When Luo Ning mentioned to Wiggins that the population of Wubei Territory was insufficient, the latter promised to raise 10,000 to 20,000 people and also asked Kabir to transfer some from Brilliant City, but he did not say the specific number at that time.

Luo Ning originally thought that five or six thousand would be very good, but he didn't expect that Kabir actually raised 10,000 for him, and he did so before Wiggins.

It can be seen that Kalbi is still very concerned about his brother-in-law's affairs. The other party's original attitude towards Luo Ning was not like this.

The reason is that Luo Ning's current identity, status and strength have undergone earth-shaking changes compared to the past.

Before Ronin was disinherited, Kabir's situation was somewhat embarrassing.

After all, if Breton succeeds the Marquis in the future, as the leader of the Wushan Castle Knights, his allegiance will be to Breton.

There is actually no problem with this. The key is that the other party is McKinney's sister and Luo Ning's brother-in-law.

If the Hyde family had any thoughts about him, then his situation would be as passive as Viscount Marvin of Wrangler City.

The actual situation is indeed the case. The relationship between him and Barrington is not good, and with the dispute over command authority, the degree of mutual dislike has become even greater.

Now that Luo Ning has risen strongly and Lu Lansi is paying attention, Kabir's worries about the Hyde family have naturally diminished.

It is precisely because of this that he attaches great importance to Luo Ning's affairs and hopes that Luo Ning can marry the Alduin family, so McKinney specially sent Irene away and warned Luo Ning.

Luo Ning was somewhat resistant to others interfering in his own behavior. After all, his freedom was being hindered.

But he also knew that McKinney's warning was reasonable.

Despite all the disgraceful experiences of his predecessor, he was not ready to marry the royal family at that time, so it would be fine if he was more romantic.

Now the outside world can guess about the marriage. Although there is nothing wrong with Luo Ning and Irene, if someone deliberately uses this to spread rumors and smear them, it is really hard to defend.

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, Ronin went to express his gratitude to Kabir and communicate with him.

Then he visited Wiggins and finalized the approximate pick-up time.

Luo Ning planned to transport all 25,000 of them back to Wubei Territory.

With this group of people, the construction of Wubei Territory, the reclamation of cultivated land, the expansion of mulberry fields, etc. can be greatly improved.

As for the mining of Chishan Iron Ore, I believe there will be no problem with the addition of the Jushi leader population.

After handling these matters, Luo Ning said goodbye to Rulans and left Wushanbao with the latter's personal letter to His Majesty Bruno.

On the back mountain, Carlos was already waiting there. As a mount dragon, he fulfilled his duties.

"bring it on."

Ronin stretched out his hand, ready to pull Eileen up.

Along the way, the other party remained silent, which was in sharp contrast to his usual lively personality.

Erin hesitated for a moment, and finally considering that she couldn't get up, she stretched out her hand and was pulled onto the dragon's back.

It's just that when I came, I was excited and excited, but when I went back, I was depressed and negative.

Once on the dragon's back, she was ready to put some distance between herself and Luo Ning. It wasn't that the other person's embrace wasn't warm enough, but that this behavior was inappropriate.

"If you move around again, Carlos won't be happy." Luo Ning joked with a smile and pulled the other person into his arms.

Erin struggled for a while but didn't break free, so she could only let herself be held like this.

"Sir, this is not good. If someone sees you, it will affect your reputation and make His Majesty the King hate you."

Luo Ning couldn't help but laugh, "Even the title has been changed. Is this what my sister McKinney told you?"

"No, when I left the banquet hall yesterday, I happened to overhear the discussion among the nobles outside."

No matter where you go, there are always people discussing others behind their backs.

He smiled and deliberately hugged the girl tighter: "Looking at how listless you were along the way, you didn't sleep last night, okay?"

Eileen snorted. Not only did she not sleep well all night, she also didn't fall asleep much.

