Chapter 236 I don’t know
At this time, Xu Yongding only felt that his mind was in a mess. It was not until Li Bin next to him tugged at the corner of his clothes that Xu Yongding suddenly came back to his senses.

"This woman's martial arts skills are unfathomable. She killed Black Mandrill with just one palm last night. Brother Xu must pay attention to etiquette." Li Bin reminded Xu Yongding in a low voice.

The situation last night was too chaotic, and it was night, so Li Bin couldn't see Liu Qi's face clearly. Only today did he see clearly that this woman had a beautiful face, and while he was shocked, he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

He pulled the still somewhat bewildered Xu Yongding out from behind the strong archer and came to Liu Qi's side. Just as he was about to hand over his hand to thank him, Liu Qi suddenly asked him:

"Is this man the red-haired ghost among the Four Immortals of Western Shu?"

Li Bin and Xu Yongding were both stunned, and then they looked at the red-haired corpse on the ground. Although they had never seen a red-haired ghost, they saw the corpse's appearance so eye-catching, so they nodded in unison. .

Liu Qi frowned slightly when he saw this, and murmured to himself: "Why are the other two not here..."

Liu Qi came here all the way from outside the county government office, and about seven or eight people died at her hands.

Although they were not even worthy of Liu Qi's sword, this red-haired weirdo's martial arts was obviously a level higher than the others, so Liu Qi guessed that he was the red-haired ghost, one of the Four Immortals in Western Shu.

"Not good!" An exclamation interrupted Liu Qi's thoughts.

It must be Zhou Mi who is acting like a monster again!
Liu Qi's face was slightly cold, and she immediately jumped into the house.

Just like in the county government, when officers, soldiers and agents faced people from the Jianghu whose personal strength was better than theirs, they could only rely on arrow formations composed of strong bows to fight.

It was the carriage that carried Liu Qi and his party from Yongquan Mansion to Baishui County.

Liu Qi didn't stop at all, so she rose into the air from her feet, then jumped out in mid-air and followed Xu Yongding.


The lean man suddenly felt a chill in his throat, and then his breathing became stagnant. He wanted to reach out to touch his neck, but stopped abruptly when he raised his hand to his chest.

Liu Qi raised her eyes and asked, "Why are you here?"

Why are they here?

Liu Qi's figure appeared like a ghost outside the county government gate. As soon as she took a look, she saw Xu Yongding galloping on the road.

The lean man's hands shone with cold light, and there were steel claws tied to the back of each hand. He also heard Liu Qi's voice, but he was a little confused. Seeing Liu Jiu, who was fighting with him, he suddenly withdrew his attack and opened the door wide. Subconsciously raised his body to chase.

Without waiting for Liu Shijiu to answer, Liu Qi looked past her and towards the entrance of the small courtyard behind her. The narrow entrance of the courtyard was crowded with officers and soldiers holding strong bows.

Hearing the clear clash of weapons, Liu Qi dodged away without any pause. After crossing the vestibule, he saw Liu Shijiu fighting with a lean man outside the gate of a small courtyard.

With Xu Yongding's cultivation level, it was naturally impossible for him to notice that there was someone following him. Moreover, the only thing he was concerned about now was his wife's safety.

Then his whole body froze for an instant, and then he fell on his back with his eyes wide open, and hit the ground with a loud "bang".

It was an old man wearing official robes. When he came out of the door, he straightened his clothes and saluted Liu Shijiu and Liu Qi with fists in their hands.

Liu Qi's Qing Gong was inherited from Bai Ze and was blessed with top-notch internal skills, so he was already better than his masters. Even among the top masters, he was considered superior.

Liu Qi fell down at the right time, and caught a glimpse of the lean man lying at her feet. Then she gently pulled the hem of her skirt, and the dust raised when the man fell rubbed the edge of her skirt.

However, she did not enter the mansion immediately, but looked sideways at the carriage parked nearby.

Liu Shijiu didn't even look up when he heard Liu Qi's voice. He looked solemn, put away his sword and stepped back.

How could these two people be together!

They were not blind, they had just watched Liu Qi kill the lean man with their own eyes.

In a blink of an eye, she arrived at the gate of a mansion. She looked at the word "Liu Mansion" written on the plaque on the door and thought that this was the residence of Liu An, the magistrate of Baishui County.

After walking two streets, Liu Qi saw black smoke rising in the distance, and the shouts of killing reached his ears.

Liu Shijiu, who sheathed his sword, saw Liu Qi's raised eyebrows, curled his lips and said coldly: "Let's shoot, this man is the same as the man just now!"

Each of them had their bowstrings fully drawn and pointed their arrows at her nervously.

The shouts of killing indicated that there were still people resisting. Liu Qi felt relieved, and immediately ignored Xu Yongding who was galloping on the street, and stepped directly on the roof towards the place where the black smoke was rising.

When the archers heard this, they were all filled with doubts.

Liu Qi came from the sky, and her cold voice instantly reached her ears.

