I use my daughter's body to cut down the rivers and lakes

Chapter 111 I want to learn swordsmanship from you

Chapter 111 I want to learn swordsmanship from you

"The Shen family is not the only one who knows how to refine elixirs. Shaolin's Great Return Pill is said to be a recipe left by Bodhidharma, and the Golden Crow Fruit is an indispensable ingredient." Shen Zhuang added. .

This short sentence reveals a lot of information.

First, Shaolin is going to start refining the Great Return Pill.

Secondly, there is going to be a change in the Shaolin host.

Although Shaolin's various actions after Zhou Weiyang came to Shaoshi Mountain more than 20 years ago caused the reputation it had accumulated over the past thousand years to be wiped out, in the end, the holy land of Zen Buddhism was able to avoid the disaster of annihilation.

The heritage of thousands of years is still there, and Shaolin is still the leader in Buddhism.

Liu Qi lowered her eyes and said nothing, wondering if it was because the general was dying and these bald donkeys were chanting Amitabha and preparing to cause trouble in the world again?


Open the furnace to make the elixir, tonight at Haishi.

Liu Qi looked at the sky outside, which was just getting dark, and it was still early.

She couldn't sit still in the hot alchemy room, so she told Shen Zhuang, got up and decided to go for a walk.

When he pushed open the palace door, he saw a thin figure squatting on the stone steps under the door, swaying as if he was dozing off.

Hearing the sound of the palace door being pushed open, the swaying figure lowered his head suddenly, and then stood up with a "jump". He turned around and saw Liu Qi walking out of the gate. The anxiety in his eyes dissipated in an instant, and his eyes were bright and looking very bright. Likeable.

Then she suddenly remembered something. Shen Ying frowned, raised her head and looked behind Liu Qi with a wrinkled face...

Liu Qi understood immediately and closed the palace door, blocking Shen Zhuang's view.

Liu Qi had already discovered that this girl had been waiting at the door of the alchemy room. She looked like she was waiting for him?

Seeing that the door of the palace was closed by Liu Qi, Shen Ying breathed a sigh of relief. Then his face returned to the joyful look before. He tiptoed over and took Liu Qi's hand skillfully.

"Sister, let's go a little further and talk, okay?" The little girl lowered her voice for fear of being discovered by Shen Zhuang in the palace.

Liu Qi nodded calmly and let Shen Ying pull her out.

It wasn't until she passed through a stone arch and couldn't see the location of the alchemy room at all that Shen Ying let out a long sigh of relief and patted her chest with lingering fear: "Grandpa probably didn't notice, right?"

Liu Qi shook her head slightly and said softly: "No."

Shen Zhuang's martial arts cultivation is not outstanding, somewhere between second-rate and first-rate, and he does not seem to be proficient in fighting enemies. He was not even aware of the figure dozing off while sitting on the stone steps outside the palace. It can be seen that his five senses are even Not as good as an ordinary second-rate master.

After Liu Qi left the palace, Shen Ying was so close to her, making it even more impossible for Shen Zhuang to cross the barrier of true energy around Liu Qi and sense Shen Ying.

"That's good, that's good!"

"By the way, Ying'er still doesn't know your name, sister?" Shen Ying raised her head and asked.

Liu Qi's eyes moved slightly, and then he replied: "I am traveling to Qi at home."

The name was not given. Although the surname Liu is considered common, the status of Liu Zongxun's family is quite special. If they were recognized, it would only increase their worries.

"Xing Qi...that means sister, you have six brothers and sisters." Ying'er puffed her face and said sullenly, "Actually, Ying'er also has several brothers and sisters, but they don't like Ying'er."

Shen Ying is the posthumous daughter of Shen Zhuang's youngest son Shen Liang, and the brothers and sisters she refers to must be the children of Shen Zhuang's eldest son Shen Congxiao.

There is no need to say more about the feud between father and son Shen Zhuang and Shen Congxiao.

"You have been waiting outside the palace for so long. What do you want from me?" Liu Qi asked straight to the point.

"Sister Qi...Sister Qi." Ying'er shrank her head and said carelessly, "Can I call you Sister Qi from now on?"

Liu Qi did not respond to Shen Ying's question, but looked at her expressionlessly.

As if frightened by the coldness in Liu Qi's eyes, Shen Ying's heart thumped and she took half a step back.

All in all, Liu Qi and Shen Ying had only met a few times.

The first time they met was on the second floor of Datong Bank. At that time, in order to help Shen Zhuang get the thousand-year-old jade ginseng, Fang Qingluan specially invited them to meet those who were interested in participating in the auction. However, Shen Ying was suffering from illness at the time and was forced to go to the auction house. Zhuang Shizhen has been sleeping.

The second time was at the Tianhong Tower auction. Shen Ying was awake at the time, and it was the first time she really met Liu Qi. She still remembered that she was very interested in the knife in Liu Qi's hand.

The last thing happened after Shen Zhuang retired to the south of the city.

