Chapter 155 Ice Flame Glazed Armor

In fact, just as Liu Qi thought, Lin Shengchuan really didn't want to go to the troubled waters of Beijing.

After Liu Qi left the room, Lin Shengchuan first reached out to stop Huang Yi, who had been holding back for a long time, from speaking, and at the same time motioned with his eyes to Sun Zhiyuan to close the door again.

After Sun Zhiyuan closed the door, Lin Shengchuan pointed to the round stool beside the table and motioned for the two of them to sit down first. He himself walked to where Liu Qi was sitting just now and stood there for a moment before sitting down. Down.

As soon as his butt touched the stool, Huang Yi said impatiently: "Mr. Lin arrests the head. That person just now is obviously the killer who killed Mr. Xue, the head arrester. Why do you still..."

Before Huang Yi could finish his sentence, Sun Zhiyuan, who was sitting next to him, sneered: "If you want to die, no one will stop you!"

Huang Yi was speechless immediately, then lowered his head and murmured: "Are we just going to let her continue to bring trouble to the world?"

Lin Shengchuan took a deep breath, looked at Huang Yi and said solemnly: "Huang Yi, don't forget that you are now the head catcher of the Six Gates, an official of the imperial court, you should think about the people of the world, not just the so-called Jianghu. Morality.”

"I have found some evidence. Although it is not enough to tell what the grudge is between this woman and Xue Yi Linghu Shuo, at least one thing is certain."

Lin Shengchuan stared at Huang Yi and said coldly: "The former chief arrester Xue Yi... is not clean."

Although the old man walking in front was limping, he didn't care at all when he heard the abuse from the rich man behind him. He smiled "hehe" from time to time, then took out an exquisite small wine jar from nowhere, raised his head and drank heavily. One mouthful.

So Liu Qi glanced around the lobby. As far as he could see, there were still several tables with diners sitting at the tables in a very orderly manner. Although they did not squeeze in to watch the fun, they all stretched their heads and no one noticed. Liu Qi at the entrance of the corridor.

"Do you know how much the two jars of Qianni Incense I just gave away are worth? One jar is fifteen taels of silver!"

The "little beggar" was stunned for a moment, and then understood what he was thinking. He quickly turned around and threw himself on the old man rolling on the ground, crying "Grandpa, Grandpa".

"No, no! I will give you two jars of fine wine that have been collected for more than 20 years."

Upon hearing this, Huang Yi looked up at Lin Shengchuan in disbelief.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.. Please, don't hit my grandpa."

"I...I'll kick you to death!"

"That's Mr. Jiang with six doors!"

Liu Qi crossed his arms and saw the "little beggar" looking towards him. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and then he saw the "little beggar's" dark eyes suddenly light up.

Liu Qi stood at the entrance of the corridor and listened for a moment. After the rich man entered, the sounds of fists and kicks hitting the flesh and the wails quickly stopped. Then the crowd gradually dispersed. Liu Qi shrank, leaving only half of his body. Standing at the entrance of the corridor, observing the movement in the lobby.

As the crowd gradually dispersed, the wealthy man who had just squeezed in pushed a stooped old man out, holding a ragged child with a stained face.

The old man screamed and fell to the ground. Although he curled up and rolled around quickly, he screamed for his father and mother, causing the diners who had just dispersed and sat down again to laugh.

"Ouch, stop fighting!"

The rich man suddenly stretched out his hand and beat his chest. He scratched his neck and said in pain: "It hurts me so much!"

The rich man cursed all the way behind:

"You old bastard, if it weren't for your son's sake, I would have kicked you out!"

"This old Songtou is the swill transporter in our building. He is really not a thief!"

"You just drink secretly without looking at who is sitting at the table?"

Liu Qi frowned slightly, followed the sound, and walked over, crossing the corridor, and her eyes suddenly opened up. She stood at the door of the corridor and looked around, and found that the place in front of her was the spacious second floor lobby of the restaurant.

"If you offend him, let's stay away from the Xianju Building!"

Liu Qi looked around and saw that a seat by the window in the lobby was surrounded by diners. The roar of people was mixed with the sounds of fists and feet and the sounds of begging for mercy.


The man went up to the lobby on the second floor, glanced around in a panic, and instantly located the location of the trouble. He stomped his feet and ran past her, humming, and went straight towards the crowd, shouting continuously. "Give everything, give way."

Liu Qi's eyes moved slightly, and she suddenly turned to look in the direction of the stairs. She saw a rich man in a square hat and brocade robe hurriedly running up the stairs.

It wasn't until the last, slightly childish voice reached his ears that Liu Qifang confirmed that it was the voice he had just heard.

Upon seeing this, Liu Qi put down her hand, and immediately felt that several lines of sight seemed to be converging on her, so she quietly retreated and disappeared into the corridor.

Soon the crowd surged and a passage was opened. The rich man got in, and then he heard a few flattering words coming from inside.