Liu Jiu snorted disdainfully upon hearing this, but when his eyes met Liu Qi's slightly cold gaze, he couldn't help but look away with a guilty conscience.

"This old man is Liu An, the magistrate of Baishui County. Thank you to the two heroines for saving me."

Just as the archers looked at each other, a man behind him shouted "put down the bow" and squeezed out of the yard behind him.

As soon as he finished speaking, a strong wind suddenly rose in front of him.

When she raised her eyes, she saw Xu Yongding passing by quickly and disappearing from sight in the blink of an eye.

"Step aside!"

Li Bin was stunned. The place where Liu Qi was just now was empty.

Just when Liu Qi was confused, Li Bin explained apologetically: "Girl, don't worry about it. Brother Xu's wife is still in the magistrate's house, and there was also an attack by the murderer."

As soon as she entered the door, she saw corpses strewn in the spacious courtyard. At first glance, most of them were dressed as police officers and officers and soldiers, which was almost exactly the same as when she first entered the county government.

Just as he took a step forward, an extremely small sound came from his ears, which was like the sound of flesh being cut open by a sharp knife.

Compared to Chu Xingbai, who specializes in Qinggong, it is not far behind.

"Dang! Dang! Dang..."


I'll deal with you later!

Just now Liu Shijiu told people to "shoot arrows," but Liu Qi heard it clearly.

Liu Qi's eyes immediately moved to the old magistrate who was facing Kuan He.

She's not here to help people in distress.

"Zhi County anyone injured in the house?" When Liu Qi opened his mouth, he suddenly realized that he didn't know Xu Yongding's wife's surname, so he changed his question.

When Liu An heard this, he couldn't help but burst into tears: "What a pity for Capt. Zhang, Capt. Li, and all the brothers who are agents!"

Then she shed a handful of old tears and once again cupped her fists at Liu Qi and thanked him: "If the two heroines are a little late, I'm afraid that everyone in the old man's house will die under the steel claws of this silver leopard!"

The lean man who had just died in Liu Qi's hands was Silver Leopard, one of the Four Immortals in Western Shu.

Originally, he led a group of people to raid the magistrate's mansion. Although he encountered strong resistance, he relied on his superior martial arts skills to kill all the police officers and soldiers who were ambushing in the mansion.

Just like the situation in the county government office, Liu An and a family of old, weak, women and children huddled in the last courtyard, barely supported by two head catchers with acceptable martial arts skills and more than a dozen strong archers.

Just when the two head catchers were killed by the Silver Leopard's claws and the small courtyard was about to be breached, Liu Shijiu and Zhou Mi suddenly appeared.

Even though Liu Shijiu could only live like a little doormat in front of Liu Qi on weekdays, looking at the entire world, her near-first-class martial arts skills were quite impressive.

Moreover, Liu Shijiu is younger than Liu Qi. At this age and with this level of cultivation, even among several famous sects, he is definitely a disciple worth focusing on training.

There are only a few monsters like Liu Qi.

After breaking into the Liu Mansion with Zhou Mi, Liu Jiujiu originally planned to wait and see, but unexpectedly, Yin Baozi's men became interested. When they saw Zhou Mi, a big beauty, and Liu Jiujiu, a little beauty, they instantly lost their minds.

Okay, Liu Shijiu doesn’t need to distinguish who is who, he just picks up the knife and kills.

Although all of Yinbaozi's men possess martial arts skills, they can only bully ordinary agents and officers and soldiers who have no internal strength.

When Liu Shijiu met him, Yin Baozi's men chopped him to pieces.

The frightened Silver Leopard quickly took action.

But Liu Jiujiu had been training at Xiliu Villa for more than ten years. Asking her to embroider was just to embarrass her, but if she was asked to kill someone, it would be considered a professional counterpart.

Silver Leopard took action in a hurry and failed to save even one of his men, so he could only vent his anger on Liu Shijiu.

However, their martial arts skills were evenly matched, so they were in a stalemate until Liu Qi arrived...

At this time, Zhou Mi walked out of the courtyard door with a pretty woman on his arm. Her eyes instantly locked on Liu Qi, and then she smiled and said: "Liu Qi, this is Xu County Lieutenant's wife, you can't do it." Come……"

Zhou Mi's words came to an abrupt end because Liu Qi's stern eyes had locked onto him.

The frightened woman couldn't help but look up. The moment her eyes touched Liu Qi's face, her body suddenly shook, and then she froze on the spot.

Zhou Mi, who was holding the woman on his arm, felt that her body suddenly stiffened. He looked directly at Liu Qi's almost cannibalistic eyes and pursed his lips with a smile.

This Zhou Mi... is really worried that the world will not be in chaos!

The cold look in Liu Qi's eyes dimmed slightly, and then her gaze slowly moved to the woman next to Zhou Mi.

The woman was dressed in a plain white skirt and her bun was not decorated with any jewelry, but she still couldn't conceal her heavenly beauty. However, her face was pale and her eyes were obviously tired.

The appearance is not too similar to mine, but the nose and mouth can still be vaguely similar.