Liu Qi could see that Shen Ying had deep fear of him in her eyes.

So what does she want to do with herself?

Just when Liu Qi was confused, Shen Ying gritted her teeth and mustered up the courage to step forward, raised her head and said to Liu Qi: "Sister Qi, I want to learn the sword from you!"

Liu Qi lowered her eyes to Jingji in her hand. Although she was a little surprised, it seemed reasonable after thinking about it carefully.

But before that, Liu Qi still had a question he wanted to figure out.

"Ying'er, just now you begged me not to kill Mother Liu." Liu Qining said quietly, "Has my sister killed other people in front of you before?"

When he went on a killing spree in the Zaowang Temple, Shen Ying was still sleeping peacefully in the room behind the temple.

So who misleads children about my image of killing embryos?

"Yes... I... heard it myself." Shen Ying shrank her head when she heard the words and replied hesitantly.

"Huh?" Liu Qi said suspiciously.

After careful questioning, Liu Qi realized that what Shen Ying said was actually true.

After the Zaowang Temple, Shen Zhuang still found Fang Qingluan and told her everything that happened. Shen Ying could hear clearly from the bed in the room when the two were talking.

Although the people who died in Zaowang Temple were not considered good people, they were still around twenty lives after all. Although Shen Zhuang was also a veteran, he had been practicing elixir all his life. The bloodiest scene he had ever seen before was that of Cong Er. Shen Ying was taken out of the daughter-in-law's belly, and Liu Qi was trying to prove his murderous intention, which made the scene a little bloody. How could the old comrade stand this, so when talking to Fang Qingluan, Liu Qi'an couldn't help but express his words to Liu Qi'an. It gave me the image of killing embryos.

After asking about the reason, Liu Qi looked into Shen Ying's eyes and asked in a deep voice: "Why don't you go to Old Shen to learn martial arts by yourself?"

As soon as I asked the question, I felt that my question was a bit unnecessary.

Shen Zhuang has decided to withdraw from the world, so how can Shen Ying be exposed to martial arts again?

Sure enough, Shen Ying shook her head and sighed: "Grandpa doesn't allow me to practice martial arts, nor does sister Qingluan teach me, but sister Qingluan clearly said that my muscles and veins have been opened, so I can't be more suitable for practicing martial arts!"

Liu Qi reached out her hand in an instant, and Shen Ying felt a sudden gust of wind blowing in front of her eyes. Then she saw that her hand had been raised, and her wrist was gently clasped by slender white fingers, and she suddenly panicked.

After a moment, Liu Qi put down Shen Ying's arm.

Indeed, as Fang Qingluan said, Shen Ying's muscles and veins are smooth and tougher than ordinary people. This is mostly due to the effect of the elixir's warming effect. Although he has some congenital deficiencies, they have basically been cured by Shen Zhuang. If he starts practicing martial arts from now on, he will be able to In the future, you might have the opportunity to become one of the top players.

Liu Qi glanced at Shen Ying's thin body. She is only twelve years old now, and will only be thirty-two years later.

A thirty-two-year-old first-class master is considered very young by the comparison of the whole world.

Seeing Liu Qi's silence, Shen Ying nervously stirred her hands at the corners of her clothes.

"Besides Fang Qingluan, has your grandpa seen any friends recently?" Liu Qi suddenly asked.

"Ah!" Shen Ying was startled at first, then frowned and thought, "In addition to Sister Fang and Mother Liu, I have also seen a fake monk."

"Fake monk?"

"Yes, he is a fake monk, because he has no hair, but he drinks wine and eats meat." Shen Ying pointed to her own hair and said with determination.

Could this fake monk be the person that Hell Gate wants him to find?

Liu Qi had received an order from the old man sharpening his sword a long time ago, asking him to find a way to get close to Shen Zhuang. It seemed that the Black Prison Gate had long known that someone would come to Shen Zhuang.

What is the origin of the fake monk?

While Liu Qi was thinking, he caught a glimpse of Shen Ying looking at him eagerly, his eyes full of expectation.

She thought for a while and then said: "I will never give benefits to others for no reason..."

Shen Ying immediately showed disappointment when she heard this.

But I heard Liu Qi continue to say: "But I can make a deal with you. I will teach you some martial arts, but you need to do one thing for me."

"Okay, okay, okay!" There were stars in Shen Ying's eyes, but her joy quickly faded away, and she asked in an uneasy voice, "Sister Qi, what do you need Ying'er to do?"

"Where is that fake monk now?" Liu Qi asked.

Shen Ying shook her head: "After meeting with grandpa yesterday, he left."

Suddenly, Shen Ying's eyes lit up and she hurriedly said, "But he said before leaving that he would come back to see grandpa in two days!"

Liu Qi nodded immediately and said in a deep voice: "What I want you to do is very simple. Just let me know when this monk comes to see your grandfather next time."

"Okay!" Shen Ying agreed, and then said distressedly, "But how should I tell Seventh Sister about you?"

