The bright light illuminated the entire room. Bathed in the golden light, Miroslav felt relaxed all over. The fatigue from recent days gradually melted away like winter snow in the sun.

"I've heard of the powerful healing ability, which can heal wounds even if limbs are amputated. But I didn't expect it to have such an extraordinary effect on injuries to the internal organs!"

Miroslav smiled and sat up, "Ronin, thank you so much this time!"

"You have taken good care of my grandfather over the years, so you don't have to be polite about this little thing."

The general powerful healing spell has limited effect on internal injuries, but Elrond is now a magician, and the power of the magic he uses is increased, and the corresponding spell scrolls are also increased. Therefore, it will be effective when the old dean uses it.

Miroslav stood up and stretched his muscles. Apart from feeling a little weak due to excessive blood loss, the pain was gone.

"Lu Lan Si, sometimes I really envy you for having such an outstanding grandson."

The old man at the side stroked his beard and smiled slightly: "How about you let your son have another child?"

Suddenly, a burst of cheerful laughter came from the room.

After the laughter, there was a brief silence.

Lu Lans said, "Yesterday I asked Orson's grandson Tomris to go back to Black Python Castle to bring a letter to Orson. Until now, there has been no response from Black Python Castle. It seems that Orson is ready for war and has no intention of negotiating."

Tomris was studying at Wushan Supernatural Academy, and Lulans did not imprison him, but released him directly.

It’s not that Lu Lans is kind, but to him, an underage child is not something he takes seriously, and he doesn’t bother to use the child as a hostage.

"You don't have to give him another chance."

Whenever Black Python City is mentioned, Miroslav is in a bad mood. "You and I both know what kind of person Orson is. He is the kind of person who dares to do anything when he gets crazy. Now that I am lucky enough to survive, he knows that what awaits him will be the deprivation of his title and territory. Instead of surrendering, it is better to take a chance and bet that you can't do anything to him."

Lu Lans nodded slightly. Orson was indeed such a person.

However, Miroslav said one thing wrong. Lulans never thought of giving Orson a chance. In fact, in his opinion, if the other party suddenly knelt down and admitted his mistake, it would be unworthy of him to have made such a big fuss.

"Toru's First Knights are expected to arrive in Wushan Town in about ten days. Sandro's Fourth Knights have a long way to go, and I'll arrange for him to go to Brilliant City, so it will probably take more than half a month for him to be in place."

Lu Lans asked: "What about your team? How many people does the Chamber of Commerce plan to send out this time?"

"Most of the Centaurs from the Silva Magic Chamber of Commerce in Wushan will participate in this war. According to preliminary estimates, there will be one wizard, six great magicians and chief magicians, and more than two hundred knights and cavalrymen."

Miroslav said: "I don't have any infantry here, so it's faster to travel. I estimate that we can assemble them all in about ten days."

His team is not large, but it has a large number of top combat forces, especially high-level magicians.

With this group of magicians, no matter how strong the Black Python Castle is or how thick the walls are, they can blast a hole in it with a bunch of magic.

"According to this time calculation, we expect to enter the Earldom of Hyde around April 20th."

Lu Lan Si said, looking at Roning, "Roning, when the time comes, you will lead the team of Marvin, Vitorino and others to join Kabir's team in Brilliant City. Although that side is not the main attack, it is currently lacking experts."

Miroslav looked at Roning suspiciously and thought: Could it be that this kid is stronger than Kabir?

He didn't know Roning's specific situation yet.

"Grandpa, didn't you say before that you wouldn't issue a conscription order for the time being?"

Luo Ning was a little surprised, "Why did Marvin and Vitorino also participate?"

In this regard, Lu Lansi could only say helplessly: "They know that I have recovered and insist on participating. I can't do anything about it."

Luo Ning was stunned.

I'm afraid that for other nobles, if Lulans recovers, the victory of this war will only belong to Wushan Castle. It would be a waste of opportunity to waste the merits of war that were picked up for free.

In this way, the general arrangements have been finalized, and the next step is to wait for the troops to gather and start working.

Golden Feather Palace.

King Bruenor of Alduin V read the letter in his hand with a frown on his face.

He didn't expect that Wushanling would suddenly create such a farce. Orson dared to openly attack such an important noble like Miloslav. Is there any conspiracy behind this?
"Mel, if I remember correctly, this Earl of Ossen in Wushan Territory seems to have a close relationship with the Principality of Vera, right?"

Bruno asked his intelligence officer, Mel.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Mel bowed and answered, "If Orson had not lost the bet due to his failure in the sparring with Lulans, he would probably have become Andrea's follower."

"So, do you think Andrea was behind Orson's actions this time?"

Mel thought intently, then shook his head after a while, "This possibility is unlikely. Orson attacked and killed Miroslav, which is a serious crime. Even if Andrea wanted to create some chaos, it would not cause the Hyde family to pay such a heavy price."

Bruno rubbed his brows. With the once-in-a-decade founding ceremony approaching, he was always worried that someone would cause some sabotage, so he linked Orson and Andrea together.

"What you said makes sense, but no matter what the specific circumstances are, Miroslav is an honorary viscount of the kingdom, and he was assassinated and nearly died. As the king, I must pay attention to this matter."

He thought for a moment and said, "Broll, you are familiar with Wushan Territory. You will need to go there for this matter. Bring a few griffon knights with you."

"As you wish, Your Majesty!"

Bruno thought for a moment and said, "Remember to tell Lulans and Roning that no matter when the dispute in Wushan Territory ends, Roning must come to Jinyu City before June 14th."

If Luo Ning was not there that day, the news of the marriage would not have been announced.

This is not a good thing for the royal family, and there may even be rumors that the princess' marriage will fall through again.

Bruno didn't want to encounter such an avoidable misfortune on the day of the grand event.

Meanwhile, in Bellora in Crystal City.

During the break after finishing making magic potions, his grandson Randall brought a letter from Miroslav.

Originally he didn't want to get involved in such matters, but when he heard that it was Wushan Territory's business and thought it might be related to Luo Ning, he began to ask a few questions.

"You did the right thing, Randall. Someone is trying to assassinate the vice president of the Chamber of Commerce. We must make our stance clear and show our strength!"

Randall felt very happy. He hadn't received recognition from his grandfather for a long time.

Bellola thought for a moment and said, "Write a letter to Dawn in Golden Feather City and ask him to go to Wushan Town on my behalf to help Miroslav get revenge."

Dawn Box is the head of the Silva Magic Chamber of Commerce in Golden Feather City. Like Miroslav, he is a great magician and one of the vice presidents of the chamber of commerce.

Randall was shocked. "Grandpa, it's not necessary, right? We have a lot of people in Wushan Territory, not to mention the several major knight orders in Wushan Castle and Miroslav. It should be more than enough for a count."

“We must make our stance clear!”

Bellora said with a serious expression, "Tell outsiders that there will be a price to pay for assassinating the vice president of our Magic Energy Chamber of Commerce!"

He thought: With the support this time, I should be able to get more dragon scales from Ronin next time, right? (End of this chapter)

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