Liu Qi's eyes narrowed slightly, and she quickly raised her hand to her lips and made a "shh" gesture to him.

"It hurts to death!"

"You old Song head who kills a thousand swords!"

Liu Qi had not yet walked out of Xianju Building. When she came, she went straight from a long building in the backyard to the third floor used to entertain distinguished guests. This time she left and wanted to go back the same way, but when she walked to a corner I heard a somewhat familiar voice.

The rich man was even more excited when he saw it, and he actually kicked him up.

Liu Qi caught a glimpse of men in headhunting uniforms sitting around two of the square tables, all hunched over their necks to watch the fun. .

"He's just greedy. He thought you had left, so he dared to come up and take a few sips."

The noise came from the lobby.

"Oh, Mr. Jiang, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!"

"It's mine, I'll make amends to you!"


Only the "little beggar" held by the rich man walked up with small steps, and was about to help the old man up, but for some reason he suddenly froze, and then turned his little face and looked away.




A pair of beautiful eyes glanced at the corridor leading to the private rooms on the second floor, but they were all empty, so someone let out a light sigh.

This sight came from a square table by the window, which was full of four people, two men and two women. The owner of the sight was the gorgeous woman sitting near the lobby.

"Fangfei, what's wrong?" Someone at the same table heard the soft moan from the woman's mouth, quickly turned around and asked in a deep voice.

Xu Fangfei shook her head gently, turned around and smiled slightly: "Uncle, I must have read it wrong."

No matter how you thought about it, there was no way that person would appear in a place like this.

So she put away the doubts in her eyes and looked up at the young master sitting on the other side: "Wei Xian, what do you think of this marriage? Although Liu Qiniang's background is a bit...hard to describe, her appearance is absolutely impeccable. of!"

Fang Ruolan, who was sitting across from Xu Fangfei, nodded her head like garlic and vowed to her second brother: "I can testify for my sister-in-law that there is not a trace of lies in what she said. Second brother, you have made a profit this time!"

Fang Weixian was staring at the bustling crowd outside the window, seeming to be immersed in something.

It wasn't until Xu Fangfei knocked on the table twice with "dong, dong" that he turned his head, looked at the expectant eyes of his sister-in-law and his little sister, and nodded slightly expressionlessly: "My mother chose it, so I guess there will be no problem." .”

Fang Ruolan turned her head away with a speechless face, "Sister Qiniang will suffer a big loss when she meets a husband like you!"

Xu Fangfei also sighed softly.

This second brother... Only the middle-aged man sitting opposite Fang Weixian chuckled: "I think you two sisters-in-law don't understand what Weixian is thinking."

With that said, he raised his teacup and toasted Fang Weixian: "Weixian, uncle supports you. How can a good man be obsessed with love and love?"

When Xu Fangfei heard this, she raised her eyebrows and rolled her eyes: "Uncle, if you dare to say this in front of my aunt, my niece will admire you as a man."

"Hehehehe..." Xu Yongyuan shrank his head and covered up his embarrassment with laughter.

"Hahaha..." Suddenly there was a burst of crazy laughter from behind.

Xu Fangfei and the other four people at the same table all frowned and looked over. It was the table where the trouble had just occurred. The man at the head, who was called "Mr. Jiang", was wearing a headhunter's uniform. With one foot on the table, he laughed on his back under the flattery of several people at the same table, without caring about the diners on the same floor.

Fang Ruolan, the youngest, couldn't help it at first and muttered in a low voice: "The dignified six-door boss acts like a street scoundrel!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she seemed to remember something. She straightened up and turned to Xu Yongyuan, who was at the same table, and said, "Uncle Xu, don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about you!"

Xu Yongyuan smiled softly at him, then shook his head and said softly: "Of course I know Ruolan is not talking about me."

Then he glanced at the table of people near the window sill, and a look of dissatisfaction suddenly appeared in his eyes: "I thought that among the six doors, there would be people like Mr. Lin who hate the enemy, but I didn't expect that there would be someone like Jiang Yanming. Wait for the villain!"

When Xu Fangfei heard this, she looked over and saw that the tables were all dressed as headhunters, enjoying the excitement of drinking and drinking. She couldn't help frowning and said: "Now that Beijing is under martial law, Jiang Yan Ming is one of the 'Five Tigers' of the Six Gates, and he is still drinking and having fun here. I really don't know how Mr. Lin, the boss, can accommodate him!"

Only Fang Weixian calmly picked up the tea cup and took a sip, and then said softly: "Jiang Yanming's uncle Zhao Dengyun is the direct disciple of 'Lingtian Swordsman' Gu Yao."

The other three people all shrank their eyes when they heard this.

Although they have never heard of Zhao Dengyun's name, "Lingtian Swordsman" Gu Yao is one of the world-famous "Seven Stars" and the leader of Kunlun Freedom Peak.


Liu Qi had already passed through the corridor and returned to the backyard where he had just come.

"Squeak... squeak..."

