Chapter 32 One Pill of Gold

Liu Qi was leaning on the couch and leisurely flipping through a book. From time to time, she reached out to pick up a snack from the table and stuffed it into her mouth. Two women with thick waists and round arms in the room were nodding back and forth and saluting.

When Liu Qi came to Cangzhou, she brought a wooden box of luggage, but she couldn't resist the enthusiasm of several officials and women, so she collected a lot of clothes and jewelry, and also took two boxes of dried fruit snacks.

"This Master Liu's official rank is not high, but his status is really not low." Liu Qi closed the book and thought to himself.

It happened that one of the maids saw the guqin on the table, and when she was about to reach out to pick it up and put it into the box, she suddenly placed a hand on the guqin.

"I'll do this piano myself."

The servant woman was stunned for a moment, then raised her head and looked at Liu Qi in surprise, then came back to her senses and respectfully replied "Yes".

It turns out that this lady can talk!

The maid suppressed her surprise and continued to count the other luggage.

At this time, Zhang Cheng walked in from the dusty door, and frowned when he saw the two maids.

"After you finish packing, go down first." Seeing that several boxes in the room were already full, Zhang Cheng immediately ordered the two of them to leave.

It wasn't until he saw the backs of the two servants walking out of the small courtyard that Zhang Cheng closed the door and then came to Liu Qi. He took out a palm-sized wooden box from his arms and held it in front of Liu Qi with both hands.

"Lao Dao sent it here!"

Liu Qi, who was eating snacks, looked sideways and saw a letter on the wooden box.

Liu Qi first took the letter from the wooden box, and then opened it. It was a blank piece of white paper.

Liu Qi glanced coldly out of the corner of her eye and saw Zhang Cheng burying his head beside her, so she mobilized her inner strength to focus on her thumb and index finger, and then lightly touched the paper.

As Liu Qi's fingertips passed over it, black words gradually appeared on the originally empty white paper!
  This is a method of transmitting important information within the Black Hell Gate. It is written on special paper with a special herbal juice. This herbal juice is colorless and odorless. Once it encounters the internal power of a martial artist, it will briefly turn black and then dissipate. .

The words on Liu Qi's paper were only visible for a few breaths, but it was enough for Liu Qi to read the contents of the letter.

"Get rid of this letter." Liu Qi handed the letter that had turned back into white paper to Zhang Cheng, and at the same time took the wooden box that he had been holding with both hands.

Opening the wooden box, the mellow fragrance immediately flooded into the nose.

The wooden box has a red satin cushion on the bottom, and three green pills lying quietly on the satin.

"Is this the 'Gu Yuan Pill'?" A glimmer of light flashed in Liu Qi's eyes, and then she stretched out her hand to gently twist out a pill and put it in front of her eyes to look at it.

The old knife-sharpening old man had already learned about the death of his former command master He Yong, but what he wrote in the letter was not as Zhang Cheng thought. It did not mention the death of the thirteen sword slaves and the failure of He Yong to survive. .

On the contrary, the old man who sharpened his sword also praised Liu Qi and gave him three "Gu Yuan Pills" as a reward.

Zhang Cheng, who had already burned the letter on the candlestick, seemed to smell the fragrance of elixir. He turned his head and saw the green elixir pill in Liu Qi's hand. He stared at it for a long time and said in shock.

"This...can't be the Guyuan Dan!"

Liu Qi was straightforward and nodded, then turned her head and asked, "Do you know this elixir?"

Zhang Cheng swallowed and then nodded heavily: "Everyone in the world knows about the Shen family's 'Three Yuan Pills', Pei Yuan, Gu Yuan and Shen Yuan!"

"The Shen family only makes one batch of Guyuan Pill every year, and one batch can only contain more than thirty pills at most!"

“Even a single elixir worth a thousand gold is not an exaggeration!”

Having said that, Zhang Cheng looked at the two Yuan-Guiding Pills in the opened wooden box, and suddenly showed an envious expression, and then sighed: "Dao always really values ​​you, Lord!"