While Liu Qi was sizing up the woman, Zhou Mi was also sizing up the two of them. Sometimes she looked at Liu Qi, and sometimes she looked sideways at the woman beside her.

"It seems that Xiao Liu Qi is prettier." Zhou Mi compared secretly in his heart, "Her mother's eyebrows are too strong. If she looks like a man, she would have a good face!"

It is true as Zhou Mi said, Liu Qi's facial features are just right and soft. If you don't look at her sharp eyes like razor blades, her whole face is the best interpretation of clear water emerging from hibiscus, top-notch pure and refined!
The atmosphere suddenly fell silent, and the county magistrate Liu An also noticed that something was wrong.

He looked back at Mrs. Xu and saw that her eyes were lost in confusion, so he frowned and turned around to see Liu Qi with a serious face.

What's going on with these two people?

Not only Liu An, but Liu Jiujiu also realized something when Zhou Mi appeared with the woman on his arm. It wasn't until he saw Liu Qi's expression on his face that he also realized that the woman was probably Liu Qi's biological mother.

She also looked at Mr. Tao with curiosity. After more than ten years of getting along day and night, she immediately saw the similarities in their noses and mouths.

Liu Jiu suddenly felt an inexplicable emotion welling up in his heart. His hands hanging by his sides suddenly curled up into fists. He felt a little uneasy, a little sour, and a trace of resentment that was hard to suppress...

In an instant, the county magistrate Liu An, the absent-minded Tao, Zhou Mi with bright eyes, and Liu Shijiu with a complaining face...

The four people's eyes focused on Liu Qi at the same time.

Tao's hazy brain regained some sense. She covered her heart, looked at Liu Qi longingly, and asked cautiously: "Girl, I dare to ask your name..."

Liu Qi replied without hesitation: "My surname is Liu and my name is Qi."

"Liu Qi..."

Tao's eyes trembled, and then there was deep disappointment in his eyes, but he quickly calmed down, and then forced a smile to Liu Qi: "Thank you, Miss Liu, for your help..."

Her eyes were fixed on Liu Qi's face, and her slightly pale lips opened and closed several times, but she still couldn't say anything when she reached her lips.

Tao's hand covering his heart was curled up tightly, and his fingers dug deeply into his palm. A drop of eye-catching blood flowed out of his palm and slid down his thin and boney arm.

Liu Qi watched the drop of dazzling red blood fall to the ground, then lowered her eyes slightly and said softly: "Nineteen, let's go."

When he heard Liu Qi say "go", Tao's eyes opened slightly and he couldn't help but take a step forward.

"and many more!"

Liu Qi silently raised her eyes and looked at Mrs. Tao who raised her hand towards her.

"" Mrs. Tao's breathing was a little rapid, and as her chest kept rising and falling, she took a deep breath, and then asked in a low voice: "Miss Liu, how old are you, where do you live, and what are your parents?" Are you... alive?"

"Miss Liu..." Mrs. Tao's voice gradually weakened, and her crying words were full of pleading.

At this time, Liu An, who was belatedly aware of the situation, seemed to understand something and looked at Liu Qi with a look of astonishment.

Could it be...

He had worked with Xu Yongding for several years and could be considered a close friend. Naturally, he knew what had happened in Xu Yongding's home.

At this time, it was not only Liu An who was looking at Liu Qi, but also Liu An, who had complicated eyes, and Zhou Mi, who was standing behind Tao with a slight smile on his face.

Liu Qi's face was always calm, but his left hand had already climbed to the handle of the Jingji knife at his waist, and the cold breath coming from the knife's head gradually calmed down Liu Qi's mood.

She raised her head slightly, and when she was about to speak, she suddenly turned her head and looked behind her.

I saw a figure coming in a hurry, passing directly by Liu Qi, and rushed to Tao's side.

"Tingyun, how are you?"

"Are you injured?"

"Whether you were scared or not, it's all my fault. I should have sent you back to Xu's house if I had known earlier."


With no one else around, Xu Yongding stroked Tao's shoulder and looked up and down. Seeing that his wife had no injuries at all, he breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, he also noticed the strange atmosphere around him.

When Tao looked at her husband, she could no longer suppress her emotions, and tears rolled down her cheeks.

Just when Xu Yongding was at a loss and wanted to comfort Mrs. Tao, suddenly a pleasant and cold voice came from behind him.

"Since both of you are here, we might as well make things clear today."

"I have completely forgotten what happened when I was young. The only thing I can remember is that I was abducted by a woman wearing red palace clothes about thirteen years ago."

"So Liu Qi can answer all the questions Mrs. Xu just asked here."

"Liu Qi doesn't know how old this year is. He only knows that about thirteen years have passed since he was abducted."

"So, Liu Qi doesn't know where her home is, let alone whether her parents...are still alive."

When the last word blurted out, Liu Qi's hand on the handle of the knife loosened, and then she stared at Xu Yongding and the Tao couple hugging each other.

(End of this chapter)

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