The black carriage carrying her quickly drove in slowly, pulled by a groom.

The carriage stopped in the center of the yard, and the coachman bowed to Liu Qi and said, "I have been ordered by Mr. Lin to arrest the leader and send you back home."

Liu Qi shook her head: "No need, I can go back by myself."

The groom was slightly startled when he heard this.

Liu Qi glanced at the groom, and after pondering for a moment, asked: "Does Lin Shengchuan have something to convey to me?"

The groom swayed suddenly, then nodded slightly.

Liu Qi: "Say!"

The groom immediately replied: "Mr. Lin has told the boss that he promised Miss that your matter will be done. I hope Miss can... stay aggrieved for a day or two."

Is Lin Shengchuan so confident?

It can be done in a day or two, why should he?

Liu Qi's eyes narrowed slightly. What Lin Shengchuan promised her was to withdraw the wanted order against Liu Qi, which meant taking back the sea arrest documents that had been sent to all states and counties.

Lin Shengchuan, the chief catcher of the Six Doors, has this kind of strength?

Could he persuade Fu Qingshu, the chief assistant?

Liu Qi closed her eyes, her eyes instantly returned to their usual indifference, and she put away all her thoughts.

Regardless of whether Lin Shengchuan's words can be fulfilled, it will not have much impact on her plan.

Even if he is wanted by the government, traveling around the world will only be a little troublesome in the future.

As an unaccompanied top expert, Liu Qi was already in an invincible position to a certain extent.

After Liu Qi sent the groom away, he did not choose to leave. Instead, he disappeared from the small courtyard and appeared on the roof of another dilapidated courtyard in Xianju Building a moment later.

Looking at the grandfather and grandson who were loading the swill bucket onto the cart in the courtyard, Liu Qiqiong's nose twitched slightly, and she smelled a pungent stench from a long distance away!

She frowned slightly and used her Qi to block her sense of smell.

At this time, Lao Songtou and his grandson Song Gouer had already carried all the swill buckets into the car. Then Lao Songtou went out for a while and fetched a skinny donkey from nowhere.

Old Songtou hung the rope of the swill cart around the donkey's neck, and then whipped it hard, and the donkey pulled the swill cart and started to move slowly.

The dog's skinny body was just enough to fit between the two slop buckets at the back of the car, which saved him from the hardship of walking.

The grandfather and grandson drove the swill truck all the way out of the backyard, and then turned into a dark, deserted alley, moving forward "squeaking".


With a "creak" sound, the donkey cart suddenly stopped!

Liu Qi landed on the ground, her skirt fluttering, and stopped in front of the swill cart.

The old man driving the donkey cart had a flash of light in his cloudy eyes for a moment, but he heard a "boom" beside him and saw that Song Gou'er had jumped out of the cart and looked at the woman blocking their way. , suddenly his eyes lighted up.

"You are finally here, the beautiful big sister with a knife!"

"What? What big sister?" The old man looked confused when he heard this. When he raised his eyes, his pupils shrank to the extreme in an instant.

Liu Qi, who was at least twenty steps away from them, suddenly stepped forward.

Liu Qisu raised his hand, curled his fingers slightly, and a strong wind swept out of his palm, instantly enveloping the old man and dragging his rickety body towards Liu Qisu.

Seeing that he was about to fall into Liu Qi's hands, the old man gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it, let's fight!"

Immediately, Liu Qi saw that the old man who had no resistance suddenly slapped his belly with both hands.

Liu Qixiu frowned slightly, and saw a few wisps of blue flames suddenly emerge from the clothes on the old man's belly. In the blink of an eye, the blue flames instantly spread to the old man's entire chest, burning his shirt away, revealing a body of blue light. The transparent armor comes.

At this time, the old man had been pulled in front of him by Liu Qi's true energy. Looking at the transparent armor on the old man's upper body and the blue flames that had spread like a prairie fire on the armor, Liu Qi felt something bad in his heart.


Sure enough, the moment the blue flame touched the true energy, it was like a burning fire cooking oil. As the true energy continued to disappear, the flames instantly rose up.

Devouring true energy?

Liu Qi's eyes narrowed slightly, and then a green aura suddenly appeared.

The old man saw the blue flames on his body swallowing up Liu Qi's true energy and becoming more violent. At the same time, because of the disappearance of the true energy, the old man also felt that his body seemed to be back under his control, and he couldn't help but look happy. He smiled and said: "My ice flame glazed armor is..."


Before he finished speaking, a green light suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and the old man felt a powerful and pure breath passing through his chest.

When he opened his eyes again, any blue flames and cyan light in front of him had disappeared.


There was a crisp sound, and the old man's face turned pale. He seemed to have thought of something, and immediately lowered his head suddenly.


The old man saw the transparent armor on his body falling to the ground like broken glass. He didn't care that he was half naked, and immediately jumped on his feet and cried:


"My ice flame glazed armor!"

(End of this chapter)

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