This is all hard-earned money from working hard!
  Liu Qi felt at ease and put the pill back into the wooden box. The wooden box was not big, so Liu Qi simply put it in his sleeve, stood up and stretched leisurely.

"I'm going out tonight."

"Keep an eye on it and don't let anyone into the yard."



It's night, the moon is bright and the stars are bright.

The door of Cangzhou Prison was brightly lit, and more than ten capable officers and soldiers guarded the door.

In addition to the officers and soldiers at the door, there were two teams patrolling back and forth on the streets on both sides of the prison door, meeting at the door about once every cup of tea.

Beyond this, through the door, several figures wearing police uniforms could be faintly seen inside. Facing the entrance of the prison, under a dead tree thirty steps away, Liu Qi, dressed in black and masked, was waiting in the shadow of the tree trunk.

The old man who sharpened his sword was certainly not a philanthropist. The value of one Guyuan Pill was almost the same as the white ginseng last time. Three Guyuan Pills, of course, also came with a mission.

Tonight, at the third watch, Liu Qi needs to enter Cangzhou Prison to kill someone!

"Boom, boom, bang!"

The gong rings at the third watch, and the time has come.

Liu Qi, who was hiding in the shadows, still waited quietly until the sound of horse hoofbeats came to her ears.

A yellow horse stopped at the door of the prison. The man on the horse turned over before the horse could stand still, and shouted to the officers and soldiers at the door: "Oh no, the money shopkeeper in the city has been robbed. Lin The chief catcher asks you to hurry over and provide support!"

Just like that, Liu Qi watched as a dozen or so police officers filed out of the prison, leading two teams of patrolling officers and soldiers to disappear into the night with the clatter of horse hooves.

Now there are only about a dozen officers and soldiers guarding the prison door.

But soon a scene that surprised Liu Qi appeared. About a dozen officers and soldiers who were originally upright suddenly staggered, and in the blink of an eye, they all fell to the ground.


A signal came from the direction of the prison.

Liu Qi's eyes darkened slightly, and then she came to the prison door with a knife in hand.

There seemed to be a strange fragrance in the air, and Liu Qi had already held her breath when she walked over. She turned her head and looked into a dark corner, and said coldly:

"Come out."

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure walked out of the corner, then knelt down on one knee and clasped his fist towards Liu Qi and said, "See your Lord, I will enter the fourth cell on the left on the second underground floor of the prison."

"The subordinates will leave first!"

After the man told the target's location, he turned around and left, disappearing from Liu Qi's sight in a short while.

Liu Qi slowly withdrew his gaze, and then glanced at the fallen officers and soldiers around him. From their regular breathing, it could be inferred that they must have been drugged by something similar to Ecstasy.

Hell really something!

The killer really only needs to complete the last step to kill!

Liu Qi entered the prison, followed the damp and dark passage to the second underground floor of the prison, and counted the cells until they reached the designated location.

With the faint candlelight in the cell, Liu Qi saw clearly a person lying on the haystack in the cell.

Her eyes moved slightly, and then she reached out and fiddled with the iron chain on the cell door.


"Who!" The sound of the iron chains woke up the silent prisoner in the cell. He sat up and turned to look in the direction of the cell door.

Liu Qi's eyes narrowed and she could see the other party's face clearly through the candlelight. It was exactly the same as described in the letter.

The prisoner seemed to have bad eyesight and was tilting his head to see clearly the person at the cell door.

"Master Tian." Liu Qi said quietly.

"You are..." The prisoner walked toward the cell door in confusion.



Liu Qi walked out of the prison. The moment he stepped out of the cell door, he suddenly frowned.

"Whoosh!" Liu Qi jumped into the air with a tap of her feet and reached the stone archway at the door.

At this moment, Liu Qi looked at three figures suddenly appearing below.

"What's going on?" One of the masked people in black clothes seemed to be a woman. She couldn't help but screamed in surprise when she saw the fallen officers and soldiers.

"Sister, leave it alone, go in and arrest the man named Tian!" A familiar voice came into Liu Qi's ears.

(End of this chapter)

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