"Thinking too much about some things will only increase your worries. It's better to cherish the moment and have a good sleep in my arms." Irene turned to look at Luo Ning, seeming to muster up the courage to ask: "Then Sir Will you leave me?"

Luo Ning looked at the small cherry mouth close at hand and the expectant look in the other person's eyes, and couldn't help but raise his hand and scratch the other person's nose: "No."

Such an intimate gesture made Eileen's face turn red to her ears, and she even closed her eyes tightly without daring to open them.

Luo Ning couldn't help but laugh: "Have a good sleep."

She didn't dare to speak, so she could only turn sideways and hide on Luo Ning's chest and pretend to fall asleep.

Luo Ning didn't know what kind of feeling was called love. He only knew that it was more pleasant to get along with Eileen, just like when he had a snowball fight in Hillwood Castle last winter. He even regained the feeling of living on earth.

As for issues such as marriage and lovers, as he said, thinking too much will only increase troubles. We have traveled through time, so we should live a more relaxed and happy life.

Carlos spread his wings, glided smoothly high in the sky, and returned to Swamp Castle in a short time.

It has been nearly twenty days since the troops withdrew. Except for Ruidal, Joffrey and others who were left behind in Chishan Town, McCann, Rogner and others have returned to Wubei Territory.

In the fortress hall of Swamp Castle, Luo Ning summoned Wilson, Chahar, McCann and others, and informed everyone about his promotion to Earl of Wubei Territory and the acquisition of two enclaves in Boulder Territory and Chishan Town. .

This naturally attracted cheers and celebrations from the followers. From baron to earl, the higher the achievements of the lord they followed, it would also be of great benefit to them in the future.

Rogna and Kurami looked at each other and saw the sadness in each other's eyes.

Although the first baron has not yet appeared in Wubei Territory, they can feel that Viscount Marvin made a wise choice for them to follow Luo Ning.

In addition to announcing this matter, Luo Ning also wanted to reward the knights and soldiers who followed the expedition.

His reward is naturally not a knighthood.

Let's not talk about whether he is willing to be granted a title or land, but let's talk about the merits of this battle. Even Redal is not enough to be granted a baron.

Therefore, Luo Ning's reward is to give money - three times the monthly salary to each person as a reward for this battle.

Three times the monthly salary as a bonus may not sound like much, but when calculated, it is close to 600 gold coins, which is not a lot.

In addition, the followers also gained some trophies on the battlefield, so overall it was not a loss.

"I'm going to the royal capital next. Except for David and Tom, I will have tasks for the rest of us."

David and Tom were stunned for a moment, then smiled excitedly.

The Royal Capital, a place they never dreamed of going to, now actually had the chance to go there!

Others couldn't help but look envious. First, they were envious of having such an opportunity, and second, they were envious that these two people were respected by the lord.

Sometimes, status is not determined by position, but by distance from the center of power.

As long as David and Tom don't make too many mistakes and their strength is not low in the future, they will achieve great results.

Next, Luo Ning explained the matters that everyone was mainly responsible for.

McCann asked two knights and a group of infantry to rush to take over the Stone Territory, and the government affairs there were presided over by the political officer Serin and several newly brought assistants;

All government affairs in the Northern Territory are presided over by Wilson and Chahar, with Elrond, Jenny and others in charge.

Rogner's next task is to safely transport all the 25,000 people provided by Wiggins and Kabir back to the Northern Territory.

In addition to government affairs, military expansion was also arranged by Luo Ning.

Although Redal is about to take over the Fifth Knights of Wushanbao, Wubei Territory needs its own knight team.

Generally speaking, the standard Earl has at least one knight group, and Luo Ning only has one knight squad now, which is far from enough.

Therefore, whether it is Wubei Territory or Boulder City, they must recruit enough soldiers for training.

But compared to training ordinary soldiers, the lack of professional knights is the key.

Luo Ning could only use Rogner to travel around to promote the policies of the Wubei Territory, and then select suitable knights to join.

This is definitely not something that can be done quickly. (End of chapter)

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