Liu Qi: "It's very simple. If that fake monk comes again, just ask Mother Liu to buy a mask from the stall with a cart outside Danyang Palace."


"Thank you for your honor. Miss, please take a look!" Shen Zhuang walked out boldly from the main hall of the alchemy room. When he saw Liu Qi already waiting outside, he was slightly startled at first, then he smiled and stepped forward and extended his hand.

With the faint moonlight tonight, Liu Qi could clearly see three crystal clear pills lying in the palm-sized wooden box in Shen Zhuang's hand.

"Three Solid Yuan Pills are better than what Cong Xiao... the head of the Shen family refined this year." Shen Zhuang's face was glowing red, and he didn't know whether it was because of joy or because he was roasted by the fire.

Three hundred-year-old jade ginseng was used to refine three pills of Gu Yuan. The success rate of the pills can be said to be 100%.

According to Shen Zhuang, a hundred-year-old jade ginseng can only be used to refine a Yuan-Guarding Pill.

As for the thousand-year-old jade ginseng, based on ten times the age, the elixir-generating rate is twenty times that of the century-old jade ginseng!

This shows how precious the thousand-year-old jade ginseng is!

Liu Qi took the wooden box from Shen Zhuang's hand. Seeing Shen Zhuang's face smiling, he couldn't help but remind him coldly: "Mr. Shen, I believe in your character, so I gave you the Golden Crow Fruit and Dragon Blood Grass first. , I hope you won’t make it difficult for me after January.”

Hearing the threat from Liu Qi's mouth, the smile on Shen Zhuang's face immediately dissipated, and then he nodded solemnly and said: "Please rest assured, young lady, I will still be in Danyang Palace in one month, and I will give you ten Yuan-Guardian Pills with both hands." superior!"

Liu Qi nodded silently, and when he was about to turn around and leave, he paused, then turned around and asked: "Mr. Shen, has there been any trouble in Danyang Palace recently, or has some unscrupulous person come to the door? I just have the time to help you." You solve it together."

Shen Zhuang narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard this, and then said with a smile: "Girl, please take the trouble, I don't have any trouble here."

"That's good."

Shen Zhuang watched the woman's slender back disappear completely into the night. The smile on his face gradually froze. He stood there for a long time and let out a long sigh before turning around and entering the palace.


"There's still no news from Linghu Shuo?" Liu Qi looked away from the letter in her hand, then frowned.

Zhang Cheng lowered his head and replied, "Everyone has already been dispatched. Linghu Shuo seemed to have disappeared after his last appearance in Wuyang City."

Intelligence is indeed not a panacea. Linghu Shuo is a top expert and has worked in the six gates for so many years. He must be quite skilled in disguise and lurking. After all, most wandering souls are still ordinary people. Although they are pervasive, But if Linghu Shuo was determined to hide him, there seemed to be no good way to dig him out.

The letter Liu Qi is holding now records Linghu Shuo's life.

The father is unknown, and the mother is a foreign woman who lived in a romantic society. She passed away in the hands of several wealthy businessmen until she gave birth to Linghu Shuo. The surname Linghu came from his adoptive father, the former chief arrestor of Liumen Nanya. Head Linghu Xin.

Before the age of eighteen, Linghu Shuo had been following Linghu Xin, starting from the humblest government servant, and even worked as a widower for a period of time.

But Linghu Shuo disappeared after he turned eighteen, and until he returned to Liumen in the third year of Taikang, the entire five years were blank.

In the third year of Taikang, Linghu Xin passed away.

But Linghu Shuo met another nobleman, Xue Yi, who was the chief arrester of the Six Sects at the time.

From then on, things went smoothly. Linghu Shuo handled several major cases in succession, and he was fair and never bent the law for personal gain, so he gradually gained the reputation of "Purple Eyes and Blue Sky"...

Being able to serve as a foreigner and serve as the chief arrester of six gates for more than ten years shows how powerful this person is!

Liu Qi closed the letter along the crease.

Isn't it also a manifestation of ability to run away hundreds of miles away when you see something wrong?

If Ye Su from the Golden Horse Chamber of Commerce had this ability, the top master would not fall into the hands of Liu Qi.

Liu Qi recalled that when they were at Xiliu Villa, in addition to martial arts, Mrs. Mei gave them skills such as disguise, tracking, autopsy and so on. Isn't it closely related to the six-door arrests!

The inside story is not difficult to guess.

Hanshuo, thrush.

Liu Qi sneered in her heart: The script about love and hatred is always wonderful.

Zhang Cheng, who was bowing, saw that his master had not spoken for a long time, so he cautiously raised his head and glanced at Liu Qi's cold eyes.

Zhang Cheng was so excited that he quickly lowered his head.

Liu Qi looked at the frightened Zhang Cheng in silence for a long time, and finally looked away without speaking.

She originally wanted the ghost from the Black Hell Gate to find out the whereabouts of Mrs. Chamei, but after thinking about it, she decided not to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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