Chapter 22
  Liu Qi did not wait for Mrs. Mei to return to the village, but first welcomed Commander Chen who returned alone. He took away seventeen people, including Liu Er, with a secret letter written by Mrs. Mei herself.

Before leaving, Liu Er glanced at Liu Qi, signaling her not to forget the agreement between them.

With the departure of Liu Er and his entourage, Xiliu Villa suddenly fell into silence. Now, except for the four deaf and mute women who were responsible for cooking and doing chores, only Liu Qi, Liu Wu, and Liu Shisan were left in the villa. and Liu Jiujiu and four other people.

It was night, and Liu Qi, who had practiced Kung Fu all day, lay in the steaming tub, leaning against the tub comfortably, closing her eyes and enjoying the warm water washing away the fatigue of the day.

Boom, Boom, Boom...

Suddenly, there were subtle footsteps in her ears. Liu Qi slowly opened her eyes. Her jade-white arm had been pulled out of the water and reached for the knife beside the tub.

"Liu Qi!"

It was Liu Shijiu's voice.

Perhaps because he was afraid of Liu Qi's evil reputation, Liu Shijiu stood at the doorstep and did not come close to knock on the door. He just called Liu Qi's name into the room.

"Come in." Liu Qi closed her eyes again and replied lazily.

"Creak-" Someone pushed the door open and walked in.

Seeing Liu Qi's figure in the bathtub blurred in the hazy water vapor, Liu Shijiu asked coldly with a pretty face: "Is Liu Shisan's adulterer Liu Jiu?"

This girl is still obsessed with this matter!

Now that Liu Jiudu has followed Commander Chen down the mountain, even if he knew, what would be the use.

Liu Qi closed her eyes and said the same words: "The knife is in your hand, and Liu Shisan is no match for you. It will be easy for you to take her life."

"伱!" Liu Shijiu was furious and didn't know what to say.

"Is there anything else?" Seeing that Liu Shijiu remained silent behind him, Liu Qi simply said: "Come here and help me wring my hair."

"Humph!" Liu Shijiu snorted reluctantly, but still stepped forward and took Liu Qi's green hair in his hand. Then he gently applied force on his hand, and the water drops slipped from the hair. "Patter" scattered all over the ground.

"Do you want Liu Shisan to die?" Liu Qi's cold voice came to his ears, causing Liu Shijiu to stop moving his hands.

Liu Shijiu's expression changed, and then he said firmly: "She violated the rules set by Mrs. Mei."

"Do you want Liu Shisan to die?" She still responded with this sentence.

Faced with Liu Qi's repeated questions, Liu Nineteen seemed a little angry. The hand holding Qingsi couldn't help but become a little heavier. Feeling the pulling sensation from his scalp, Liu Qi slowly opened his eyes.

"Do you want Liu Shisan to die?"

"But...this is Mrs. Mei's rule!" Liu Shijiu said with a little hesitation in his tone.

Although they had undergone cruel and ruthless killer training, they had lived together for more than ten years after all, and they had wrung each other's hair as they did now.

"Go back, have a good sleep, and when you wake up, pretend that these things have never happened." Liu Qi turned to look directly into Liu Shijiu's hesitant eyes, and then said in a deep voice: "When Mrs. Mei comes back, You and I, including Liu Shisan and Liu Wu, I’m afraid we won’t have a chance to see each other again in this life.”


The next day, Liu Qi was awakened by the sound of rapid footsteps.

She sat up from the bed suddenly, and then looked out the window. It was still dark.


The door was violently opened, and Liu Shisan came in. Her face was full of gloom, and a hint of panic could be seen in her eyes: "Liu Shisan is missing!"


Liu Qi held a lantern in one hand and a saber in the other, and came to Liu Shisan's bed. She handed the lantern to Liu Wu beside her, and then reached out to touch the quilt on the bed.

There is still a trace of warmth, indicating that the person has not been gone for long.

Liu Qi then turned to look at the door. The door bolt was intact and there was no sign of anyone breaking in.

Liu Qi took the lead and walked out of the room, followed by Liu Wu and Liu Shijiu.

"Liu Shisan will not run away..." Liu Shijiu's tone was obviously sullen. Liu Wu on the side did not speak when he heard the words, but looked solemnly at Liu Qi who was silent in front of him.

Liu Qi stood at the door for a moment, then suddenly walked towards the outside of Zhuangzi. Behind him, Liu Shijiu and Liu Wu looked at each other with confusion, but they still followed Liu Qi closely.

Liu Qifang didn't stop until he walked out of the gate of Xiliu Villa.

It was already dawn, and the skull hanging under the treetops at the intersection outside the village was particularly eye-catching. This was Liu Yi's head. His body was hung here and allowed to be eaten by wild beasts. The rest of the bones were all gone. Scattered and buried in the soil, only this white skull remained hanging in the air.

The breeze blew gently, and the head swayed and turned around. The empty eye holes were facing Liu Qi's position, as if he was sensing the enemy's arrival.


Liu Qi heard a gasp of air coming from behind.

She stared straight into the deep, bottomless eyes of the skull with an expressionless face, and then moved her gaze slightly towards the dense forest on both sides of the intersection.

"Come out, stop pretending."

"Even if Liu Yi really turns into a ghost and comes back to claim his life, I wouldn't mind sending him back to see the King of Hell again."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a rustling sound.

In the blink of an eye, several people suddenly walked out of the dense forest on both sides of the intersection. They were all dressed in black and had their faces covered. The various weapons in their hands shone with a terrifying cold light.


Before Liu Qi made a move, Liu Wu and Liu Nineteen behind him drew their swords in perfect agreement, then stepped forward and stood beside Liu Qi.

"Who are you?"

"Hehehe..." The low and terrifying laughter came from a skinny man in black. He walked up to all the men in black and then said in a ferocious voice: "Of course he is here to take your lives."

"Liu Qi, the opponent's strength should not be underestimated." Liu Wu's solemn voice came to his ears.

Liu Qi still asked calmly: "Where did you take Liu Shisan?"

"Are you talking about the girl with a round face?" A sinister smile flashed in the eyes of the leader of the man in black, "Of course the brothers sent her to her death after they had finished enjoying her!"


"Little girl, I think you are as beautiful as a country, and my brother will definitely let you be kind to you later..."


The man in black's lustful eyes instantly disappeared, and then his pupils suddenly shrank, and he almost subconsciously raised his hand and placed the sword in front of him.

"Dang!" The buzzing sound of metal collision seemed to be able to tear eardrums.

Just as the men of the men in black around them couldn't help but cover their ears, they saw the half-broken sword flying high, and then landed lightly on the ground.

"Uh..." The leader of the man in black lowered his head in disbelief. His eyes first swept over the broken sword in his hand, and finally fell on the face of the indifferent woman in front of him. Then his eyes suddenly opened and he let out a burst of words. After making a murmur, he threw his head back and fell down.

"Kill everyone without mercy!" Liu Qi wiped away the blood stains on the knife with a shake of his hand. Liu Qi looked at the men in black around him with cold eyes, and then issued the order to kill.



There was another shrill scream in the distance.

On a giant rock, a stooped old man couldn't help but shake his head: "This group of trash!"

"I have already said that the sword slaves under you will only die in vain." The woman in red palace clothes curled her lips with a hint of lust, and then asked slowly: "I don't know, Mr. Dao, what do you think of me?" Are the people who recommended it satisfied?"


(End of this chapter)

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