvin, in view of your support, courage and strength, I will hand over the management of Quicksand Town to you. I hope you will bring new life to this devastated land."

"Thank you for your affirmation, I will work hard for the prosperity of Liusha Town!"

Marvin Ironhoof was already a viscount. Although he had made meritorious service in the war against the Bolt Bandits, he could not be promoted from viscount to earl.

At this time, a knight walked into the hall holding a golden medal and stood beside Rulans;

Another knight walked in holding the treasure box containing the canonization book and stood on the other side.

The atmosphere in the hall reached a real climax.

Lulans looked across the crowd and landed on Luo Ning, with a smile on his lips.

"Luoning Wushan, my follower, the Viscount of Wubei Territory, and my grandson!"

Hearing this shout, Luo Ning felt a little excited for no reason.

He took a deep breath, walked forward with his head held high, and followed the example of the previous ones, kneeling on one knee in front of Rulans.

The heavy sword was placed on his shoulder.

"Your calmness allowed Wushan Leader to avoid a disaster, your wisdom saved hundreds of warriors from being massacred, and your bravery made Wushan Fort's enemies pay a heavy price!"

Lu Lansi's solemn voice expressed hope, making the people in the hall breathe uncontrollably, especially those who were the same age or younger as Luo Ning, their eyes were full of longing and envy.

Brayton's eyes were full of admiration, and the Wushan family became stronger.

Eileen, who was brought to the banquet by Luo Ning, was also severely affected by this scene. She felt that such a scene was too solemn, and her admiration for Luo Ning was deeper than ever before.

Rulans's voice continued.

"Today, in the name of the owner of Wushan Territory and the Kingdom of Thunder Marquis, I grant you the title of Earl of Wubei Territory, and add Boulder Territory and Chishan Town to your fiefdom. May you use your wisdom and strength to contribute to this land. Bring prosperity and peace, and defend the glory of the family!”

Luo Ning said in a deep voice: "I, Luo Ning Wushan, hereby solemnly swear that as the Earl of Wubei Territory, I will use my wisdom and strength to guard the peace of the territory and defend the glory of the family!" (End of this chapter) )

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